Is Russia next

Mittwoch, 20. August 2008

How Washington's encirclement of Russia threatens us all

The New Cold War Turns Hot

By Antony Black

The flare-up of hostilities in the Caucasus should bring to mind a similar case of the 'guns of August' almost a century ago. Then, a similar flashpoint (in Serbia) signalled the start of WW1. Fortunately, the nightmare conflagration of a WW3 has (hopefully) yet to be similarly ignited - though, truth to tell, it is not for the want of fuel heaped on the geo-political pyre by the global mafia don and its uncritical, cheerleading mass media.

Americans play Monopoly, Russians chess

By Spengler

The fact is that all Russian politicians are clever. The stupid ones are all dead. By contrast, America in its complacency promotes dullards. A deadly miscommunication arises from this asymmetry. The Russians cannot believe that the Americans are as stupid as they look, and conclude that Washington wants to destroy them.

Putin Makes His Move

Accident of geography puts Georgia in Russia's way


The man who once called the collapse of the Soviet Union "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the (20th) century" has re-established virtual czarist rule in Russia and is trying to restore his country's dominant role in Eurasia and the world. Armed with wealth from oil and gas; holding a near-monopoly over the energy supply to Europe; with a million soldiers, thousands of nuclear warheads and the world's third-largest military budget, Vladimir Putin believes that now is the time to make his move.


America’s role in the Russo-Georgian war

Boston Globe
by H.D.S. Greenway


In years to come, the short, sharp Russo-Georgian war may be remembered as the nadir of American post-Cold War power and influence - the moment in the closing months of George W. Bush’s hapless administration when all the damage that he has done to America’s position in the world came into focus. The United States encouraged Georgia into thinking it was under American protection, built up and trained its armed forces with a little help from the Israelis, established one of the biggest embassies in the region to make it a center of American influence in the Caucasus, and, despite private warnings, issued public statements of undying support. And now America’s client is wiping blood from its nose. The wreckage of Georgia’s towns and countryside, however, is not as complete as the ruin of Bush’s policies...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Saakaschwili hatte die Rückendeckung der USA

Wie es zu dem Krieg im Kaukasus kommen konnte, wer von ihm profitiert und wie die Perspektive aussieht. Ein Interview mit Kai Ehlers.

Der Bär zeigt wieder Krallen


Erdölinteressen im Kaukasus: NATO, EU und Russland proben den Kalten Krieg in Georgien

Dienstag, 19. August 2008

McCain's War: Playing With Nuclear Fire

Steve Weissman, Truthout: "John McCain calls the conflict in Georgia 'the first probably serious crisis internationally since the end of the Cold War,' and he is doing everything he can to make it his own, even at the cost of upstaging the shrinking President Bush. But the tragedy in Georgia also reveals the most embarrassing foreign policy blunder since - well, since the Bush administration decided to wage a preemptive war in Iraq. If deep thinkers in Washington insist on setting up a string of client states to encircle Russia, they should never let the puppets pull their own strings, as [Georgian President] Mikheil Saakashvili appears to have done when he sent his army into rebellious South Ossetia."


Are You Ready For Nuclear War?

Informant: shane_digital


McCain’s Georgian hyperbole

by Matt Welch


Let’s review what McCain is alleging here: Not only does Russia have malevolent designs on recently detached ‘Near Abroad’ territories within nearby Georgia, Belarus, and Moldova — a critique, I hasten to add, that I share — McCain warns that the Bear is also working actively toward re-swallowing all or much of such Russian colonial holdings-turned sovereign states as, oh, Finland, Armenia, the Baltics, a pack of ’stans, and a big chunk of Poland. It’s one thing to look into Putin’s eyes and (accurately) see three letters: K-G-B, quite another to base your foreign policy approach on the assumption that the second biggest nuclear arsenal in the world wants to go on the biggest nation-gobbling rampage the globe has seen in over 60 years, devouring a half-dozen NATO members in the process. These aren’t the exaggerations of a novice or a naif; quite the opposite, actually...

