Mittwoch, 14. März 2007

Clinton: Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Is Back

The "vast, right-wing conspiracy" is back, presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is warning, using a phrase she once coined to describe partisan plotting. Once derided for her use of the phrase, Clinton is now trying to turn the imagery to her advantage.

Uniting the Movements: Atlanta in Late June

Ted Glick calls for an alliance of the reinvigorated progressive activists: "How will we bring about significant change in the USA? There are a number of things that need to happen, but one bottom-line, essential requirement is the coming together of a critical mass of organizers and activists into a grassroots-based, politically-independent, popular and progressive network, alliance and/or party. Given what we are up against here in the belly of the empire, it's hard to see how we have any hope of change absent such a development."

Curveball, the Defector Whose Lies Led to War

The Iraqi defector known as Curveball, whose fabricated stories of "mobile biological weapons labs" helped lead the US to war four years ago, is still being protected by the German intelligence service, an ABC News investigation has found.

His Own Worst Enemy

Time to Go, Mr. Gonzales

Ruth Marcus dissects Attorney General Gonzales's press conference and provides her own translation of his message: "I'm going to tell you I'm responsible, because that's what they tell me I have to say. But of course I'm not. It's all Kyle Sampson's fault. I'm hoping that if I say I'm accountable often enough, no one will actually hold me accountable."

Colorado Wildlands at Risk

Take action!

Konzernfreundlicher Kabinettsentwurf der Gentechniknovelle

Mangelnder Abstand

Die Wiederkehr alter Feindbilder

Mit der geplanten Errichtung des US-Raketenabwehrsystems in Ostmitteleuropa verschlechterten sich nicht nur die Beziehungen zwischen Russland und den USA. Auch die russische Kritik an Polen und der Tschechischen Republik wird schärfer.

US-Frauen rufen zum Widerstand gegen Kriegspolitik auf

US-Immobilienblase platzt und reisst die Börsen mit sich

The future's bleak for mobile mast

Planning permission has been refused for the siting of a mobile phone mast near to Warners End Community Centre.

Councillors gave the thumbs down after hearing that a playgroup used the centre and there were already two other masts close by.

Ward councillor Margaret Coxage told a meeting of Dacorum Borough Council's development control committee: "We have very young children there and I believe it inappropriate that a mast is placed here."

Councillor Derek Townsend said: "I think we should say this is far too close to young children and they should look for a new site."

The meeting was told health concerns were not valid planning grounds for refusal and it was agreed the mast be rejected because of its effect on the street scene.

Last Updated: 14 March 2007

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

A reprise of Iran-Contra is happening now, and no one seems to have noticed it


The Seymour Hersh Mystery

"Let me see if I've got this straight...." Tom Engelhart begins in his urgent exploration of the recent investigative reporting on Iran war-planning by Seymour Hersh. Engelhardt describes the lack of attention: "A journalist essentially writing bloody murder in a giant media and governmental crowd. In this case, no one in the mainstream evidently cares - not yet anyway - to pay the slightest attention. It seems that there's a crime going on and no one gives a damn."

White House Runs Scandal Script

Former agents give Congress a clear exit from Iraq

How Congress might rein in US war policy

Christian Science Monitor


The confrontation between Congress and the White House over Iraq is developing into perhaps the most heated confrontation since Vietnam over one of the most basic aspects of the US Constitution — its allocation of the power to make war. In history, Congress often has fallen short of its goals when it attempts to rein in or change the executive branch’s conduct of war. Presidents have many ways of forging ahead despite political and legislative resistance. But in some instances, lawmakers have played a pivotal role in ending US involvement. Their power to raise questions, via hearings and investigations, can be almost as important as their ability to cut off funds. In part, that’s what happened with Vietnam, though Congress today is not as roiled as it was in the late 1960s and early ’70s. ‘We’re not there yet,’ says Julian Zelizer, a Boston University historian and expert on Congress and Southeast Asia...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mast plan angers residents

By Andrew Ffrench

Residents in North Oxford are protesting against plans for a mobile telephone mast near the entrance to a recreation ground.

T-Mobile has notified Oxford City Council that it plans to erect the 30ft high mast outside the Five Mile Drive playing fields, in Cutteslowe.

Five Mile Drive residents are protesting against the plans and have notified the Summertown Stars football club, which uses the ground.

Residents held a meeting on Monday to discuss the best way to protest against the mast, and have been told to make their objections known to the council by March 25.

