Samstag, 3. März 2007

Animal Bill of Rights Needed

A message from Gwen

Justice Department Takes Aim at Image-Sharing Sites

The Bush administration has accelerated its Internet surveillance push by proposing that Web sites must keep records of who uploads photographs or videos in case police determine the content is illegal and choose to investigate.

Top Court Weighs Lawsuit Against Bush's Faith-Based Program

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer looked skyward Wednesday as he tried to come up with a “more amazing” hypothetical during arguments in a key church-state case.

Doug Feith Versus the Blogosphere

David Swanson interviews Allison Hantschel, the blogger at First Draft , and the author of the book "Special Plans," on the topic of Douglas Feith and the intelligence that took us into this war?

"Goldilocks Economy" in Gefahr?

Nicht zu heiß, nicht zu kalt, sondern gerade richtig laufe die Wirtschaft, hieß es gerade noch an der Wall Street. Dann erinnerte eine Gewinnwarnung der Großbank HSBC und ein kleiner China-Crash daran, dass auch das Märchen vom Goldlöckchen böse endet.

USA: wir wollen keinen Kalten Krieg, wir führen ihn

Drohender Kriegsschauplatz Iran

White House OK'd Mass Firings

The White House approved the firings of seven US attorneys late last year after senior Justice Department officials identified the prosecutors they believed were not doing enough to carry out President Bush's policies on immigration, firearms and other issues, White House and Justice Department officials said yesterday.

Firm With Suspect Ties Monitors Chemical Industry for Government

A private firm that may have ties to chemical companies is helping to run a US government agency tasked with investigating how chemicals adversely affect reproductive health.

Whalers, North Alaskans Try to Block Oil Lease Sale

Groups in Alaska have sued the US Interior Department to block an offshore oil and gas lease sale that residents say threatens Arctic marine wildlife and the traditional Inupiat Eskimo way of life.

Climate-Change Victims Chip Away US Procrastination

As the ice they depend on for their way of life melts away around them, indigenous people of the Arctic are taking a crack at Washington in international court. Although the Inuit are the first indigenous population to make such a formal claim, human-rights activists say that as the impacts of climate change increase, so too will its toll on human life. And with it, they warn, will come populations seeking redress from the world's big polluters.

Nickels Warns US Senate to Not Rein In Cities Fighting Global Warming

Mayor Greg Nickels told a Senate committee Thursday that state and local governments are leading the fight against global warming, and he warned Congress against reining in local efforts that are under way across the nation. "We are not just signing a piece of paper," Nickels told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. "We are transforming our cities into laboratories for climate protection. In short, we are making a difference, and laying the groundwork for strong federal policies and programs."

Libby Trial Exposes Neocon Shadow Government

"Day by day, witness by witness, exhibit by exhibit, Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor in the trial of Dick Cheney's man, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, is accomplishing what no one else in Washington has been able to: He has impeached the Presidency of George W. Bush," writes Sydney Schanberg.

USDA Backs Production of Rice With Human Genes

The Agriculture Department has given a preliminary green light for the first commercial production of a food crop engineered to contain human genes, reigniting fears that biomedically potent substances in high-tech plants could escape and turn up in other foods.

Future of Food


The Future of Food provides an excellent overview of the key questions raised by consumers as they become aware of GM foods.

From Information Clearing House

Human Rights Watch lists 39 secret CIA detainees

A human rights group published the names of 38 men and one woman it believes have been locked up in secret overseas facilities, and asked President Bush to disclose the identity and fate of all detainees the CIA has held since 2001.

From Information Clearing House

Hicks: my life of terror and torture

The Australian has described in detail the brutality of his US captors.

From Information Clearing House

CIA blunder 'prompted Korean nuclear race'

The United States appears to have made a major intelligence blunder over North Korea's nuclear weapons programme, one that may have exacerbated tensions with Pyongyang over the past four years and goaded Kim Jong-Il into pressing ahead with last October's live nuclear test, intelligence and Bush administration officials have said.

Is the CIA counterfeiting dollars and blaming it on North Korea?

"Super notes" -- forged U.S. dollars of such high quality that even experts have trouble detecting them -- have taken on an almost mythic status among national security watchers.

From Information Clearing House

Noam Chomsky talks about War Crimes and Preemptive Warfare

U.S. Intel on Nukes in Doubt

New doubts are arising about the accuracy of U.S. intelligence on the nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran, only a few years after faulty warnings about weapons of mass destruction helped President Bush justify the invasion of Iraq.,,-6450757,00.html

From Information Clearing House

US Sen. Reid favors bill restricting attack on Iran

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said he likely would support legislation barring a U.S. attack on Iran unless Congress explicitly gave President George W. Bush the green light to do so.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq 'inconvenient truth' of war on terror: Cheney

US Vice President Dick Cheney told Democrats Thursday to stop "posturing" on Iraq, warning it was an "inconvenient truth" that the bloody conflict was the key front in the war on terror.