Putin overplays a strong hand

National Review
by the editors


In the middle of last week the Georgia crisis seemed destined to end in a clear victory for Russia. It had subdued its fractious, independent neighbor. All but one of the energy pipelines between Central Asia and Western Europe were under its direct control — and the single exception was but a few hours away by tank. A stern lesson had been sent to former Soviet possessions, inside and outside the Commonwealth of Independent States, that they live in Russia’s zone of influence and must conform to Russian foreign policy. The European Union had forsworn any criticism of Moscow’s open aggression to protect its own status as a ‘mediator.’ The U.S. had failed to offer any real succor to Georgia. Thousands of ‘peace’ demonstrators unaccountably had failed to appear in the streets to protest Russian aggression. And the world was moving on. Then Russia overplayed a very strong hand...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Meet the Senator Most Likely to Start a Nuclear War

The Real McCain


McCain the Maverick is a merely a fine-honed act, underscored by these kinds of casual hypocrisies.

Who Started Cold War II?

Bush Risks Nuclear War

Crisis in the Caucasus


U.S. hands off Georgia and Russia


Washington's Hypocrisy

By Dmitry Rogozin

The Georgian air force and artillery struck the sleeping town at midnight. More than 1,500 civilians perished in the very first hours of the shelling. At the same time, Georgian special forces shot 10 Russian peacekeepers who didn't expect such a betrayal from their Georgian colleagues.

Why The West Has Got It So Wrong Over Georgia


It's a sobering thought that, if George W Bush had had his way and Georgia had been a member of Nato, we would now be at war with Russia.

Why are we pretending we would fight for Georgia?

By Geoffrey Wheatcroft

Messrs Miliband and Cameron want Georgia to join Nato. Such thinking is muddled, dangerous and defies the lessons of history.


Georgia may be beginning lurch of major geopolitical shift

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Freitag, 15. August 2008

US-Raketenabwehr schürt Konflikte und führt in eine Spirale der Aufrüstung - Russia: Poland risks attack because of US missiles

15. August 2008

Anlässlich der Einigung zwischen den USA und Polen zur Errichtung des Raketenabwehrsystems in Polen, erklärt Helmut Scholz, Mitglied des Parteivorstandes:

DIE LINKE bleibt bei ihrer klaren Ablehnung der US-amerikanischen Pläne, Militärbasen in Osteuropa zu errichten. Auf Grund der hohen Aktualität der Lage und im Schatten des Kaukasuskonfliktes fordert DIE LINKE mehr Besonnenheit. Weiteres Aufrüsten kann nicht zu mehr Sicherheit führen, im Gegenteil Aufrüstung schürt Konflikte. Der von den Polen gewählte Weg, sich nun mit den USA zu verständigen und eine US-Basis zuzulassen belastet das Verhältnis zu Russland. Ob das Abwehrsystem auf den Iran, den Nahen- und Mittleren Osten oder alle anderen Gebiete gerichtet ist, spielt für Frieden und Sicherheit eine untergeordnete Rolle. Es zielt auf die globale Durchsetzung der US-amerikanischen Hegemonie und wird eine Demokratisierung der internationalen Staatenbeziehungen verhindern. Darüber hinaus wird ein konfrontativer Kurs des Ausbaus der NATO vorangetrieben. DIE LINKE wird sich weiterhin für Abrüstung und Frieden gemeinsam mit zivilgesellschaftlichen Kräften einsetzen, insbesondere aktiv und konkret mit jenen in Polen und Tschechien.


Russia: Poland risks attack because of US missiles

Russian general says Poland a nuclear 'target'

Informant: Kev Hall


Missile shield not so welcome in Polish town

Polish villagers express concern about using their town as a US missile site view.üstung

Is the American Enterprise Really War in the Caucasus?

Is Not Western Hypocrisy Astonishing?

Georgian President Saakashvili, Welfare King

US propaganda on Georgia and Russia



Informant: Neo Mulder


Georgia: Background to War

US Role in Georgia Crisis

International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) Condemns Russian Use of Cluster Munitions in Georgia

CIVIC: Georgia: After Dropping Cluster Bombs, Russia Has Responsibility to Help Civilians


Georgia's Recklessness

Paul J. Saunders, The Washington Post: "The fates of South Ossetia and Abkhazia are chief among the many issues that are still unresolved in the war between Georgia and Russia. What's clear, however, is that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ordered his country's military to assert his authority over South Ossetia by force. American officials should reflect on the implications of Saakashvili's behavior for U.S. policy toward Georgia, Russia and the region."