Dominique Barrett and husband Chris, of Five Mile Drive, said at least 30 residents were opposed to the plan and the number was growing.

Mrs Barrett said: "The mast will be right by the gate that leads into the recreation ground and I don't think it should be so close to a children's play area.

"There's no proof that there are health risks associated with mobile phone masts, but there's no proof otherwise at the moment.

"There are other sites the company could choose. I don't think it's right to have the mast so near where children play football and so close to people's homes."

Mr Barrett added: "There's a lovely line of cherry trees along Five Mile Drive - Japanese tourists come and photograph them when they are in bloom - and this mast, which will have an ugly box of tricks at its base, will not be in keeping with the style of the road."

Alan Glanville, 64, who lives opposite the mast site, added: "It would look completely out of place in this tree-lined street.

"I have got seven grandchildren who come here and we would rather not have the mast so close to our house."

Mobile phone companies have permitted development rights to erect phone masts below 50ft in height, which means they do not need planning permission.

T-Mobile planning consultant Richard Nash told the city council that the mast was needed to improve 3G mobile phone coverage.

He added that the company planned to paint the mast and cabinet green "in order to further reduce their limited impact".

Last July, the council passed a motion that phone companies should warn people about their proposals, regardless of whether planning permission was needed.

The vote came after protests brought a halt to proposals to build masts at the Marlborough House pub, in Grandpont, and the Chester Arms, off Iffley Road.

T-Mobile agreed to review its plans and put the installations on hold after hundreds of people turned out at public meetings to oppose masts being put on the pubs.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Not Even Host Enthusiastic About "Lame Duck" Bush

Mexican President Felipe Calderon met President George W. Bush Tuesday with complaints about US migration and drug-trafficking policies after noting, through his press office, that the US leader is in a period of declining popularity.

Corps Placed Faulty Pumps in New Orleans

The Army Corps of Engineers, rushing to meet President Bush's promise to protect New Orleans by the start of the 2006 hurricane season, installed defective flood-control pumps last year despite warnings from its own expert that the equipment would fail during a storm.

Bush Makes History by Not Also Writing It

"On November 1, 2001, less than two months after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Bush issued an executive order that allows former presidents to keep some of their papers secret indefinitely. This executive order violates the Presidential Records Act of 1978, legislation that guarantees public access to papers 12 years after a president has left office.... This order should be overturned so that historians and scholars will get an honest portrait of the Bush administration and future administrations," writes the Republican.

Dow, Nasdaq fall on subprime lender woes

Stocks plunged Tuesday, driving the Dow Jones industrials down more than 240 points in their second-biggest drop of the year as troubles piled up for subprime lenders.

From Information Clearing House


Asian, European Stocks Plunge

Asian stocks plunged Wednesday and European shares opened sharply lower after Wall Street chalked its second-biggest point drop in four years and rattled already nervous markets worldwide.

Keith Olbermann: Justice Department Under Fire


From Information Clearing House

Blix: Britain Embellished Iraq Dossiers

The British government embellished intelligence used to justify the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, the former U.N. chief weapons inspector said in an interview broadcast Monday.,,-6474211,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Dems sell out: Dems won't attempt to limit Bush's authority to attack Iran

From Information Clearing House

Iraq's growing refugee crisis

Channel 4 (UK) Video Report

A special report on the millions of refugees fleeing the conflict in their country. Where is the coalition of the willing when it comes to their care?

From Information Clearing House

The Democrats' Fraudulent Iraq Exit Plan

By Kevin Zeese

The Democrats took the majority of both the House and Senate on January 4th, 2007 since then 192 members of the Armed Services have died as have countless Iraqi civilians. With power comes responsibility, so voters should know that this is now the Democrats War and every death and casualty is their responsibility.

Sibel Edmonds: Help me put Perle and Feith in jail

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Bush got US Attorneys fired, after Gonzales denied any political involvement under oath

Informant: Corey

Unions See Their Star Rising

The United States is the only industrialized nation to have a "union avoidance" industry of any size engaged in helping management resist unionization, undermine union strength, or unload existing unions. This industry, consisting of dozens of law firms and consultancies, has ballooned since the 1970s. Still, union organizers are optimistic as public opinion shifts in favor of organized labor.

