Montag, 12. März 2007

There's Always Been Money For War

by Jared Bernstein,

As the government eviscerates social programs, Bush will get another $100 billion for war. Why?


Institute for Public Accuracy: 'There's Always Money For War'

The Next Health Care Battle

"At a time when the nation is pondering how to provide medical coverage to some 47 million uninsured Americans, it is logical and right to start with the country's nine million uninsured children." The editors of the New York Times continue: "The Bush administration, unfortunately, is going in exactly the opposite direction."

Surge and Destroy

"If you are trying to figure out how the new Bush strategy is progressing, or just trying to figure out what is happening in Iraq," Michael Schwartz comments on "Bush's three-prong strategy: (1) attacking and neutralizing Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia; (2) confronting Iran; and (3) a new offensive against the Sunni insurgents."

Rep. Waxman Calls for Hearings on Halliburton Move to Dubai

Halliburton, the energy services giant and controversial defense contractor, said Sunday it is opening a new corporate headquarters in Dubai in the Middle East. The planned move surprised longtime critic Rep. Henry A. Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He called for Congressional hearings on the move, saying, "I want to understand the ramifications for US taxpayers and national security."


Halliburton's Dubai Move Sparks US Political Ire

Links, studies, reports

Church of England: Moralische Probleme mit Handysendemasten

Die Church of England muss entscheiden, ob Masten auf Kirchtürmen installiert werden dürfen, wenn über 3G-Handys auch Pornobilder versendet werden können.




Porno über Kirchtürmen


Kirche und Mobilfunk

Handy-Verbot an Schulen

Woodland phone mast decision facing delay

A CRUNCH decision on controversial proposals to site a mobile phone mast in a Bishopstoke beauty spot is likely to be put on hold.

The application by Hutchison 3G (UK) Limited to install a radio base station in Stoke Park Woods was due to come before councillors at a meeting of Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committee on Wednesday.

But the committee will be asked to put off its decision until important information has been received.

The council's development control unit is still waiting for consultation responses from various statutory agencies and the result of a "red flag" test by the applicant to determine the potential visual impact on the area.

Development control boss Colin Peters said: "At present we do not have all the relevant information on which to base our planning recommendations.

"Hence, at this point, our recommendation to Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath councillors is to defer the items until the appropriate information is available."

The woodland is famous for its picturesque pathways lined with bluebells.

It is also a haven for families with children who like to play among the trees and is a well-used route by dog-walkers, who enjoy the scenery.

The 81ft mobile phone mast proposal has caused a storm of protest.

Guardians of Stoke Park Wood have spearheaded a campaign to block the proposal, which they fear could damage the appeal of the area.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Phone mast stays put after blunder

Western US's stronger storms traced to Asia pollution

Informant: binstock

Peru's alarming water truth

Informant: binstock

Researchers see global-warming signs near, far

Informant: binstock

Hilfsaktion: Palmölfirmen rauben Indianerland

Der Dachverband der Awa hat um internationale Unterstützung gebeten, nachdem das ecuadorianische Umweltministerium im Januar 17.500 Hektar des Territoriums des indigenen Volkes der Awa aberkannt hat. Dahinter stecken Holzfäller und Palmölfirmen, die an das Holz und Land der Awa kommen wollen. Auch das Katasteramt hat den Awa an anderem Ort 4000 Hektar aberkannt. Bitte protestieren Sie gegen den Landraub bei der ecuadorianischen Regierung. (Start: 11.03.2007)

HINWEIS: Die Tagesschau in den aktuellen Ausgaben UND das Magazin Report München bringt am Montag, 12. März in der ARD um 21.45 Uhr den Bericht: „Klima-Killer Palmöl - Das schmutzige Geschäft mit Blockheizkraftwerken“

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.