From Information Clearing House

Why are we locked into such empty political rhetoric?

From Information Clearing House

What, Exactly, Are We Dying For?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that all the reasons for us going into Iraq were false. Weapons of mass destruction were never found, and if they were, so what? I didn't know how many countries were nuclear powers at the time, but I was pretty sure if Iraq did have WMD that the United States had a lot more.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq 'close to partition', says French FM

Iraq is nearing partition, French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said Friday as violence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims raged on in Baghdad.

From Information Clearing House

Can You Spell Impeachment?


The living an the dead cry out for justice!

Leaders Don't Kill People

By Michael Boldin

If I have my facts straight, George W. Bush has never killed a single person in his life. All the torture and death that people attribute to him has been carried out by people who were "only following orders."

The President's Private Army

By Stephen Lendman

Imperial Rome had its elite praetorian guard to protect and serve its emperors. The CIA here works the same way as a private army for the president that in the end will go his way as it did producing phony intelligence the Bush administration used to justify war with Iraq.

Scientists probe 'hole in Earth'

Informant: ranger116

Feds Select Plan for New Nuclear Warhead

Informant: ranger116

Rice Picks Neo-Con Champion of Iraq War as Counselor

In a move that has surprised many foreign policy analysts here, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has appointed a prominent neo-conservative hawk and leading champion of the Iraq war to the post of State Department Counselor. Eliot A. Cohen, who teaches military history at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies here and has also served on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board since 2001, will take up the position next month that was left vacant late last year by Rice's long-time confidant and "realist" thinker, Philip Zelikow. A close friend and protege of former Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and advisory board member of the American Enterprise Institute, Cohen most recently led the harsh neo-conservative attack on the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, co-chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton.


Meet Eliot Cohen, Condi's New Deputy

"As Extremist a Neocon and Warmonger as It Gets"

From Information Clearing House

OMS: 1 milliard de personnes touchées par des maladies neurologiques

- Next-up Bulletin d’Alerte Santé : “ Personne ne pourra dire qu’il ne savait pas “.

- Le Dauphiné: OMS – 1 milliard de personnes touchées par des maladies neurologiques.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has approved the killing of yet another endangered Mexican gray wolf. Bowing to pressure from the livestock industry, the agency has become one of the primary causes of wolf mortality and the primary cause of the recovery program’s unacceptably slow progress. The Fish and Wildlife Service killed one wolf last month and eight in previous years. More wolves have died as a result of the agency’s constant capture-and-relocation efforts.

From Endangered Earth, No. 382


The Center for Biological Diversity and San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society will soon file suit to stop a land exchange that will eliminate a 1,170-acre endangered species reserve on the March Air Reserve Base. The March Preserve supports one of the last, best populations of the endangered Stephens’ kangaroo rat. It was established as a permanent mitigation site for a highway expansion in 1990, and in 1996 was incorporated into the Long-term Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan. Now developers want to destroy it too, with federal and local “conservation” agencies happy to approve the destruction.


The Center for Biological Diversity, Pacific Environment and Earthjustice filed suit on Feb. 13 challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approval of oil and gas drilling in the Beaufort Sea and adjacent coastal plains. The agency violated the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the National Environmental Policy Act by refusing to examine how oil and gas activities interact with global warming to threaten polar bears and walrus.

Sen. Carl Levin Calls for Hitting Syria

Informant: Carol Moore in DC

From ufpj-news

Einladung Engdahl-Lesung "Saat der Zerstörung"

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

es ist mir gelungen Herrn Engdahl zu einer Lesung aus seinem Buch "Die Saat der Zerstörung" zu gewinnen.

Sonntag, 18.03.07 10.30 Uhr:


Der Autor William Engdahl liest aus seinem Buch

"DIE SAAT DER ZERSTÖRUNG" mit anschließender Diskussion

Buchverkauf und Signierung durch den Autor Eintritt: 10 Euro
(zur Deckung der Honorar- und Fahrtkosten des Autors)

incl. Kaffee und Butterbrezen

Das Buch beschreibt schonungslos offen und dokumentiert die skrupellosen Machenschaften einer superreichen Oligarchie rund um die Genmanipulation. Deren Ziel ist die Zerstörung der Ernährungsbasis der Völker. Es ist ein Angriff auf die Gesundheit und Leben der gesamten Menschheit, dass es bisher auf dieser Erde noch nie gegeben hat!

