Sonntag, 18. Februar 2007

US Attorneys Believed Fired Due to Political Clash With White House

All but one of the US attorneys recently fired by the Justice Department had positive job reviews before they were dismissed, but many ran into political trouble with Washington over issues ranging from immigration to the death penalty. Two months after the firings first began to make waves on Capitol Hill, it has also become clear that most of the prosecutors were overseeing significant public-corruption investigations at the time they were asked to leave.

Oh What a Malleable War

Frank Rich writes: "Maybe the Bush White House can't conduct a war, but no one has ever impugned its ability to lie about its conduct of a war. Now even that well-earned reputation for flawless fictionalizing is coming undone. Watching the administration try to get its story straight about Iran's role in Iraq last week was like watching third graders try to sidestep blame for misbehaving while the substitute teacher was on a bathroom break. The team that once sold the country smoking guns in the shape of mushroom clouds has completely lost its mojo. Surely these guys can do better than this."

Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration at Army's Top Medical Facility

Behind the door of Army Specialist Jeremy Duncan's room, part of the wall is torn and hangs in the air, weighted down with black mold. When the wounded combat engineer stands in his shower and looks up, he can see the bathtub on the floor above through a rotted hole. Signs of neglect are everywhere: mouse droppings, belly-up cockroaches, stained carpets, cheap mattresses. This is the world of Building 18 in the Walter Reed Medical Center, home to hundreds of maimed soldiers recuperating from injuries suffered in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Die Flüchtlingskatastrophe im Irak

Während in Washington die Politiker um die Truppenerhöhung streiten, wird die Lage der Flüchtlinge immer dramatischer: mindestens 3,5 Millionen der 26 Millionen Iraker befinden sich im In- oder Ausland seit 2003 auf der Flucht.

Indonesia's Biofuel Expansion on Rainforest Peatlands to Accelerate Climate Change

Bundesnetzagentur weigert sich, die Leistungen der Mobilfunksender im Landkreis herauszugeben


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

nun weigert sich die BNA, Außenstelle Landshut, zum wiederholten Male, die installierten Leistungen der Mobilfunksender im Kreis und in den angrenzenden Kommunen Schäftlarn, Seeshaupt und Penzberg weiterzugeben.

Dies, obwohl das Umweltinformationsgesetz eindeutig und unmissverständlich regelt, dass Emissionen auf Antrag herausgegeben werden müssen, und hier „Geschäftsgeheimnisse“ der Betreiber nicht Vorrang haben. Doch dieses Bundesamt macht sich offensichtlich zum Erfüllungsgehilfen einer Industrie, die sowieso von der Öffentlichkeit misstrauisch beobachtet wird: in den letzten Monaten hat sich immer deutlicher herausgestellt, dass Handys bei Langzeitnutzern bösartige Gehirntumore verursachen können und dass Anwohner im Nahbereich von Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen gehäuft bestimmte Krankheiten haben.

Kein Wunder, dass die Betreiber hier nicht noch zusätzlich in die Schusslinie geraten wollen, zeigen doch erste von den Bürgerinitiativen erreichte Daten, dass diese Sendeanlagen nicht wenige Watt installierte Leistung haben, wie die Betreiber immer abwiegelnd weismachen wollen, sondern im Kilowattbereich!

Das Netzwerk der mobilfunkkritischen Bürgerinitiativen im Landkreis Bad Tölz – Wolfratshausen wendet sich deshalb nun an die Öffentlichkeit, um die Bundesnetzagentur zu einem gesetzestreuen Verhalten zu zwingen.

Als Anlage finden Sie:

1) unseren Antrag auf Herausgabe der installierten Leistungen der Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen

2) das ablehnende Schreiben der BNA, Außenstelle Landshut

3) unseren Widerspruch zu dieser Ablehnung

4) parallele Schreiben mit der Bitte um Abhilfe an
a) den Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages
b) den Wirtschaftsminister, Herrn Glos, als verantwortliche Aufsichtsperson für die BNA
c) MdB Klaus Barthel als Chefaufseher des Bundestags über die BNA
d) MdB Ute Kumpf als Sprecherin der Arbeitsgruppe „Bürgerliches Engagement“

Wir bitten Sie, im Rahmen Ihrer Berichterstattung sich dieses Themas anzunehmen und bedanken uns im Voraus für Ihre Unterstützung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Dr.-Ing. Hans Schmidt
Sprecher Bürgerinitiative Wolfratshausen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog e.V.

