Montag, 5. März 2007

Group calls for mast meeting

Residents protesting against plans for a mobile phone mast near their homes in Shrewsbury have called for a face-to-face meeting with company bosses.

More than 150 campaigners turned out at a meeting last night to discuss phone giant O2’s plans for the mast in Copthorne.

The company recently won an appeal to site the 41ft antenna on land next to the junction of Copthorne Park and Copthorne Road. Councillors had initially rejected the scheme, after opposition from 79 residents who believe it will be an eyesore.

They also fear it is too close to nearby properties, Woodfield County Infant School and St George’s Junior School.

A spokesman for the campaigners said: “We have no say over the matter now, so we want to see if someone from O2 will come and explain it to people and give them peace of mind.

“There were O2 customers at the meeting last night who said there is a good signal already and they questioned why they would want a new mast.”

The group is also calling for residents across Shrewsbury to support them in their fight as they believe the current case could set a precedent for the town.

O2 has defended the mast, saying it has made a significant financial commitment to the site.

Residents now plan to stage a demonstration at the proposed site on Friday.

They have also set up an e-mail address, no-phonemast, where people can contact them and share their concerns.

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Bikers say no to pub phone mast

05 March 2007 09:08

Bikers protesting against plans for a controversial mobile phone mast outside a pub and near homes have found an unlikely ally in a group of pensioners.

Dozens of leather-clad bikers and their gleaming machines turned up for a protest against proposals by T-Mobile to build a mast next to the King Edward VII pub in Aylsham Road, Norwich.

But joining forces with the bikers, pub regulars, and neighbours, were pensioners from the nearby Edmund Bacon Court residential complex, also in Aylsham Road.

At the weekend they stood united in their opposition to the mast in the pub's car park with cards pleading No Mast Here Please.

Trevor Elphick, 72, who has lived at Edmund Bacon Court for the past three years, said: “I think they've got to put a stop to it, it's getting out of control - we will soon have more masts than lampposts.”

Jack Stewart, 77, who has been at the complex with his wife June for three years, said he was supporting the protest for people at Edmund Bacon Court who wore pacemakers. “They're a bit worried that it could do them some harm - we're told it won't but it might do,” he said.

The campaign against the mast, which will be opposite a 12-apartment development which has yet to be built, has attracted almost 400 signatures.

Vicki Smith, 34, landlord of the King Edward VII pub, said the mast would not only be out of keeping with the character of the area, but would endanger the safety of motorists and bikers trying to leave the car park on to the busy Aylsham Road.

“Putting something else on the pavement will make visibility for people coming out of the car park even worse,” she said.

Mile Cross councillor and Norwich City Council leader Steve Morphew, who helped to organise the demonstration, said the mast was not welcome in the area.

“The mast would obscure a traditional pub and equipment would block up access which is used for motorbikes,” he said.

Last month the Evening News reported how a T-Mobile spokesman said the mast was needed to provide a “quality service” in the area.

Are you fighting a mobile phone mast where you live? Call Peter Walsh on 01603 772439 or e-mail

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Shoshone National Forest: Yellowstone's Eastern Keystone

The Shoshone National Forest, which borders the Eastern edge of Yellowstone National Park, contains some of the wildest land in the Lower 48 and is a key component of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the stunning wildlife, fisheries, and incredible recreation for which this region is known. Now the Shoshone is developing a new management plan which will help determine how this National Forest is protected – or not – for the next fifteen years. Help us ensure that this part of the greater Yellowstone ecosystem gets the protection it needs!

Click here to take action

Unrechtsgewinne: Greenpeace kritisiert Lebensmittelanbieter wegen Pestizidbelastung

Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace hat am Montag erneut die Mehrzahl der deutschen Lebensmittelanbieter kritisiert: Für eine halbe Milliarde Euro verkauften große Einzelhandels-Unternehmen jedes Jahr Obst und Gemüse, dessen Pestizidbelastungen über den gesetzlich erlaubten Grenzwerten lägen, kritisiert die Organisation. Sie wirft den großen Handelsketten vor, auf diese Weise "Unrechtsgewinne" zu erzielen. "268.000 Tonnen der pestizidbelasteten Ware werden jährlich im Handel angeboten – damit verzehrt jeder deutsche Verbraucher im Durchschnitt über drei Kilogramm Obst und Gemüse, das nach dem Lebensmittelgesetz nicht verkehrsfähig ist", heißt es in der Mitteilung.