Innerhalb von fünf bis höchstens zehn jahren werden sich wesentliche Teile der weltweiten Nahrungsmittelversorgung in den Händen von nur vier global agierenden Großkonzernen befinden. Diese Firmen halten exklusive Patente auf Saatgut, ohne das kein Bauer oder Landwirt der Welt säen und später ernten kann. Es handelt sich dabei allerdings nicht um gewöhnliches Saatgut, sondern um solches, das genmanipuliert wurde. Eine besondere Entwicklung ist das "Terminator - Saatgut". Es läßt nur eine Fruchtfolge zu. Danach begehen die Samen "Selbstmord" und sind als Saatgut nicht wiederverwendbar. Damit soll sichergestellt werden, dass Saatgut jedes Jahr neu erworben werden muß.Wird diese Entwicklung nicht aufgehalten, entsteht eine neue, bislang nicht für möglich gehaltene Form der Leibeigenschaft. William Engdahl dokumentiert eine gigantische Verschwörung. Diese ist keine Theorie oder Spekulation, sondern vielmehr rasant voranschreitende Realität.

Stimmen zum Buch: "Das Buch von F. William Engdahl befaßt sich mit dem großen Thema der Genetisch Manipulierten Organismen (GMO), die für eine Geopolitik mißbraucht werden. Es liest sich wie ein Kriminalroman unglaublichen Ausmaßes, in dem vier große anglo-amerikanische Agrar-Industrie-Unternehmen nicht vor Verbrechen an der Menschheit zurückschrecken und über GMO die Nahrungsmittel und damit die Macht über unsere Welt gewinnen wollen. Engdahl hat akribisch genau hinterfragt und den Hintergrund und die großen Zusammenhänge überzeugend dargestellt, so das der Leser tief ergriffen zum selbständigen Nachdenken angeregt wird. Erst wenn Gesetze auf internationaler Ebene den Gen-ozid mit GMO bannen, wird Friede auf unserem Planeten möglich - das ist die Schlußfolgerung. "

Dr. Anton Moser, Professor für Biotechnologie, Graz (Österreich), und Vizedirektor des Österreichischen Instituts für Nachhaltige Entwicklung
Berengariastr. 5, 82131 Gauting, Tel.: 089 / 893 11 054

Die Informations-Flyer zum Weiterverteilen finden Sie im Anhang. Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Interesse und bitten Sie, die Veranstaltung an Interessierte weiterzuleiten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Christiane Lüst
Öko & Fair Umweltpädagogisches Informationszentrum
Berengariastr. 5
82131 Gauting
Tel.: 089 / 893 1 054

Nachricht von Helmut Riedl

A Chance To Avoid War With Iran

'Others To Choose From'

The Lunatic Right Returns

The Stolen Election of 2004

UK Artist's War Depiction Has Many Faces, Rough Edges

'Fox in the Chicken Coop': Bush Picks Executive as Consumer Watchdog

US to Develop New Hydrogen Bomb

Africa: Where the Next US Oil Wars Will Be

Informant: Neo Mulder

An ill wind in Iran

Informant: Neo Mulder

Iraq's Superbombs: Home Made?

Informant: Neo Mulder

Climate Change Impact More Extensive than Thought,1518,469608,00.html

Informant: NHNE


CAMPAIGNERS have presented their case against a proposed mobile phone mast at an appeal meeting.

Hutchinson 3G wants to put a 12 metre high mobile mast, on a public footway in Dittons Road, Stone Cross.

Campaigners say that the site is too close to both the new Stone Cross Medical Centre, Stone Cross Memorial Hall — which is home to a pre-school — and Stone Cross Primary School.

The original application was placed before Wealden District Council in May 2006.

District councillors rejected the plan.

In the council's decision notice it states, ''The proposed siting of the 12 metre high 'telegraph pole' mast is unacceptable as it would result in a visually incongruous feature at an inappropriate location on the edge of the pavement immediately fronting a busy medical centre, with the possible risk of interference with equipment, and in close proximity to the local primary school, village hall and other community facilities where the general public, including children, regularly visit.''

Planning inspector Robert Marshall was hearing the appeal made by Hutchinson 3G against the district council.

He heard other sites had been looked at but not taken any further by the applicant because of their 'close proximity' to a nursery school.

Debbie Marriage, speaking on behalf of Hutchinson 3G, said the councillors had made a decision which could not be backed up on planning grounds.

She said, ''We believe that this site is the most suitable. It will allow the equipment to blend in with the current street scene and offer the maximum range for our customers.

''We do not feel that the council made the correct decision when it refused the application.''

Members of the applicants team said mobile phone base stations were not a health risk.

