Freitag, 9. Februar 2007

We Must Stop Bush Bombing Iran, and Stop Iran Getting the Bomb

"We should not bomb Iran to prevent Iran getting the bomb. The consequences would be disastrous. After Iraq, US or Israeli military action against this regionally powerful, oil-producing Shia muslim country would make the world a still more dangerous place. The cure would be worse than the disease. That's what a new report from a diverse coalition of British organizations says, and it is right. But this is not enough," begins Timothy Garton Ash.

Home-Grown Gitmo

William Fisher writes: "The Bush administration's penchant for privatizing virtually all government operations has combined with the current furor over border security to create another perfect storm - this time for suspected illegal immigrants. These thousands of people held in detention under the aegis of the US Department of Homeland Security - increasingly in privately-owned jails - are failing to receive timely medical treatment and adequate food, being subjected to frequent sexual harassment, and having their access to lawyers, relatives and immigration authorities improperly limited."

Alaska's McNeil River Bears need your help

"Übergangstechnologie": CDU-Politiker Pflüger will Abkehr von Atomkraft

Das CDU-Präsidiumsmitglied Friedbert Pflüger sprach das aus, was viele seiner CDU-Kollegen möglicherweise denken, sich aber nicht zu sagen trauen. Pflüger forderte eine Abkehr seiner Partei von der Kernenergie. Im Berliner "Tagesspiegel" bezeichnete er die Atomkraft als "Übergangstechnologie", die "auf Dauer vom Menschen nicht beherrschbar ist." Das Problem der Endlagerung, das Restrisiko technischer Unfälle, mögliche Terrorangriffe und das Problem der Entwicklung von Waffentechnologien unter dem Deckmantel der friedlichen Nutzung seien zu groß. Pflüger steht damit im Widerspruch zur offiziellen Linie seiner Partei.

Massentierhaltung: "Geflügelpest" oder "Vogelgrippe"?

Nachdem in Ungarn und England die gefährlichen Viren vom Typ H5N1 "in hermetisch abgeriegelten Geflügelmastbetrieben" aufgetaucht sind, sieht der Naturschutzverband NABU darin ein starkes Indiz dafür, dass vermutlich nicht Wildvögel, sondern die industrielle Massentierhaltung Schuld an der Verbreitung des Virus habe. Man solle daher nicht länger von "Vogelgrippe" sprechen, sondern zur ursprünglichen Bezeichnung "Geflügelpest" zurückkehren, fordert die Organisation. Denn die Bezeichnung Vogelgrippe habe massiv dazu beigetragen, die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit wie auch die Suche nach den Virenträgern in erster Linie auf Zugvögel, die die Nutztiere anstecken würden, zu lenken, beklagt NABU-Bundesgeschäftsführer Leif Miller. Statt "unter Hochdruck die potentiellen Ausbreitungs- und Übertragungswege in den Kreisläufen der industriellen Massentierhaltung und der globalen Geflügelzuchtindustrie aufzudecken", halte eine breite Koalition von Interessenvertretern an der Wildvogel-Hypothese fest.

Louise Arbour: Justice Before Politics

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour argues that demands for justice and for the execution of international law should take precedence over political considerations in conflict resolution. "Some say: peace, first; justice afterwards. I've never heard anyone say: justice first, peace later. To subjugate justice to political processes is to compromise it. When we begin to say that 'justice must come into play at the right time,' we are, by definition, manipulating it."

Fired Prosecutor Disputes Justice Department Allegation

The comments by former US attorney John McKay add to a growing tide of criticism of the Justice Department's decision to fire seven top prosecutors without explanation, and they came on the same day the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 13 to 6 to limit the attorney general's power to appoint replacements.

Does US Budget Reflect Best Investments for Our Future?

"When Congress debates how much to spend on programs such as 'education' and the 'environment,' lawmakers are really deciding how to carve up America's discretionary budget pie, as proposed by President Bush on Monday. The Pentagon would receive $481 billion, and that's not including funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As you can see, more than half of the money Congress votes to spend this year would go to the Pentagon, leaving budget scraps for everything else," writes Ben Cohen.

When Bush Comes to Shove

Michael Winship writes: "Presidents have been making recess appointments since George Washington. Our current president takes advantage of this perk a lot. Most of his recess appointments have been for political and ideological advantage, not - as was the Constitution's intent - to fill positions essential to the efficient running of government when there were long gaps between sessions of Congress."