Reinhard Behrend
Rettet den Regenwald
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg
Tel. 040 - 4103804

Die Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bestätigt den Einflug von US-Truppen für Kriegseinsätze im Irak und in Afghanistan

Freie Meinungsäußerung

„Die Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bestätigt den Einflug von US-Truppen für Kriegseinsätze im Irak und in Afghanistan. Dafür stellt Berlin deutsches Hoheitsgebiet zur Verfügung und macht sich der aktiven Beihilfe zu Völkerrechts- und Kriegsverbrechen schuldig. Dies ist einer schriftlichen Stellungnahme des deutschen Verteidigungsministeriums zu entnehmen. Demnach befindet sich Berlin in Kenntnis regelmäßiger Flugbewegungen der Pentagon-Firma "World Airways", die seit mehreren Monaten Tausende US-Soldaten über den Flughafen Leipzig an die Front transportiert. Die Schleusung wird von der Bundesregierung nicht verhindert, die stillschweigende Billigung mit Nichtwissen erklärt. Gleichzeitig lässt Berlin ausländische Kombattanten einreisen, um ihnen Spezialausbildungen für den Irak-Krieg zu ermöglichen. Eigentümer des betreffenden Trainingsgeländes ist der deutsche Staat. Ein Bundeswehrangehöriger, der die illegale Beihilfe für den Irak-Krieg kritisiert, wird vom "Truppendienstgericht Süd" belangt…“ Eigener Bericht von - Informationen zur Deutschen Außenpolitik – vom 05.03.2007

Siehe dazu auch:

Drehkreuz Leipzig – Dossier bei - Informationen zur Deutschen Außenpolitik

Aus: LabourNet, 12. März 2007

Freibeuterei der Energiemonopole: 30% zuviel kassiert

Overblown Personnel Matters

Paul Krugman writes: "Nobody is surprised to learn that the Justice Department was lying when it claimed that recently fired federal prosecutors were dismissed for poor performance. Nor is anyone surprised to learn that White House political operatives were pulling the strings. What is surprising is how fast the truth is emerging about what Alberto Gonzales, the attorney general, dismissed just five days ago as an 'overblown personnel matter.'"

For War's Gravely Injured, Challenge to Find Care

The military health care system, which is so advanced in its treatment of lost limbs, has been scrambling and unable to deal with an unanticipated volume of traumatic brain-injury cases that it is ill-equipped to handle. Largely because of the improvised explosive devices used by insurgents in Iraq, traumatic brain-injury has become a signature wound of this war, with 1,882 cases treated to date.

Why I Will March to Support the Troops and End the War

"After serving in eight presidential administrations, either in the US military or in the US diplomatic corps, I am returning to Fayetteville to participate in a rally and march to end the war on Iraq," writes Ann Wright.

Top US Generals Offer Bleakest Assessment Yet on Iraq

The US army is lagging behind Iraq's insurgents tactically in a war that senior officers say is the biggest challenge since Korea 50 years ago. The gloomy assessment came as senior US and Iraqi officials sat down with officials from Iran, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to persuade them to help seal Iraq's borders against fighters, arms and money. In a bleak analysis, senior officers described the fighters they were facing in Iraq and Afghanistan as "smart, agile and cunning."

Irakkrieg: Halliburton kassiert 20 Milliarden

Deadline dilemmas

The American Prospect
by Paul Starr


“The strange thing about the debate in Congress over a deadline for pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq is that the objective political interests of the two parties are the reverse of their stated positions. Republicans are facing a disaster in the 2008 election if the Iraq War continues unabated. But if the Democratic Congress ties the president’s hands and forces a pullout, the Republicans would have an excuse for the war’s failure, and their party could move on to focus the 2008 election on other issues. If GOP leaders could act on pure political self-interest, they would be secretly encouraging just enough defections by their own members of Congress to pass legislation requiring a pullout...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How will we end this war?