Republican Domenici Apologizes for Pressuring US Attorney in Probe

Attorney David Iglesias told McClatchy Newspapers last week that he believed the call by Republican Sen. Pete Domenici was timed in mid-October to pressure him to rush the investigation before the November elections to benefit Republicans.


Specter detector

by Dahlia Lithwick


The U.S. attorneys purge scandal is heating up. The House and Senate have convened hearings for Tuesday, promising an orgy of named names and pointed fingers. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., now admits what he once denied: that he may have had a hand in the removal of New Mexico’s U.S. attorney. And the senior Justice Department official who personally canned the U.S. attorneys has just announced the date of his resignation. But as the political scandal spreads, the question at its heart gets less and less public attention: Who changed the Patriot Act to make it easier to replace U.S. attorneys without oversight, and how did it happen with nobody looking?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Valor and Squalor

Paul Krugman writes: "The administration uses carefully cooked numbers to pretend that it has been generous to veterans, but the historical data contained in its own budget for fiscal 2008 tells the true story. The quagmire in Iraq has vastly increased the demands on the Veterans Administration, yet since 2001, federal outlays for veterans' medical care have actually lagged behind overall national health spending."

It Is Just Not Walter Reed

The VA has a backlog of 400,000 benefit claims, including many concerning mental health. Vietnam vets whose post-traumatic stress has been triggered by images of war in Iraq are flooding the system for help and are being turned away.

The Climate-Change Precipice

Informant: MoJo

Spekulationsblase auf dem US-Immobilienmarkt belastet die amerikanische Konjunktur

Vor dem Tsunami

Die geplatzte Spekulationsblase auf dem US-Immobilienmarkt belastet die amerikanische Konjunktur und war eine der Ursachen für die jüngsten Turbulenzen auf den Weltfinanzmärkten.

Landesweit sprechende Überwachungskameras

Die britische Regierung plant nach einem offenbar gelungenen Testversuch, in vielen Städten Kameras mit Lautsprechern zur verbalen Disziplinierung von Missetätern zu installieren.

Habeas Corpus Can't Wait

by Aziz Huq,

Congress can't sit back and expect the courts to end the Gitmo travesty.

When's The Idea Primary?

by Robert L. Borosage, The Nation

Democratic presidential aspirants avoid discussing the very ideas and principles that swept the party into Congress.

DOE's Missed Deadlines on Appliance Efficiency Cost Billions

Over the last three decades, the federal government has missed legal deadlines for setting stricter efficiency standards for common appliances, resulting in billions of dollars in higher utility bills and millions more tons of the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming.

Global Warming Is Human Rights Issue: Nobel Nominee

Inuit people around the Arctic Circle are using air conditioners for the first time, running out of the hard-packed snow they need to build igloos and falling through melting ice when they hunt. These circumstances are the current results of global climate change. Nobel Peace Prize nominee Sheila Watt-Cloutier, an Inuit born inside the Canadian Arctic, maintains that this constitutes a violation of human rights for indigenous people in low-lying areas throughout the world.

Iran Attack Could Speed Development of Nuclear Weapons

A report by the Oxford Research Group says military action could lead Iran to change the nature of its program and quickly build nuclear arms. An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities "would almost certainly lead to a fast-track programme to develop a small number of nuclear devices as quickly as possible," warned nuclear scientist and arms expert Frank Barnaby.