Truth Exposed by Senate Armed Services Hearing

By David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Attorneys Face Appeals Court in ACLU Challenge to Bush Spy Program

Ann Beeson and Jim Bamford ACLU Associate Legal Director Ann Beeson, seen here with ACLU client, Jim Bamford, gave post-argument comments from the court house.

* Watch the video on YouTube.
* Listen to the arguments in ACLU v. NSA.
* Plaintiffs, attorneys and experts including Daniel Ellsberg comment on the arguments on our blog.
* Check out our map showing where the government is spying. What’s happening in your state?

Last week in Cincinnati, ACLU attorneys went head-to-head with the National Security Agency (NSA) over the president’s illegal spying program. In a federal court room, we argued that the court must exercise its proper authority and require the president to follow the law.

The hearing was the next step in our ACLU v. NSA case, following the 2006 federal court ruling that found the Bush administration’s program unconstitutional.

"Unchecked government spying has no place in a democratic society," said Ann Beeson, Associate Legal Director of the ACLU and lead attorney in the case. "Under our Constitution, the president does not have the authority to ignore laws he does not like, whenever he wants."

Despite unyielding claims that they could not comply with the laws that govern domestic surveillance, the Bush administration conceded in January that the Foreign Intelligence Court has an oversight role in NSA. But the president is still claiming the "inherent authority" to engage in warrantless eavesdropping, and even his own attorneys acknowledged that nothing would stop him from resuming warrantless surveillance at any time. In Cincinnati, we argued that only an order from the court saying that the president cannot violate the law would prevent that from happening.

More information, including legal briefs and plaintiff statements, is online at:

DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo

Jason Leopold reports: "A long-awaited report on the veracity of pre-war Iraq intelligence has found that a secretive policy shop exaggerated the Iraqi threat, providing the White House with cherry-picked information about links between Iraq and al Qaeda. The shop, operating out of the Pentagon, was set up by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Its goal was to lay the groundwork for a pre-emptive military strike against Iraq."

Boycott threat for school over telephone mast


09 February 2007

Katie Davies

WORRIED parents have threatened to take their children out of a £10,000-a-year private school because of health fears over a mobile phone mast.

Mothers of boys at The Hall in Hampstead are outraged that O2 has won permission for a phone mast on Buckland Court, Belsize Park, just metres from the junior school.

They have accused the company of sneaking the mast in - after Camden Council planning officers approved the scheme in November without telling parents.

Justine Harris, who works at Jewish Care in Golders Green, is one of the angry mothers.

She said: "Many parents are very concerned about it and are considering moving their children if it is installed.

"This is not what anyone wants. O2 got permission in December without anyone knowing about it.

"This area has the highest proportion of schools in the country and I don't think its right to put in a phone mast here. They really did sneak it in."

Parents have started a letter campaign to O2 and are meeting staff to discuss the issue tonight.

Nicola Gee has two sons at the school, Marcus and William, and another, Simon, who previously attended.

She wrote: "I'm amazed that the phone mast could actually be going ahead. Having been a Hall parent for nearly eight years, with a possible further eight years ahead if Simon's younger brothers continue to attend the school, the potential of a phone mast is a major concern.

"I completed a degree in biology, followed by an MSc, and am fully aware that the long-term consequences of any study can never be fully determined until the next generation has reached adulthood.

"On that basis, it is impossible to know the long-term effects a phone mast could have on our young children.

"I would therefore seriously consider looking at alternative schools for Marcus and William, if the phone mast were to go ahead.

"This is despite the fact I am a great fan of The Hall School. Simon has had the best education and experience I could ever have hoped for."

An O2 spokesman said: "We have full planning permission for this one. We would ask people not to be too concerned about it. On the next block from where we are T-Mobile has a site and we are replicating what they have.

"There won't be any increase in emissions from the site than what's coming now."

Hall Headmaster Philip Lough was unavailable for comment.


Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

People power wins in phone mast battle

Feb 8 2007

By John Hill

A MASS public outcry has pole-axed plans for a 10-metre mobile phone mast in Limehouse.

Residents flooded Tower Hamlets Council with 107 objections when plans for the T-Mobile antenna were revealed at Christmas.