Common Dreams
by Tina Richards


I’ve come to Washington, DC because my son Cloy, who has been honorably discharged from the Marines with the presidential unit citation, is now facing a possible third deployment. Cloy is suffering from undiagnosed traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder. As Cloy says in one of his poems, every time I look in the mirror I see a casualty of the war...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Struggle to find fresh troops for Iraq buildup



Military leaders are struggling to choose Army units to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan longer or go there earlier than planned, but five years of war have made fresh troops harder to find. Faced with a military buildup in Iraq that could drag into next year, Pentagon officials are trying to identify enough units to keep up to 20 brigade combat teams in Iraq. A brigade usually has about 3,500 troops...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Military action against Iran could provoke fallout against US forces in Iraq

Informant: Supreme Law Firm

Take Action! Tell Chile's President to protect its native forests

From Rosemary R.

Tell your Representative to support our Refuges!

From Rosemary R.

Climate Change Petition

"This Thursday, the environment ministers from the G8, the world's biggest contributors to climate change, will be meeting in Germany. The outcome of this meeting is crucial to world's response to global warming. has been invited to attend this meeting to present our climate change petition. A strong voice for action could help set the agenda for the G8. To help seize this opportunity, click below:

The G8 is a summit of world leaders from the "Group of 8" largest economies. Together, these countries account for 50% of global greenhouse gas emissions--the gasses that cause climate change. The full G8 summit is coming in June, but the agenda and outcome of this type of high-profile event is usually set far in advance--at meetings like the one this Thursday.

This year, the president of the G8 is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Her environment minister, Sigmar Gabriel, is in charge of the ministers meeting Thursday. And at 4 pm on March 15th, we have a personal meeting with Mr. Gabriel to present our petition for binding emissions targets to stop catastrophic climate change.

Merkel has indicated an interest in making climate change a top priority. With a significant global petition, we can make the case that the world is ready for aggressive leadership on climate change--and pave the way for truly historic commitments at the G8 summit this June.

It's a rare opportunity to have a global impact. Add your voice to the petition now:

50,000 people from 131 countries have already demanded action. Our goal is to reach 100,000. Please sign the petition, forward this email to friends and family, and post the link on your blog--we only have a few days to make this statement count.

If we add our voices together, now, 2007 can become the year we took the first step to save the world.

With hope,

Ricken, David, Iain, Lee-Sean, Galit, Graziela, and the rest of the team"

Informant: Andy

URGENT ACTION ALERT: 17 year old on death row needs your help: save Reza from execution!

Once again, your help is greatly needed!

If you have not done so already, PLEASE sign this very important petition for Reza and forward it to all of your contacts as you were so gracious to do with Malak's information. Reza's case is EXTREMELY urgent as he is scheduled to be executed in LESS THAN ONE MONTH!

Thank you so much for your kindness, love, and support. (The direct link to Reza's petition is: )

Say NO to the Executions of Women and Children:

Alberto Gonzales's Defense of NSA Domestic Spying

From ufpj-news

Million Fish Die In Colorado At Once

Informant: binstock

Sen. Charles Schumer urges Gonzales to quit

Informant: Supreme Law Firm


No. 3 Senate Dem urges Gonzales to quit

Fayetteville Observer


The Senate’s No. 3 Democrat said Sunday that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should resign because he is putting politics above the law. Sen. Charles Schumer cited the FBI’s illegal snooping into people’s private lives and the Justice Department’s firing of federal prosecutors. Schumer, D-N.Y., said Gonzales repeatedly has shown more allegiance to President Bush than to citizens’ legal rights since taking his job in early 2005...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Senator Schumer Says Gonzales Should Go

The Senate's No. 3 Democrat said Sunday that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should resign because he is putting politics above the law. Senator Charles Schumer cited the FBI's illegal snooping into people's private lives and the Justice Department's firing of federal prosecutors.

President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email Says

Informant: Supreme Law Firm

Chinese to continue buying U.S Treasuries

Informant: V

Cell damage: Wireless library is a health hasard

My letter appeared in todays Argus letters (Sussex) - though over two thirds of it was cut out and the rest edited heavily.

If anyone wants to follow up using my and Sarahs (below mine) letters below, email the Argus at making sure to include full name & address and no more than 250 words.