Strike at Big Shipyard Is Yet Another Effect of Katrina

The long arm of Hurricane Katrina has pushed thousands off the job and on strike at one of the nation's biggest shipyards, workers and union officials say. On Thursday, nearly 7,000 workers went on strike at the Ingalls shipyard, owned by Northrop Grumman, which builds ships for the Navy. On the picket line Monday, strikers said they were demanding better wages and benefits to make up for sharp post-Katrina increases in the price of everything from milk to gas to rent, which they said are bringing family finances to the breaking point.

It's August in March for Fire Agencies

As Southern California endures its driest twelve months on record, firefighters are dealing with something new: the yearlong fire season.

Al Gore Seeks Earlier Start to Kyoto Pact Successor

Former US Vice President Al Gore called for Kyoto countries to bring forward by two years the start date of a new global warming treaty, to 2010, given the urgency of the global warming problem. The Kyoto Protocol ties some 35 industrialized countries to five percent emissions cuts from 1990 levels by 2012, and signatories to the pact are currently negotiating a successor.

Strong Suspicions of Toxicity in One GMO Corn

The controversy over the innocuousness of Monsanto's transgenic corn MON 863 should resume after the March 13 publication in "Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology," of a study suggesting this genetically modified organism is toxic to the liver and kidneys.

It's Time Democrats Take a Firm Stand on Iraq

"Like clockwork, the debate over whether to debate the Iraq War is set to begin all over again on Capitol Hill. As House Appropriations Chairman (and YouTube star) David Obey (D-Wis.) can attest, the issue is being characterized as 'Democrats are in disarray' or 'Democrats lack the votes.' The truth: This is not just a matter of party loyalty, it's a matter of conscience," says Donna Brazile.

Dems Tighten Squeeze on Gonzales in Firing Scandal

A top Senate Democrat today called for the resignation of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, charging that he had deceived Congress in the widening scandal over the Justice Department's politically charged firing of US attorneys.

Documents on sacking US Attorneys released

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Tell Pelosi: Don't Buy Bush's War!


War Protestors Camp Out At Pelosi's S.F. Home

They are calling it Camp Pelosi. Members of Code Pink are sleeping just steps away from the speaker's front door, all of them hoping she will wake-up this morning and meet their demands.

From Information Clearing House


Pelosi’s betrayal

by Justin Raimondo


Are all congressional Democrats fools, or liars? I would say both, but that’s hardly unusual when it comes to politicians, regardless of party affiliation. The question is: will their ostensibly ‘antiwar’ base allow them to get away with it? Where are the fabled ‘netroots’ on this? Apparently nowhere to be seen. Speaking of being seen: this is a perfect opportunity to point out that there’s going to be a demonstration outside of Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco office, on the steps of San Francisco’s Federal Building, at noon on Monday, March 19, the fourth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war. … Show up and let the speaker of the House, who poses as an opponent of Bush’s crazed foreign policy, know that her complicity in the president’s rush to war with Iran is inexcusable, and needs to be reversed...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) needs everyone to read, and sign

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Dear Readers,

The Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) needs everyone to read, and sign, a letter to the inappropriately-named International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) by March 14th, 2007. That's this Wednesday!

The purpose of the letter is to demand that the full effects of radiation be accounted for when establishing safe levels of exposure. Where that is not possible, then at least LNT (Linear, No Threshold) should be fully accepted in all facets of ICRP recommendations, instead of only selectively where it seems to help ICRP do what ICRP does best: ALLOW negligently-high doses of radioactive materials into our environment and our bodies.

Please read the full letter at the URL given below, and sign on as soon as possible. The people at NIRS feel that this is very important, because IRCP "recommendations" are adopted as "facts" throughout the Nuclear Mafia (uh, that's my term, not NIRS') -- i.e., by regulators in various nations (including the U.S.) and, with the regulators' permission, by industry. In a very real sense, the ICRP is "the root of all evil" (my term again, but NIRS seems to agree!).

NIRS' letter is a powerful indictment of the ICRP, and highly recommended reading. Undoubtedly each sentence of their letter has been carefully considered by some very capable scientists, albeit, not the ones the Nuclear Mafia have paid off.

Please go here to sign on and to read the whole letter. Two excerpts appear below the URL.