Russia Unleashed

Serge Truffaut, Le Devoir, chalks up Russia's military incursion in Georgia to a single source, "all because the commitment President Bill Clinton made to Moscow was not honored by his successor."

US Watched as a Squabble Turned Into a Showdown

Helen Cooper, CJ Chivers and Clifford J. Levy, The New York Times: "The story of how a 16-year, low-grade conflict over who should rule two small, mountainous regions in the Caucasus erupted into the most serious post-cold-war showdown between the United States and Russia is one of miscalculation, missed signals and overreaching, according to interviews with diplomats and senior officials in the United States, the European Union, Russia and Georgia. In many cases, the officials would speak only on the condition of anonymity."

Tour of Tskhinvali Undercuts Russian Claim of Genocide

Tom Lasseter, McClatchy Newspapers: "As Russian troops pounded through Georgia last week, the Kremlin and its allies repeatedly pointed to one justification above all others: The Georgian military had destroyed the city of Tskhinvali ... But a trip to the city on Sunday, without official escorts, revealed a very different picture. While it was clear there had been heavy fighting - missiles knocked holes in walls, and bombs tore away rooftops - almost all of the buildings seen in an afternoon driving around Tskhinvali were still standing."


What really happened in Georgia?


Blowback From Bear-Baiting

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Mikheil Saakashvili's decision to use the opening of the Olympic Games to cover Georgia's invasion of its breakaway province of South Ossetia must rank in stupidity with Gamal Abdel-Nasser's decision to close the Straits of Tiran to Israeli ships.

All the Propaganda That's Fit to Print:
The New York Times, Again, Tells It Like It Ain't

By Sean M. Madden

As part of an all-out Western media campaign to bury the simple fact that Georgia invaded South Ossetia a week ago -- an act of aggression which led, subsequently, to Russia's response -- Thursday's NYT's top headline helps to further instill the lie, at home and abroad, that Bush and the U.S government are truly concerned about the welfare of Georgians and human beings generally.

Don't Forget Yugoslavia

By John Pilger

The secrets of the crushing of Yugoslavia are emerging, telling us more about how the modern world is policed.

Georgia: Another Neocon Farce?

By Sean Gabb

I am a citizen of a country that was a principal actor in the two big wars of the twentieth century. I believe that these wars were unnecessary for the security of my country and killed unimaginable numbers of people. They also destroyed British primacy in the world and were the means of transforming Britain from genuine liberal democracy to politically correct corporatism.

The Daily Show Live From The White House

By Paul Craig Roberts

The Bush Regime imbeciles don't know when to stop. With the world still rolling in laughter from John McCain's claim that "in the 21st century nations don't invade other nations," the moronic US secretary of state declared: "This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia, where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it. Things have changed."

Mikheil Saakashvili: War Criminal

A politician's hubris causes untold human suffering.

US Hypocrisy: Bush accuses Russia of 'bullying'

The US president, speaking from the White House, said the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia must be respected.

The Truth about Georgia gets censored again on TV?

The Truth about Georgia gets censored again on TV. A reporter makes a comparison to the US reaction to 911 to Russia's reaction to Georgian attacks and the satellite feed drops off in the middle of his question. TV is censored every day and every hour but sometimes the censorship is plain to see.

Putin's Winning Hand

Once the Atlantic Alliance is shattered, America's lifeline to the world is kaput

By Mike Whitney

There are no military installations in the city of Tskhinvali. In fact, there are no military targets at all. It is an industrial center consisting of lumber mills, manufacturing plants and residential areas. It is also the home to 30,000 South Ossetians. When Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ordered the city to be bombed by warplanes and shelled by heavy artillery last Thursday, he knew that he would be killing hundreds of civilians in their homes and neighborhoods. But he ordered the bombing anyway.

Gorbatchev describes Georgia Attack,, Media "Lies from Begining to End"


Energy War

Russia-Georgia Conflict Fueled by Rush to Control Caspian Energy Resources

Democracy Now! Audio & Transcript

Human Rights Watch has accused both Russian and Georgian forces of killing and injuring civilians through indiscriminate attacks over the past week of fighting. Professor and author Michael Klare joins us to talk about how the Russian-Georgian conflict is largely an energy war over who has access to the vast oil and natural gas reserves in the Caspian region.