Be afraid of President McCain

by Matt Welch


The John McCain presidency effectively began on January 10, 2007, when George W. Bush announced the deployment of five more combat brigades to Iraq. This escalation of an unpopular war ran counter to the advice of Bush’s senior military leadership, ignored the recommendations made by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, and sidestepped the objections of the Iraqi government it was ostensibly intended to assist. But the plan was nearly identical to what the Republican senior senator from Arizona, nearly alone among his Capitol Hill colleagues, had been advocating for months: boost troop levels by at least 20,000, give coalition forces the authority to impose security in every corner of Baghdad, and increase the size of America’s overburdened standing military by around 100,000 during the next five years. By enthusiastically endorsing McCain’s approach, the lame duck president all but finished the job of anointing the senator his political successor...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The loss of standards

by David Calderwood


The tenor of moral standards is moving toward the complete utilitarian justification of force. As our top elected officials have said, ‘All options are on the table.’ This sort of thinking is already operational in the Drug War, where the absurd notion of imprisoning persons for their own good has enjoyed decades of popular support. The rot in Western Civilization (especially in the USA) is clear whether one examines the foregoing political/moral facet or conditions in the economic sphere. Manufacturing has declined in the US in favor of service provision, with weapons production becoming one of the last remaining bastions of power in the former and financial machinations the dominant element of the latter...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

$93 Billion MORE for the Bush-Cheney War?

Can Congress End the War? Democratic Leaders May Prefer to Claim They Tried But Failed

"The shortest route to ending the Iraq war (and preventing additional wars) is almost certainly through Congress," writes David Swanson. "Influencing the White House directly is unimaginable, and stopping the war through the courts unlikely. Clearly, Congress is the way to go. But what specifically can Congress do? The question is not just whether Congress can cut off the money, but whether the Bush administration can find enough money in other places illegally to continue a war that has never in any sense been legal."

UN: 4.5 Million Iraqi Children Malnourished

Apart from dodging bombs and bullets in their schools and neighborhoods, children in Iraq are suffering from worryingly high levels of malnourishment, according to specialists. Poverty and insecurity are said to be the main causes of the children's deteriorating diets. Despite efforts by NGOs and the Iraqi government, violence and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people are making it very difficult for monthly food rations to reach those families that need them most. According to the United Nations Children's Agency (UNICEF), about one in 10 children under five in Iraq are underweight and one in five are short for their age. This means that some 4.5 million children in the country are under-nourished.

Hartz IV: Gewalt auf Ämtern nimmt zu

“Die Unfallkassen schlagen Alarm wegen eines Anstiegs gewalttätiger Übergriffe auf Mitarbeiter öffentlicher Verwaltungen nach der Hartz-IV-Reform: Im Jahr 2005 seien rund 1.600 Angestellte Opfer von externer Gewalt geworden und dabei so stark verletzt worden, dass sie Leistungen der Unfallkasse in Anspruch hätten nehmen müssen, erklärte eine Sprecherin vom Bundesverband der Unfallkassen am Freitag in München bei der Vorstellung eine Präventionsprojekts für die kommunalen Hartz-IV-Arbeitsgemeinschaften…“ Meldung vom 02. März 2007 bei net-tribune

Siehe dazu auch:

Mit ABBA gegen Gewalt. Gewaltprävention in Arbeitsgemeinschaften nach Hartz IV

„Immer häufiger kommt es zu gewalttätigen Übergriffen auf Mitarbeiter in öffentlichen Verwaltungen wie Arbeitsgemeinschaften nach Hartz IV. So zuletzt im oberfränkischen Kronach, wo ein Arbeitsloser eine Angestellte des Job-Centers niedergeschlagen und mit Aktenordnern beworfen hat. Um Verwaltungen und ihre Mitarbeiter bei der Gewaltprävention zu unterstützen, haben der Bundesverband der Unfallkassen und mehrere Unfallversicherungsträger der öffentlichen Hand jetzt das Modellprojekt ABBA (Arbeitsbelastungen und Bedrohungen in Arbeitsgemeinschaften nach Hartz IV) ins Leben gerufen. Ein wichtiger Baustein ist das Unternehmenskonzept "Gewaltfreier Arbeitsplatz"…“ Pressemitteilung der Unfallkassen vom 2. März 2007

Vom Fordern und Fördern – ein Erlebnisbericht. Oder, warum man als Erwerbslose/r bei der kostenpflichtigen Hotline der Agentur für Arbeit anruft und zu normalen Dienstzeiten keinen erreicht.