And the council's development committee rejected the application last Wednesday (January 30), claiming the mast was of "poor design".

The slimline pole was to be constructed off Branch Road to improve the "poor quality" reception in the area. It was also designed to cater for the next-generation 3G network, which allows users to watch video, browse the internet and listen to music on their phones.

But residents complained en masse about the "eyesore" after they were tipped off by a fellow resident.

And council planners blocked the scheme last week, claiming the design "failed to respect the character and appearance of the Limehouse Basin".

The board said: "The proposed 10-metre monopole - by reason of its poor design, excessive height and prominent siting - would appear incongruous to the site and setting as a whole."

Blackwall and Cubitt Town councillor Tim Archer claimed the mast was "totally wrong for the marina and would have stuck out like a sore thumb".

He said: "It just goes to show that when residents' voices are loud enough we can get the council to listen to us - occasionally."

T-Mobile had claimed it had chosen to position the antenna on British Waterways land in Limehouse Basin after an "exhaustive site search", and that "no other site share opportunities were available".

A spokesperson for the phone company said: "We will study the refusal and look at the options for the future.

"We're looking to provide a quality service in that area, and we thought we had struck a balance between the needs of the network and the concerns of the residents. It seems the council thought differently."

But Victory Place Residents Association chairman Donald Davies said: "It was quite interesting that they rejected it on aesthetic grounds.

"We just hope now that they don't set one up somewhere else not too far away." john.hill

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Southern Limited 2007

Silencing Democracy

Stephen Colbert on the lack of debate on the Iraq War: it looks like the only way we can bring democracy there is to silence it here.


Don't trust Exxon-Mobil or BP with our energy future?

Energy Research For All
Don't trust Exxon-Mobil or BP with our energy future? We don't have to.


BP's Texas Refinery "Largest Emitter of Carcinogenic Toxins in US"

A new report has named a Texas refinery owned and operated by BP as the largest emitter of carcinogenic toxins in the US.

Do you know what's being done in your name under Bush's "war on terror"?

Amnesty International USA: The America We Believe In Leads The World On Human Rights

The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution says that no person "shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law."

But when Congress passed the Military Commissions Act last summer, it gave the Bush Administration the right to detain anyone labeled an "unlawful enemy combatant" - without charge or trial - for as long as it pleases.

Such practices have already been used against American citizens - not on some faraway battlefield, but right here on our own soil.

What do your fellow Americans think? Watch our 90-second video and find out.

Next-up News n°180

- Téléphonie Mobile et Antennes Relais : REBONDISSEMENTS !.

1 - Nouvelle Proposition de loi N° 3576 (simplifiée) déposée à l' Assemblée Nationale par un Député de la majorité.

2 - Le Premier Ministre Dominique de VILLEPIN directement impliqué dans la saisine du Parlement.

3 - Consensus des Députés de tous bords pour l'examen d'une des deux propositions de loi déposées à l'Assemblée Nationale avant la fin de la présente législature, soit ce 23 février 2007.

4 - Publication des résumés des réponses (explicites) de Députés et publication de la 1ère liste des co-signataires.

Le changement c'est maintenant, il dépend de vous, il est entre vos mains : AGISSEZ !

Inuit accuse US of destroying their way of life with global warming

Informant: binstock

Watada beats the Government

by Marjorie Cohn


When the Army judge declared a mistrial over defense objection in 1st Lt. Ehren Watada’s court martial yesterday, he probably didn’t realize jeopardy attached. That means that under the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Constitution, the government cannot retry Lt. Watada on the same charges of missing movement and conduct unbecoming an officer. … Lt. Ehren Watada was correct when he said the war is illegal and he would be party to war crimes if he deployed to Iraq. The orders to deploy were unlawful and Lt. Watada had a duty to disobey them. Although he faces the possibility of a dishonorable discharge, the judge’s grant of a mistrial precludes retrial on the same criminal charges...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War opponents occupy congressional offices

by Mike Ferner


From Alaska to Washington, D.C. yesterday, peace activists escalated their tactics and occupied Congressional offices, demanding elected officials vote against George Bush’s request of $93,000,000,000 to extend the war. The Occupation Project, organized by Voices for Creative Nonviolence (VCNV), kicked off at noon, Eastern Time when four people were arrested holding a funeral service in the Chicago office of Democratic U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and four more people were arrested in the Chicago office of U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), reading names of Iraqis and U.S. soldiers. At the same the same hour, 10 people sat down and were arrested in the Washington, D.C. office of Senator John McCain (R-AZ) …. On the opening day of the six-week project, a total of eight local congressional offices were occupied across the country...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Slouching towards D-day