From Information Clearing House


Saakashvili is a pawn in US & Russia's 'New Cold War'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


No 'good guys' in Georgia conflict

Matthew Rothschild: US and Russia hypocrisy cubed.


Russophobia: A political pathology

by Justin Raimondo


Since Bill Clinton invaded the Balkans and severed Kosovo from the Yugoslav torso, the incredibly patient Russians had stoically endured years of abuse, insults, and increasingly open belligerence directed at the Kremlin. Yet still they tried to have normal relations with the West. The turning point was reached only recently, as the Americans defended the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia and implicitly justified the murder of a dozen Russian soldiers, who were on a UN-sanctioned peacekeeping mission. The War Party has had a hard-on for Putin ever since the run-up to our Iraq misadventure, when the Russian leader opposed the drive to war, tried to buy time for the Iraqis via the UN, and openly mocked the lies that rationalized the whole disaster...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Donnerstag, 14. August 2008

Neokonservative machen Russland zum Feindstaat

Sonntag, 10. August 2008

Plucky little Georgia? No, the cold war reading won't wash

It is crudely simplistic to cast Russia as the sole villain in the clashes over South Ossetia. The west would be wise to stay out.

In photos: 'Georgia South Ossetia Conflict - August 9th'

2008 South Ossetia War

This article documents ongoing warfare: Information may change rapidly, and might initially be unconfirmed, as the conflict evolves.

'Bodies Are Lying Everywhere. It's Hell'

By Mark Franchetti, Moscow

A wave of shock and apprehension gripped the region as survivors asked themselves whether Georgia was about to follow Chechnya into another Caucasian war.

Petraeus: US is flying Georgian troops into battle zone

Exclusive: Deborah Haynes, Baghdad

US aircraft have started to fly some of Georgia's 2,000 troops in Iraq back home to join the fight in the breakaway province of South Ossetia, General David Petraeus, the top US commander in Iraq said today.

The Pipeline War: Russian Bear Goes for West's Jugular

By Svetlana Skarbo and Jonathan Petre

The war in Georgia escalated dangerously last night after Russian jets reportedly bombed a vital pipeline that supplies oil to the West.

Russia steps up attacks and blockade as Georgians offer ceasefire

The Russian army claims that Georgian forces were still active in South Ossetia, despite receiving a Georgian note declaring an end to military activities.

Russia Prepares for Naval Blockade of Georgia

Ships are grouping in the Black Sea near the Georgian aquatic border. A unnamed naval source has said that the move is necessary to prevent arms deliveries to Georgia by sea. He added that the naval blockade of Georgia will help avoid escalation of military actions in Abkhazia.

Ukraine threatens to bar Russian warships

Ukraine said on Sunday it reserved the right to temporarily bar Russian warships dispatched to the Georgian coast from returning to their Ukrainian base of Sevastopol.

Georgia Wants U.S. to Restrain Russia

Five days after Georgian troops stormed into South Ossetia to reclaim control of the tiny breakaway territory, they were in retreat on Sunday after being battered by Russian forces. But the Russians have not confined themselves to pushing Georgian forces out of South Ossetia, and ongoing Russian attacks have hit close to the Georgian capital and along its coastline.,8599,1831244,00.html?xid=rss-world

US condemns 'dangerous' Russian response in South Ossetia

American official calls Moscow's military action against Georgia 'disproportionate' and warns of lasting damage to relations.

U.S. suggests Russia wants "regime change" in Georgia

The United States suggested on Sunday that Russia was interested in "regime change" in Georgia after Moscow rejected Tbilisi's offer of a cease-fire in the separatist enclave of South Ossetia.

Georgia: Vladimir Putin leads from front to send US a bullish message

The fighting in Georgia has answered the question that world leaders have been asking since Vladimir Putin stepped down as President this year: who runs Russia?

U.S. has few options to deter Russia

Most of the key cards, including the power to veto any United Nations, were held by Russia, which appeared to be using the crisis to ram home to the United State and its allies that it will not accept further expansion of NATO. Both Georgia and the former Soviet republic of Ukraine are seeking to join the alliance.

Did the U.S. Prep Georgia for War with Russia?

One of the U.S. military trainers put it to me a bit more bluntly. "We're giving them the knife," he said. "Will they use it?"