Again, GOP Thwarts Senate Debate on War

Senate Republicans for a second time blocked a symbolic attempt by Democrats to reject President Bush's troop increase yesterday, but GOP defections were higher than before, suggesting Republican cracks as the Iraq war dominates Congress's agenda.

Who can stop the war?


by Steven Yates

The Real ID Act does not just federalize our driver’s licenses but hand them over to the Department of Homeland Security. It calls for the creation of mammoth databases of information on law-abiding U.S. citizens. It places state Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMVs) in the position of having to become domestic spies­and it does so without any thought to the resources required, much less the dangers (e.g., of identity theft). It was signed into law despite the opposition of dozens of groups all across the political spectrum.......

"REAL ID" Real Rebellion Boiling Over

by Steven Yates

Common sense ought to tell us that a country does not fight a real “war on terrorism” with its borders wide open. Which is why many of us have concluded that the “war on terrorism” is fraudulent­a scare tactic aimed at persuading us to progressively relinquish our freedoms to the central government. The official line appears to run something like, “We will keep you safe, if you give us more power.” More and more Americans aren’t buying it, and with the mounting evidence of mass deception within our government and cooperation on the part of greedy corporations, the ad hominem rebuke that we should take off our tinfoil hats has worn thin.....

Fake drug, fake illness and people believe it

Informant: NHNE

Next-up News n°188

National Effort to End the War and Impeach Bush and Cheney

Informant: Jennifer Van Bergen

From ufpj-news

Documents show new secretive US prison program isolating Muslim, Middle Eastern prisoners

The US Department of Justice has implemented a secretive new prison program segregating "high-security-risk" Muslim and Middle Eastern prisoners and tightly restricting their communications with the outside world in apparent violation of federal law.

From Information Clearing House

US military planes criss-cross Europe using bogus call sign

THE American military have been operating flights across Europe using a call sign assigned to a civilian airline that they have no legal right to use.

From Information Clearing House

Russian-U.S. ties hit new low

For all the talk of strategic partnership and even personal friendship between Putin and President George W. Bush, the relationship between Russia and the United States has reached its lowest point since the Soviet Union collapsed a decade and a half ago.

From Information Clearing House

The US claims that Iran supplies Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDS) to Iraqi insurgents, no serious evidence has been provided

From Information Clearing House

Weapons used in attack in Zahedan, Iran come from U.S.

Relevant documents, photographs and film footage, which show that the explosives and arsenals used in the attack were American, would soon be made public, an "informed source" was quoted as saying.

From Information Clearing House

India's anti-Iran votes were coerced, says former US official

India's votes against Iran, in turn, 'paved the way for the Congressional vote on the civilian nuclear proposal last year'.

Bush all set to attack Iran

The Bush administration's preparation to strike Iran is complete with the top commander of the US Central Command having received computerised plans for ‘Operation Iranian Freedom’, a report has said.

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

Jailed 2 Years, Iraqi Tells of Abuse by Americans


The American detention camps in Iraq now hold 15,500 prisoners, more than at any time since the war began. The camps are filled with people like Mr. Ani who are being held without charge and without access to tribunals where their cases are reviewed, the Times examination published last December found.

Business As Usual

By Irene Rheinwald

Empire building, the consequence of self-delusion, arrogance, and xenophobia, is actually economic exploitation. The spoils of war are paramount: not democracy, not enlightenment, nor freedom, liberty, and certainly not self-determination. To assert such lofty motives is disingenuous dissembling. Why is the United States only interested in “liberating” countries swimming in natural resources such as oil?

American Betrayal

Kampf dem Klimagas

Die Mehrheit der Klimaforscher geht davon aus, dass die Erderwärmung ihren Grund in einem höheren Eintrag von so genannten Treibhausgasen hat. 3SAT | 18.02.07 | 16:00 Uhr und 3SAT | 23.02.07 | 15:00 Uhr

Call for weeklong national boycott to impeach for peace

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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Februar 2007


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