URL for sign-on letter:


"Even more reprehensible, ICRP claims that assessing damage to only the second generation, ignoring all future generations, is reasonable because many mutations will not be carried over or "recoverable" to the second generation. This is because these mutations will be so detrimental to new life, the organisms affected will not survive. In essence, ICRP is saying we should consider ourselves protected because radiation-induced stillbirths and childhood death will keep our gene pool pure. They are asking us to accept a man-made increase in still birth and childhood death as a reasonable alternative to a man-made increase in future mutation. This contrived and unnecessary choice is nothing short of premeditated murder. If regulators weren't allowing exposures in the first place we wouldn't have to worry about adding to our heritable disease burden. "

But my favorite excerpt this one:

"Ignoring the impact of radiation on stillbirths, women, children, and future generations shows a fundamental lack of understanding about what people value. This disconnect from humanity makes ICRP, at best, inept at radiation protection. "

At best, indeed. The ICRP are a bunch of criminals, on the take by an international crime syndicate known as the Nuclear Mafia. They kill babies (and fetuses) especially, and the rest of us only in droves.

Please forward this information as widely as possible, if you can do so on or before Wednesday, March 14th, 2007!

Thank you!

Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, CA

Informant: Hans Karow

Unternehmer haben größere Lobby als Kinder

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

14. März 2007

Heute hat das Bundeskabinett die für 2008 geplante Unternehmenssteuerreform beschlossen. Dazu erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer Dietmar Bartsch (MdB):

Wer Pendlerpauschale, Steuerfreibetrag und Kindergeld kürzt und gleichzeitig den Unternehmen und Banken Steuergeschenke in Milliardenhöhe macht, der ist unglaubwürdig. Erst zu Beginn des Jahres war mit der Mehrwertsteuererhöhung die größte Steuererhöhung in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik in Kraft getreten, mit besonders verheerenden Auswirkungen für Sozialschwache, Kranke und Ältere. Den kleinen Leuten ständig in die Tasche fassen und den Unternehmen die Taschen füllen - das ist das Credo der Politik der Großen Koalition. Den Unternehmen geht es gut. Es ist nicht einzusehen, warum sie jetzt auch noch zusätzliche Steuergeschenke in Milliardenhöhe erhalten sollen. Die jährlich fehlenden mehr als fünf Milliarden sind weder gegenfinanziert noch gerechtfertigt. Es ist ein frommer Wunsch, dass die Steuergeschenke zu mehr Investitionen oder Arbeitsplätzen führen. Diesen Nachweis sind die Unternehmen bisher schuldig geblieben. Dem Staat geht es schlecht. Trotz Mehrwertsteuererhöhung spricht die Regierung ständig von fehlenden Finanzen - ob für öffentliche Beschäftigung oder Kinderbetreuung. Unternehmer haben in Deutschland eine größere Lobby als Kinder. Die Linkspartei.PDS fordert, die Lasten gerecht zu verteilen. Nur mit einer Steuerentlastung für die große Mehrheit der Menschen und einer höheren Steuerbelastung von Banken, Konzernen und Reichen ist die soziale Schieflage auszugleichen. Wir fordern die Wiedereinführung der Vermögenssteuer, die Einführung einer Börsenumsatzsteuer und die Besteuerung der Unternehmen nach ihrem Kapitalertrag.

Smoking Gun: Florida Was Warned About E-Vote Defect

The Smoking Gun in Sarasota County, FL has emerged. Cristine Jennings attorneys are correct - voting machine malfunction did cause the 14% undervote rate that altered the election outcome. No wonder FL officials refused to allow an independent examination of the machines- because FL officials KNEW long before November, that the ES&S ivotronic machines were malfunctioning because they had made a deliberate decision to ignore the warnings that ES&S had given them; and had ignored ES&S recommendations to warn voters or to upgrade the software prior to the election. Joyce McCloy of North Carolina deserves our thanks for being persistent enough to expose this letter. I hope that the US Congress stands up for voters rights and requires a re-election in Sarasota County, FL for this US House race.

---------- Forwarded message -------
From: Brad Friedman
Date: Mar 13, 2007 9:13 PM
Subject: FL Was Warned About E-Vote Defect

FL-13: Company Warned of Touch-Screen Voting System Defect, But Sarasota Declined to Fix Machines or Caution Voters FULL LETTER POSTED: ES&S Urged State, Local Officials to Take Corrective Measures Three Months Prior to Contested Jennings/Buchanan Race Last November Election Integrity Advocate's Warning About Bug Also Ignored Both Before and After Election...