'US incited Georgia offensive in S. Ossetia'

The White House has orchestrated the current conflict between Russia and Georgia in South Ossetia, a high-ranking Russian official says. In a Friday press conference, Chairman of Russia's State Duma Security Committee Vladimir Vasilyev said without US aid, Tbilisi would have been unable to start military operation in South Ossetia.

Abkhazia declares 'state of war'

The separatist region of Abkhazia has declared a 10-day 'state of war' in its territories close to the de facto borders with Georgia.

Russia Georgia War

Washington Risks Nuclear War by Miscalculation

By F William Engdahl

The dramatic military attack by the military of the Republic of Georgia on South Ossetia in the last days has brought the world one major step closer to the ultimate horror of the Cold War era-a thermonuclear war between Russia and the United States-by miscalculation. What is playing out in the Caucasus is being reported in US media in an alarmingly misleading light, making Moscow appear the lone aggressor.

Bush's War in Georgia

Will it be the Flyswatter or the Blunderbuss?

By Mike Whitney

Sometimes war provides clarity. That's certainly true in this case. After this weekends fighting, everyone in the Russian political establishment knows that Washington is willing to sacrifice thousands of innocent civilians and plunge the entire region into chaos to achieve its geopolitical objectives.

From Stupid to Moronic to Evil

By Paul Craig Roberts

The Endowment for Democracy purchased Georgia as a US colony. The affront to Russia was extreme, but at the time Russia was weak. Oligarchs with outside money had grabbed control over Russian resources, and Russia was in dire straits and could not resist American imperialism.

Getting Georgia's War On

By Mark Ames

The outbreak of war in Georgia on Friday offers a disturbing and somewhat surreal taste of what to expect from John McCain should he become our nation's Commander in Chief.

The War in Georgia Is a War for the West

President of Georgia

Why this war? This is the question my people are asking. This war is not of Georgia's making, nor is it Georgia's choice.

The west can no longer stand idle while the Russian bully wreaks havoc

The clashes with Georgia follow years of aggressive Kremlin policy. Moscow needs to be told its G8 place is not unconditional.

US diplomat blames Russia of planned invasion of Georgia

'We have listened to statements from the Russian side, that the railroad troops, introduced to Abkhazia months ago were deployed there with a humanitarian mission. Now we know the truth...

Putin blames US govt for encouraging aggression

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday flayed the US for encouraging Georgia's "aggression" as Russia and the Tbilisi government accused each other of launching fresh attacks, amid stepped up EU diplomatic efforts to end the conflict over the disputed territory of South Ossetia.

Putin complains over US Georgia troops lift

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin today accused the United States of adding to the chaos in Georgia by airlifting home its troops serving in Iraq.

Russians decry Western "propaganda" over crisis

The West is drumming up anti-Russian propaganda and its media unfairly portraying Russia during the crisis with Georgia, ordinary Russians, officials and news outlets said on Monday.,7340,L-3581108,00.html

Russians Have Introduced Ballistic Missile Launchers Into South Ossetia

Democracy Now Interviews Col. Sam Gardiner, retired Air Force Colonel. - Transcript and Audio

The Russians put into their doctrine a statement, and have broadcast it very loudly, that if the United States were to use precision conventional weapons against Russian troops, the Russians would be forced to respond with tactical nuclear weapons.

From his office in clouded cuckoo land:

Cheney: "Russian Aggression Must Not Go Unanswered"

"The vice president expressed the United States' solidarity with the Georgian people and their democratically elected government in the face of this threat to Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Cheney's office said in a statement.

Propaganda And Presstitute Alert

McCain Accuses Russia of Bidding to Wipe Out Georgia


Republican White House hopeful John McCain said Monday Russia appears bent on extinguishing Georgia's independence as he demanded a united Western front to protect the former Soviet republic. - "In the face of Russian aggression, the very existence of independent Georgia and the survival of its democratically elected government are at stake," the Arizona senator said.

A Path to Peace in the Caucasus

By Mikhail Gorbachev

What happened on the night of Aug. 7 is beyond comprehension. The Georgian military attacked the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali with multiple rocket launchers designed to devastate large areas. Russia had to respond. To accuse it of aggression against "small, defenseless Georgia" is not just hypocritical but shows a lack of humanity.