They also said they did not believe sharing a mast with O2 further along Dittons Road would be possible, because it would mean installing a higher mast than the one which is already there.

Judith Rice, senior planning officer for Wealden District Council, said, ''Many of the sites which were disregarded in the council's view could be more suitable than this one.

''There is already a mast further along the highway in Dittons Road which as an example, we believe would be more suitable.

''The perceived health risks, along with the concerns the medical centre has about interference with its equipment in our view constitute a good reason for its refusal.''

Alison Coode, representing Westham Parish Council, said, ''The council believe the mast's location is totally wrong.

''We would also question why one location which was ruled out by the applicants because it was close to a nursery wouldn't have automatically ruled this location out as well.''

# The decision by the planning inspector is expected to be made in up to six weeks.

03 March 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Related Article:

Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity

Please read this important report "Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity" which mathematically analyzes the election audits proposed by the US Congress and finds that they would not protect all US House races; and proposes alternatives:

March 1, 2007, Park City, UT

From: National Election Data Archive, Park City, UT
Contact: Kathy Dopp, President, NEDA

Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity

To require voter-verified permanent paper ballots and increase voter confidence and accessibility, U.S. Representative Rush Holt of New Jersey and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson of Florida have sponsored virtually identical bills (HR811 and S559) that are intended to correct some of the significant, if unintended consequences of the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

Election officials in most states have not subjected election results to independent outside audits – manual counts of randomly-selected voter-verified paper ballots.

Tiered election audits are audits which manually count more precincts in close races. When a race is close, a small number of miscounted votes can alter the outcome and a robust audit is needed to find miscounts which could be hidden in a few precincts. While there are several identified concerns with the Holt and Nelson bills, Kathy Dopp, President of National Election Data Archive, and NEDA have released a report "Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity" evaluating the sufficiency of the Holt and Nelson audit provisions, as shown in the table.

HR811 and S559 election audit provisions ignore the variety in the amount of precincts in U.S. House districts. For example, a 10% audit in an 800-precinct House district requires an audit of 80 precincts, whereas a 10% audit in a 150-precinct House district triggers an audit of only 15 precincts, resulting in statistically insufficient power to detect miscounts in a close race where fewer than 1 in 15 miscounted precincts could alter the outcome.

A group of university professors wrote a letter in support of Holt's audit proposal, "Thoughts on Mandatory Audits". Dopp's says that her calculations agree with the professors' for the few cases that the professors evaluated but that their analysis was restricted only to U.S. House races with 400 total precinct vote counts for only a few selected margins; and did not consider House races with closer margins or smaller number of precincts.

"Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity" shows how to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed election audits by plotting colorful charts of the probabilities for protecting race with particular margins between the leading candidates against the total number of precincts for Congressional districts.

According to Dopp, the Holt and Nelson audit provisions would not protect many U.S. House races where "protected" means that there is at least a 50% chance of discovering miscount under the assumption that sufficient miscount exists to alter an outcome.

"Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity" suggests alternatives designed to protect all U.S. House races, including an alternative to fix the Holt and Nelson audit by requiring minimum numbers of precincts to be audited. To protect all U.S. House races, a larger audit rate is necessary for districts with a fewer precincts.

As with all legislation, cost is a consideration. Therefore an accurate cost estimate for conducting nation-wide manual audits of federal elections is needed. Dopp says that Congressional staffers asked her to calculate cost estimates for nationwide audits of federal elections, but that election data, including the margins and number of total precincts for all recent U.S. House and Senate races, is necessary for each state and for recent elections in order to perform the calculations.

Unfortunately states are not required to collect or make publicly available precinct-level election results (or other detailed vote counts, data, or election records that are necessary for public oversight over election integrity) so that this data required for calculating an accurate cost estimate for election auditing for Congress is very difficult to obtain and must be obtained from an organization like Election Data Services which has been collecting it laboriously from numerous jurisdictions for years, and can extract it from their databases.

Kathy Dopp, President of National Election Data Archive, recently met with Congressional staff in Washington DC to recommend changes to the proposed federal election integrity bills - statistically valid election audits and public access to election records and data necessary for citizen oversight.

Tax-deductible donations to defray the $1,500 cost to obtain the data for a cost estimate for conducting audits of all federal elections from Election Data Services are accepted at Please help us give Congress a good cost estimate for conducting nationwide audits of federal elections.

The report "Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity" can be found at:

This release in pdf format with chart and table can be found at:

People are urged to contact their U.S. Senators and Representative, send them the report, and ask them to support sufficient nationwide audits of federal elections to protect all U.S. House and Senate races. See and

Kathy Dopp


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