Asia Times
by Pepe Escobar


The battle for Baghdad has officially begun. It’s a double bill involving suppression of Sunni militants and defanging Sadr City, the vast Shi’ite enclave that staunchly backs cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mehdi Army. This counterinsurgency against classic guerrilla tactics with popular support is doomed. Inevitably, Iran will be blamed...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Political power and the rule of law

The Free Liberal
by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


Remember that one’s relationship with the state is never voluntary. Every government edict, policy, regulation, court decision, and law ultimately is backed up by force, in the form of police, guns, and jails. That is why political power must be fiercely constrained by the American people. The desire for power over other human beings is not something to celebrate, but something to condemn! The 20th century’s worst tyrants were political figures, men who fanatically sought power over others through the apparatus of the state. They wielded that power absolutely, without regard for the rule of law. Our constitutional system, by contrast, was designed to restrain political power and place limits on the size and scope of government. It is this system, the rule of law, which we should celebrate — not political victories...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Beating back the Bush surge

by Michael Scherer and Mark Benjamin


Over three days next week, the floor of the House of Representatives will become a wind tunnel of oratory, with most of the 435 members appearing before C-SPAN cameras to declare their support or opposition to President Bush’s war plan for Iraq. But beyond the swirling rhetoric, the debate over a non-binding resolution to oppose the surge of troops represents an important first step in a long-range strategy by congressional Democrats to force a conclusion to the Iraq war. The effort has two important goals, say Democrats. On the one hand, they hope to put political pressure on vulnerable House Republicans so that more of them break away from the White House on Iraq policy. At the same time, they plan to use the power of the purse to restrict the president’s ability to continue the war...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Battle of Petitions: A Referendum on the Bush Presidency

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Filibuster to end the war now

by John Walsh


We hear over and over again that it ‘takes 60 votes to get something serious done in the Senate.’ That is a lot of malarkey. It takes only one senator to begin a filibuster against any bill. And then it takes only 41 votes to uphold that filibuster and prevent any proposed law from coming to the floor. Thus, the present authorization for defense funding in the coming fiscal year can be stopped cold if it contains funds for the war on Iraq. And this can be done by just one courageous Senator, backed by 40 colleagues. … The Republicans have shown in their very first weeks in opposition that they have the ovaries to do what the Democrats will not. Today (February, 5) they raised 49 votes in the Senate to prevent a relatively harmless non-binding resolution against Bush’s so-called ’surge.’ … What are the odds that even a handful of Senators will begin a filibuster against the war? Pretty minimal, I fear, given the power of AIPAC and other pro-war forces within the Democratic Party. But the Senators should be pressured intensely, no holds barred, to do so anyway...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Who watches watchers in surveillance society?



In some cities in Europe and the United States, a person can be videotaped by surveillance cameras hundreds of times a day, and it’s safe to say that most of the time no one is actually watching. But the advent of ‘intelligent video’ — software that raises the alarm if something on camera appears amiss — means Big Brother will soon be able to keep a more constant watch, a prospect that is sure to heighten privacy concerns. … the encroachment on privacy in what civil libertarians call a ’surveillance society’ may be a price willingly paid by citizens who fear terrorism and crime. But ever-alert software capable of maintaining a continuous ‘watch’ on security cameras multiplies the risks of harassing innocent people, privacy experts say...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Vet group speaks out on war

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New Guantanamo tribunal rules under fire



Tight deadlines, rules allowing hearsay evidence and limited access to Guantanamo Bay will hamper efforts to defend three prisoners facing military trials at the Navy base in southeast Cuba, their attorneys say. The new rules, set forth in a Pentagon manual, are based on a law passed last year by Congress that restored President Bush’s plans for special military commissions to try some of the detainees held at Guantanamo Bay...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Deforestation Main Challenge for UNEP

The severe degradation of the environment and its impact on climate change are dominating discussions currently underway at the 24th meeting of the governing council of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in the Kenyan capital.