Artikel von Anette S. Jung, Herne, vom 3.3.07

Limburg. „Wir brauchen keine A...

„„Wir brauchen keine Arbeit, die uns nicht ernährt“, heißt es in dem Flugblatt, das in Limburg in Umlauf war und derzeit für einigen Ärger sorgt. Vor allem der darin erhobene Vorwurf, die Blechwarenfabrik in Limburg habe die Zeitarbeitsfirma Trend-BL gegründet „und so die Möglichkeit, Arbeitskräfte mit Kündigungsschutz und Tariflohn durch Arbeitnehmer mit Niedriglohn zu ersetzen“, sorgt für heftigen Widerspruch, der in einer anwaltlichen Aufforderung an fünf Vertreter der linken Partei gipfelte, eine Unterlassungserklärung zu unterschreiben. Inzwischen wird sogar eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen die im Flugblatt erhobenen Vorwürfe vor Gericht angestrebt…“ Artikel in Frankfurter Neue Presse vom 03.03.2007

»Freiwillig« zwangsbeschäftigt

„Auch soziale und Umweltorganisationen sehen kein Problem darin, Ein-Euro-Jobber zu beschäftigen. Wie sie von deren Arbeit profitieren, wollen nur wenige offen sagen…“ Artikel von Jan Eisner in junge Welt vom 01.03.2007

Ärger um Ein-Euro-Jobs

„Das Diakonische Werk kritisiert das neue Zuweisungsverfahren in Ein-Euro-Jobs durch die Hamburger Arbeit Beschäftigungsgesellschaft, die selber Beschäftigungsträger ist. Die ARGE freut sich auf die effiziente Zusammenarbeit…“ Artikel von Julia Brodersen in der taz Nord vom 3.3.2007

Bargeldlos zur Konfirmation

„Hartz IV in der Kirche: Im niedersächsischen Rotenburg mussten Jugendliche ihre Konfirmationsgeschenke an den Staat abtreten - weil ihre Eltern ALG II beziehen…“ Artikel von Julia Brodersen in der taz Nord vom 2.3.2007

Arm und reich. Arbeitsmaterial zur sozialen Situation heute

Dokumentation von Adolfo Salzer

Unterwürfigkeit bekämpfen ... statt ausleben

Der Widerstand gegen Sozialkahlschlag und die Suche nach Wegen aus der Abhängigkeit brauchen eine neue Dimension. Artikel von Mag Wompel in Graswurzelrevolution vom März 2007 im Vorabdruck bei Linksnet

Aus: LabourNet, 5. März 2007

The Condition of the Dollar

Informant: V

Taking the Warning of Totalitarian Government to Local Newspapers

by Devvy Kidd

I urge you to get together with friends, family and like minded people, take up a collection and get Greg's column run as a full page in your local newspaper. Obviously this won't be possible for major metropolitan cities (unless you have major financial resources), but it will work in the majority of medium to small cities and towns throughout this country......

Tell Congress that you support bringing democracy to America’s Capital!

Der Deutschland-Clan

Würde Silvio Berlusconi Nachhilfe in Sachen mafiöser Strukturen brauchen, müsste er nach Deutschland kommen. Da werden Flugreisen von Politikern wie Johannes Rau oder Wolfgang Clement...

Medienkongress Wirtschaftsmacht und Pressefreiheit

Der Medienkongress von BCC will nicht nur auf ein Problem hinweisen, das alle angeht, die eine bessere Welt für möglich halten. Er will auch Chancen diskutieren, die im Zeitalter der Globalisierung...

Anraineraufstand im Tirol

Anraineraufstand im Tirol - Die Grünen wollen Verfassungsklage gegen das Telekommunikationsgesetz einbringen...

Sieg im Antennenstreit in Bottmingen

Das Urteil der 5 Richter des Basler Kantonsgerichts war einstimmig: die 25 Meter hohe Antenne beim Bottminger Bahnhöfli wird nicht erstellt, die Swisscom muss das Antennenprofil wieder abbauen...


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