Cell damage (The Argus March 12)

Now people have some legal protection from unwanted exposure to cigarette smoke, why do we have absolutely none from passive mobile phone and phone mast radiation?

In 2002, a group of European Doctors launched a global petition, the "Freiburger Appeal" [ ]. They wrote: "We have observed a dramatic rise in serious diseases." They attribute this to "installation of mobile telephone sending stations, intensive mobile telephone use, and installation of cordless phones at home or in the neighbourhood"

Recently, Robert Kane [ ], an ex Motorola Senior Research Scientist, wrote: "Recent research indicates that even short-term exposure to radiation from cell phones modifies brainwaves, affects short-term memory, and modify a person's ability to perform physical tasks such as driving.."

Wireless library is a health hasard (The Argus March 10)

I was surprised to hear the new eco flagship Jubliee library in Brighton has installed digital cordless DECT phones on every floor.

People don't seem to realise the base unit of these phones emits microwave radiation all the time whether or not one is on a call.

The levels will be higher than from a nearby phone mast - both DECT and Wi-fi use the same technology as mobile phone masts.

It is for this reason that the German Health Protection Agency issued a warning on DECT phones last year.

I was also disappointed to read that East Grinstead library are trialling Wi-fi computer access (The argus March 6).

Before these trials are put in place, those in charge should review the health implications for librarians and users.

There is evidence coming to light these systems are less than safe. The frequency is the same as used in a microwave oven.

The intensity inside the library will be the same or higher than from a phone mast outside.

The Times recently reported that schools which are also installing Wifi are having to dismantle it at the request of parents and teachers who have experienced serious adverse health effects.

Librarians in the USA are resigning over this issue. The Salzburg public health dept warns not to put Wi-fi in schools and nurseries.

There is a lot of research into the effects and many people made ill from exposure to the radiation emitted by these systems. It is possible to cable in computers for internet access. Wifi is not necessary.

Sarah Purdy
Mast Sanity

Threat to church phone masts 'that relay porn'

By Jonathan Petre,
Religion Correspondent
Last Updated: 2:19am GMT

The Church of England is facing an embarrassing test case over whether mobile phone masts on steeples are illegal because they can relay pornography.

The church's highest court is to hear an appeal after a diocesan judge ruled that churches were "wrong in law" to "facilitate the transmission of pornography, even in a slight or modest way".

Many parishes have allowed telecom companies to put antennae in their towers and steeples

Many parishes have cashed in on the mobile phone boom by charging telecom companies thousands of pounds a year to put antennae on their towers or steeples. Even Guildford cathedral has a mast under its golden angel weather vane.

They were encouraged by official Church guidance, which acknowledged that immoral material can be transmitted by the new technology but argued that any "ill" was outweighed by the benefits.

However, critics said mobile phones can now transmit dangerously obscene internet images and the church should dissociate itself from such technology, especially after the General Synod condemned media exploitation last month.

The contentious issue has now reached the Archbishop of Canterbury's 800-year-old Court of Arches, which is due to hear an appeal against the ruling by the diocese of Chelmsford's consistory court within weeks.

The row began in October when Chancellor George Pulman, Chelmsford's ecclesiastical judge, rejected an application from St Peter and St Paul church in Chingford, north east London, to erect a T-mobile base station in its spire.

In his judgment, Mr Pulman, a QC who also sits as a deputy High Court judge in the Family Division, became the first Chancellor to refuse a faculty on the grounds that "revolting and damaging" pornography could be transmitted by the network. He said that it was "no part of the work or the mission of the Church" to facilitate or gain financial advantage from the transmission of pornography.

He said: "No Church bookstall would consider it appropriate to offer for sale 'top shelf' magazines with their images of sexual titillation or impropriety."

Mr Pulman also attacked local authorities for granting planning permission for such antennae, saying that their social services department were well aware of the dangers to children.

The Rev Chris Newlands, the chaplain to the Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Rev John Gladwin, said at the time that this was a landmark ruling.