Bush Budget Would Cut Money for Scenic Wild Lands

A program that protects more than a million acres of trails, wilderness and historic sites in the West would see another cut under President Bush's proposed 2008 budget.

New Bankruptcy Laws Make It Harder for Working Americans to Start Over

The average American owes an estimated $9,200 on credit cards. Recent changes to bankruptcy law are making it harder for average Americans to dig themselves out of debt.

Lawyers for Three Gitmo Detainees Slam Rules

Tight deadlines, rules allowing hearsay evidence and limited access to Guantanamo Bay will hamper efforts to defend three detainees facing military trials at the Navy base in southeast Cuba, their attorneys say.

Senate Panel Reacts to Attorney Firings

A Senate panel advanced a bill Thursday to curb the Justice Department's power to replace federal prosecutors indefinitely, after seven forced resignations sparked accusations of political favoritism.

The 21st Century Sucks

After Boston's false bomb threat last week, William Rivers Pitt realizes that the younger generation has been exposed to "bogus terror scare after bogus terror scare, to lies without count about threats beyond measure, to a war seemingly without end that serves only itself." Pitt writes, "a twenty-one year old today was seventeen years old when we invaded Iraq, fifteen years old when September 11th happened, and fourteen years old when the Supreme Court decided to take over the duties and responsibilities of electing our public officials."

Rachel's News #893

Democrats Change the Gas and Claim It's a New Car

By David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Keep your phone mast off our village haven


09 February 2007 08:56

A vision to create a picturesque spot in a village on the edge of the city could be shattered by proposals for a 39ft mobile phone mast.

Villagers in New Costessey have been told the communications company T-Mobile intends to obtain permission to put the mast next to a parade of shops in New Road.

The small strip of grass had been earmarked by parish councillors as a natural spot for a village sign and flower beds to create an attractive centre for New Costessey.

South Norfolk Councillor John Denby said councillors had written to T-Mobile objecting to the plan to erect the mast on that particular spot.

He said: “We haven't as yet had an official planning application come through. I think they are trying to soften up the public before an application comes in.

“It would be right in the middle of a highly populated residential and shopping area. It would be really detrimental to the street scene and is on a very narrow strip of grass in an area which is already overcrowded, with a pedestrian crossing, two mature oak trees, a bus stop and a village notice board.”

Norfolk County Councillor Tim East said he hoped the phone company would listen to the concerns of homeowners in the area.

He said: “The area was supposed to be developed by the parish council as a natural centre to New Costessey.

“We were going to introduce benches and a new village sign - a cast metal copy of the one in Old Costessey - which we wanted to put on this space.

“We wanted to put in flower beds and really tart up the area and make it an attractive centre for New Costessey.

“How attractive will it be if you put a 39ft mobile telephone mast there? It will scupper that plan completely.”

Retired John Wilkinson, who lives in Norwich Road, said although the mast could be disguised as a telegraph pole the site was already cluttered and unsightly.

He said: “Some people do still have concerns about it being so close to the school.

“I'm rather surprised that they need it anyway, my understanding is that T-Mobile customers can get signals quite well in Costessey.”

Are you fighting to stop a phone mast in your area? Contact Kim Briscoe on 01603 772419 or e-mail kim.briscoe

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Locals will fight phone mast plan

By Sue Vickers

PICKERSLEIGH Road residents are fighting proposals for a 40ft phone mast right outside their front doors.

Mobile phone company Hutchison 3G has applied for planning permission for the mast and base station on a grassy verge near the junction with North End Lane.

"None of us are happy about the mast at all. It is just too close. It will be higher than the houses, lamposts and telegraph poles," said Victor Turner, whose front door will be barely 100 yards from the 12.5m mast.

He said the batteries and equipment at the foot of the mast could be a health hazzard and said residents were worried about what would happen if a car hit the mast and it fell on to nearby homes. The proposed mast would be near a road junction, where there have been accidents in the past.

"It shouldn't be in a residential area. It's just not safe. An industrial estate would be more suitable," said Mr Turner.

Hilda Forsyth said she and other residents would do everything they could to stop the mast.

"We're not having it here and that's final," she said.

Hutchison 3G originally applied for permission for the slimline, single pole phone mast on land behind Bicknells garage, but this site is no longer available.