Melinda Henneberger at Huffington Post runs a news item today concerning an August 2006 letter from the voting machine company ES&S to Florida Elections officials warning about a defect in the iVotronic touch-screen voting machine which succeeded in losing the votes of some 18,000 voters in the razor-thin election between Christine Jennings (D) and Vern Buchanan (R) in Florida's 13th U.S. House Congressional district. Buchanan was provisionally seated, pending a Congressional challenge and state lawsuit filed by Jennings, after he was declared the "winner" by 369 votes.

Sarasota, FL's Election Supervisor, Kathy Dent, decided against both having their machines patched to take care of the defect and posting a warning notice for voters as advised by ES&S. "No one in the State of Florida updated," their machines after receiving the letter, Dent told Henneberger. "That's because it was too close to the election. It was a state decision that it was too late to make changes."

Further, The BRAD BLOG posts the letter from ES&S in full, along with frustrated comments from the Election Integrity advocate who had been trying to get the attention of both Florida officials and Jennings' legal team who were both investigating the matter.

"I sent that memo (and my concerns) to anyone I could think of," McCloy explained told us "and this year to every election reform list serve that I could, posted it on political message boards. I asked and asked - has this bug been fixed?"...


Brad Friedman
THE BRAD BLOG - The uprising continues...

From Kathy Dopp

Senator Hillary Clinton asks for Gonzales to Resign

Informant: ranger116

US attorney general 'must go'

Informant: ranger116

A World of Difference in Power that Shuns Brawn for Supremacy

'Surge' Doomed to Final Failure

Casualties of War: Who Weeps for Abeer?

Pessimistic Pentagon Studies Fallback Options in Iraq

Whose Oil Is It, Anyway?

The Pragmatism of Prolonged War

Evangelicals: US Lost Moral Focus in Terror Fight

Anti-War Dems Ponder Bold Action on Iraq

White House Said to Prompt Firing of Prosecutors


Emails Detail White House Plan to Oust US Attorneys

The Senate and House Judiciary Committees are looking into charges that the firings of US attorneys by the Bush administration were done for political reasons rather than for performance. 150 pages of emails and other documents turned over Tuesday by the White House reveal that just weeks after Bush was inaugurated for a second term in January 2005, his administration and the Department of Justice settled on a plan to "push out" some of the nation's 93 US attorneys.

US Attorney Removal Halted Abramoff Investigation

Former prosecutor, Frederick A. Black, has received little attention. The administration fired Black shortly after he began investigating Jack Abramoff's dealings in Guam. Lawmakers say, "It is necessary now to re-examine the case as it may represent the beginning of a pattern of behavior by some members of Congress and officials in the Bush administration to politicize the work of US attorneys and to quash their independence.

Speaking to AIPAC, Cheney Again Claims 9/11, Iraq Tie

Citizens' Arrest of Sen. Patty Murray

Activists in state of Washington serve people's subpoena on Democratic Party Senator Pat Murray for her votes financing the war in Iraq, for support of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and her vote in favor of USA Patriot Act, and try to place her under citizen's arrest.

Soon this will be happening everywhere. Serve subpoenas on those who vote to finance this war! Right on, Washington anti-war movement!

Mitchel Cohen

From ufpj-news

France: a tower disactivated


SFR suspends a cell tower. At the request of families worried, the operator decided Tuesday to suspend one of its cells towers located close to a school of Pas-de-Calais.

SFR decided Tuesday November 29 to suspend one of its cells towers located in Pas-de-Calais, close of the school of fearing Ruitz on the request of the families of the health risks of their children.A decision justified like a "preoccupation with an appeasing", "to continue the dialogue with the town hall and to find a solution to restore the normal operation of the mobile service of telephony on the commune".

The operator however recalled in an official statement that "the medical authorities, both in France and abroad, dismiss the assumption of risks for pubic health living near a cell tower".The mayor PS of the commune, Jacques Brévart, had taken a decree claiming the desactivation of the tower and a petition with some 200 signatures had been deposited Monday in sub-prefecture to claim its dismantling.

With the origin of the concern of the citizens of Ruitz, recent advertisement that a six year old young girl provided education for in the Jacques-Prévert school was reached of a brain tumour. Last year, another small four year old girl, also in class in this school, had died of the same evil.

Source: Next up organisation

Informant: Martin Weatherall

Steht der Wimax-Durchbruch bevor?

Bush faces opposition Congress with subpoena power

Informant: ranger116


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