The MP for Chingford, the former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, said he welcomed the ruling which was a "victory for common sense".

But the judge's words flew in the face of guidance issued in 2002 by the Archbishops' Council after signing a national agreement appointing the QS4 communications company as the Church's approved mast installers.

The council, which is chaired by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, said: "Clearly there is a risk with any communication medium that it will be used for ill; but this has to be balanced against the enormous good which can flow from mobile communications - such as emergency calls, or the simple pleasures of people keeping in touch."

It added, however, that parishes "who feel strongly on this issue should not register with the national scheme".

The Rev Tom Page, the rector of Chingford, and QS4 have now appealed to the Court of Arches.

Church spokesmen declined to comment on the case, saying that it was sub judice.

Have your say

© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2007.


My letter to the Telegraph.

If the Church allows 3G masts inside its steeples then it is enabling the download of porn.

It would be good if the Church could also consider the health consequencies of having phone masts in its steeples rather than listening to the assurances of the industry. Its like asking the tobacco industry for assurances that smoking is safe. There are 1000's of independent pieces of research that the Church has either not seen or is ignoring showing adverse health effects from exposure to the microwave radiation emitted from the masts. These range from genetic damage and cancer to headaches and sleep disorders. 1000's of German doctors have signed appeals to their government as they have noticed sickness in their patients resulting from exposure. One study that the Head of the Uk health Protection Agency said he is worried about is the recent EU funded REFLEX report found DNA breaks and other effects upon exposure to human cells. These can lead to cancer and other damage. There are clusters of people with cancer that have appeared after only 8 years exposure around a phone mast. Church leaders please open your eyes and stop thinking of the cash. Get those money changers out of the Temple!

I have only just picked this one up.



Reference the appeal by the Rev Tom Page (and QS4 hardly surprisingly) against the decision by the Chelmsford's Consistory Court to refuse the installation of a T-Mobile base station in the spire of St Peter and St Paul church in Chingford, perhaps we should now also be asking the Church of Arches exactly how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, and whether it would be acceptable for those angels to be scantily clad whilst doing so.

Bearing in mind that the only time He showed anger was when He cleared the profiteers from the temple, I think the Good Shepherd must be wondering whose example His 'representatives' (at least in name) are taking their lead from today - certainly not from Him.

Yours sincerely,

Churches are an easy target:

a) good height
b) residential locations
c) desperate for money
d) reduced planning burden

but social responsibility should ensure:

i) they read the full scientific indicators of risk to community health
ii) they accept future responsibility for outcomes from irreversible
iii) they accept moral responsibility for overriding people's concerns and all the effects these have
iv) they approve of the content of the traffic they are enabling through consecrated property (porn, gambling, fraud, etc.) as much as "purer" conversations and purely commercial traffic that makes the church buildings a place of trade
v) they accept they are part of "push marketing" to over-sell new products primarily to a youth market, with the social, economic and health consequences of that
vi) they accept that the use of QS4 technology is the product of a liaison between the church authorities and an arms manufacturer, QinetiQ, which develops advanced weapons technology. The Ministry of Defence until recently owned 56% of Qinetiq, with 31% in the hands of the Carlyle Group of whom Bush senior, Cheney and John Major are shareholders.

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

March 17, March on the Pentagon for Peace and Impeachment


Thousands of War Protesters March to Pentagon

Informant: Jennifer Van Bergen

From ufpj-news

ITV Drama "Mobile"

Has anyone seen the ITV-1 advertised warning of a Drama named "MOBILE" (coming soon) Tonight? No, I stayed up! I have tried to find out when it will show, but have not been successful.

It tells it is about this guy who has used his mobile many times daily because they were such a great thing, but now his head is splitting
(recognize anyone) and he has been told he has ca. a month left to live. And someone is blowing up masts in the same film. HIM? Please keep a lookout for it. It is not listed in the program for this week. "Coming soon" can mean anything.

Best regards.

I could only see the information here:-



Behind the scenes on the Mobile set


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