In a statement supporting the current planning application, Hutchison 3G says the mast will be painted green to match nearby lampposts and will be partly screened by the mature trees in Pickersleigh Road.

The mast is needed to provide digital and video mobile phone services for the Pickersleigh area of Malvern.

Hutchison 3G corporate affairs manager Mike Dobson said the mast was a modest, single pole with three shrouded antennae.

He said its transmissions would be well below the World Health Organisation's guideleines for telecoms structures.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

Residents living close to the mast site will be sending their objections to Malvern Hills District Council's planning department.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

HSBC warns over US mortgage bad debt

HSBC, Europe’s biggest bank, last night gave warning that bad debts in its troubled US mortgage lending business would be 20 per cent higher than forecast.

From Information Clearing House

Bush's uncle tangled in options probe

President George W. Bush's uncle, William H.T. "Bucky" Bush, was part of a group of outside directors at a defense contractor who realized about $6 million in unauthorized pay from an options backdating scheme, according to U.S. securities investigators.

From Information Clearing House

Exxon Record Shows Company Took Less Profit In Run Up To The Election

The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) said today's earnings reports show that industry leaders cut domestic refining profits in the run-up to the November election in order to lower gasoline prices, very likely hoping to influence the mid-term election.

From Information Clearing House

Cheney Surprised by Libby's Account

Libby's account of the conversation came near the end of nearly eight hours of audiotapes of his 2004 grand jury testimony that prosecutors finished playing at his trial Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

Political fudge can't hide sham of Hicks charges

So after five years all we have are these pathetic and phoney charges. But David Hicks is still not charged. The United States is walking all over the Prime Minister's mid-February deadline.

From Information Clearing House

We must oppose any attack on Iran

We Iranians, MPs and campaigners demand that the British government oppose and condemn any form of military confrontation with Iran.,,2007937,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Alliance split over Iran nuclear defiance

Europeans are accusing Americans of strong-arming them into cracking down on Iran in the latest trans-Atlantic conflict, a dispute that is straining efforts to maintain a joint front on Tehran over its refusal to freeze uranium enrichment.

From Information Clearing House

Rice confronted over Iran evidence

Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, has been confronted in congress over the US administration's failure to provide firm evidence for Iran's alleged nuclear weapons development.

From Information Clearing House

Iran will defend itself with 'worldwide strike' if attacked

Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has today warned that if under attack, Iran will hit back at US interests worldwide.

Iran tests missiles "able to sink big warships"

"These missiles, with a maximum range of 350 km (220 miles), can hit different kinds of big warships in all of the Persian Gulf, all of the Sea of Oman and the north of the Indian Ocean," senior Revolutionary Guards naval commander Ali Fadavi said.

From Information Clearing House

Iranian official: U.S. seeks to mask failure in Iraq by scapegoating Iran

Iran's ambassador to the United Nations said in a commentary published Thursday that the United States was trying to use Iran as its "scapegoat" for the failed policy in Iraq and called on the U.S. to cooperate to end violence in the war-torn nation.

From Information Clearing House

Marine 'congratulated' men for murder of Iraqi civilian: witness

A US Marine squad leader congratulated soldiers "for getting away with murder" after an Iraqi civilian was bound and shot dead at point-blank range, a military court has heard.

From Information Clearing House

Canadian, U.S. and Mexican officials held secretive meeting on integration

By Kelly Patterson
CanWest News Service

Canadian, U.S. and Mexican politicians discussed using "stealth" to overcome public resistance to the integration of the three countries at a confidential meeting last year, according to documents just released under U.S. Freedom of Information laws.

Jonah Goldberg's Gambling Debt: Will the Tribune Company Pay It Off?

By Jeff Cohen

There are many shades of rightwing punditry in our country. Among the shadiest is Jonah Goldberg.

The World Can't Wait, Won't Wait, Isn't Waiting

Cynthia McKinney Speech
Kuala Lumpur Peace Conference

"Something is happening in our world!" The world's marginalized, exploited, and dispossessed are taking center stage because they have decided to defy imperial domination. They are saying that resource wars that hurt the masses and benefit the few are illegal, immoral, and just plain wrong.

How Not to Inflame Iraq

By Javad Zarif
Iranian ambassador to the United Nations

The American administration can also contribute to ending the current nightmare — and preventing future ones — by recognizing that occupation and the threat or use of force are not merely impermissible under international law, but indeed imprudent in purely political calculations of national interest.

Army clears itself of any wrong doing despite hundreds of reports of systematic torture and soldiers bragging about torturing detainees

Take Action to Save Women’s Lives in Guatemala

Mobile phone mast plans spark anger

A row has erupted over plans for a new mobile phone mast between Chorley and Leyland.

Mobile phone giant Hutchisons 3G is planning to erect a 15-metre mast and associated equipment on land west of The Hayrick pub, Wigan Road, Clayton-le-Woods.

The site is near the M6 and less than a mile from the planned location in Lancaster Lane for another new mobile phone mast by 02.

Chorley MP Lindsay Hoyle is among those wanting to know why two phone giants can't share a mast.

Mr Hoyle said: "This time Chorley council has to recognise that the operators are running roughshod over the area. The council should take a stand that operators should look towards mast-sharing.

"We know that they keep coming back asking to erect more and more of these masts. They are a blot on the landscape and are not very attractive visually.

"They are not good for the area and to bring in more of them is unacceptable. The companies should be considering the communities where they are building the masts and also that the residents are their customers and they should therefore be reasonable with their proposals."

Dave Dargan, landlord of the Hayrick pub, said he'll also be writing a letter of objection to the council.

"Why can't these companies share phone masts?" he asked. "There are more and more of them. I know the companies themselves will say there's no proof of any threat to health but what if they're wrong."

Martin's newsagents on Wigan Road, formerly Forbouys, have written to Chorley Council objecting to the plans for the mast.

A member of staff, who asked not be named, said: "It is ridiculous to see all these phone masts going up in the area. Not only are they an eysesore, but there are also concerns that they could harm your health.

"I do get a lot of customers coming in who aren't happy with this application, especially older people who have concerns for their health. I don't understand why every company has to have their own mast.

"They should share the masts and then there wouldn't be so many and it would probably be cheaper for them. We don't want another phone mast."

Brian Spooner, of Hutchison3G, said: "I question the comment by the local MP that operators are running roughshod over the area.

"In this instance the company is informing the public of a proposal to locate the mobile phone base station in the locality, as part of a voluntary consultation process with an open and honest approach.

"With regard to mast sharing, the first part of any process to find a location is to look at existing operators' masts to see if they are suitable.

"In this instance we investigated the possibilty of using an existing mast at Lydiate Farm, but its location would not provide adequate coverage to the area of service."

08 February 2007

All rights reserved © 2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Dominican Telecom to host forum on health effects of radio waves

SANTO DOMINGO.- The president of the Dominican Telecom Institute (Indotel) announced today that a scientific forum on the health effects caused by non--ionizing the electromagnetic emissions will be held next March 2 in this capital, with the attendance of international experts,.

Jose Rafael Vargas said that local scientists and foreign experts from several countries will dictate on the "International Forum on non-ionizing electromagnetic emissions and their effects on health.”

He said that universities, television and broadcasting companies, telecom services providers, mayors, and public health authorities will participate in the activity.

The official said that the Forum will define actions to assist the Dominican State in drafting a norm on the emissions of no-ionizing the electromagnetic waves and their potential health effects.

Vargas will deliver the keynote address in the opening of the scientific event, whose topics include "Non-ionizing radiations in avenue 27 de Febrero," resulting from the power density levels from radio communication in that zone, from research conducted by engineers of the Santo Domingo State University (UASD).

Scientists from Italy will dictate on the "State of development of norms and studies carried out by specialized international organisms on the safe use of the non-ionizing radiations," whereas Peruvian technicians will tell of their experiences in the elaboration of norms and studies conducted on the topic.

Also, Dominican doctors will dictate on the effects of electromagnetic emissions on health, with case studies of the country, and will culminate with a panel which will reach conclusions on norms and incidence of this problem.

Among the Forum’s objectives is to hear experiences from international and local experts on concerns over radio towers and radiation from antennas in residences, constructions or public places. Opinions will also be heard form experts of the World Health Organization’s (WHO), the industry and from communications equipment manufacturers in general.

Also, to debate studies or scientific research by universities, public health and any other institution which has studied the health effects from non-ionizing electromagnetic emissions.

Informant: Martin Weatherall

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