US, Allies Weigh Punishment for Russia


Scrambling to find ways to punish Russia for its invasion of pro-Western Georgia, the United States and its allies are considering expelling Moscow from an exclusive club of powerful nations and canceling an upcoming joint NATO-Russia military exercise, Bush administration officials said Tuesday.

Propaganda And Presstitute Alert

Brzezinski: Russia's Invasion of Georgia Is Reminiscent of Stalin's Attack on Finland

By Nathan Gardels

Fundamentally at stake is what kind of role Russia will play in the new international system. Unfortunately, Putin is putting Russia on a course that is ominously similar to Stalin's and Hitler's in the late 1930s. Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt has correctly drawn an analogy between Putin's "justification" for dismembering Georgia -- because of the Russians in South Ossetia -- to Hitler's tactics vis a vis Czechoslovakia to "free" the Sudeten Deutsch.

The Reality Behind Western Propaganda Regarding War In Georgia

By Damian Lataan

Georgia would not have made any such move into South Ossetia without the backing of the US. It now seems, though, that both the US and Georgia have badly misjudged the Russian reaction and the US are unable to move.

Putin Walks into a Trap

By Mike Whitney

The Georgian army had no chance of winning a war with Russia or any intention of occupying the territory they captured. The real aim was to lure the Russian army into a trap.

Why Russia's Response to Georgia was Right

By Sergei Lavrov

For some of those witnessing the fighting in the Caucasus over the past few days, the narrative is straightforward and easy. The plucky republic of Georgia, with just a few million citizens, was attacked by its giant eastern neighbour, Russia. Add to this all the stereotypes of the cold war era, and you are presented with a truly David and Goliath interpretation - with all its accompanying connotations of good and evil. While this version of events is being written in much of the western media, the facts present a different picture.

Sympathy For The Aggressor


Now that Georgia has lost the war, the world is saying that President Mikheil Saakashvili made a "miscalculation" by starting it. Again, the world is wrong. Starting a war of conquest that kills and maims thousands of people is not a miscalculation, it's a horrible, detestable crime. The world should save its sympathy for South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Russia: US Allowed Georgia to Attack

"It is hard to imagine that (Georgian President Mikheil) Saakashvili embarked on this risky venture without some sort of approval from the side of the United States," Churkin told Russian NTV television on Wednesday.

Russia: US must choose Moscow or 'project Georgia'

Russia's foreign minister said on Wednesday the United States had to choose between partnership with Moscow and the Georgian leadership which he described as a "virtual project.",7340,L-3582207,00.html

Tension mounts between US and Russia as Russian tanks move deeper into Georgia

As Russia continued flexing its military muscles even after agreeing to a ceasefire that technically ended a war that humiliated Georgia, tensions continued to mount between Russia and Western nations such as the U.S. The United States displayed its first concrete response to the armed conflict in Georgia by canceling its upcoming joint military exercises with Russia.

Bush orders U.S. military to help Georgian "civilians"

President Bush said Wednesday he is dispatching U.S. military personnel to Georgia in a "vigorous and ongoing" mission to provide humanitarian aid to victims of the fighting between Russian and Georgian troops.

Destruction in Tskhinvali

'I've never heard anything so monstrous as people shelling a hospital'

By Tom Parfitt

A convoy of three buses and an escort of armed Russian Special Forces soldiers travelled across the border with Russia into South Ossetia yesterday, in a trip organised by the Kremlin for foreign media to witness first hand the destruction in Tskhinvali.

In the guise of humanitarian aid

Bush Dispatches US Military Forces to Georgia

By Barry Grey

In a major escalation of the conflict with Russia over Georgia, President George W. Bush on Wednesday announced a "vigorous and ongoing" deployment of US military forces to its key ally in the Caucasus. Bush appeared in the White House Rose Garden for the second time in three days, this time flanked by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and announced the military buildup, casting it as a humanitarian relief operation.

Russia Warns US Against Encouraging New "Tragic Scenario"


Russia on Thursday warned the U.S. against encouraging Georgia's leaders to take action that might lead to a repeat of the "tragic scenario" of recent days.

Russia Vows to Support Two Enclaves, in Retort to Bush


The comments did not stake out a new position, but together, they offered a sharp retort to President Bush's insistence a day earlier that "the sovereign and territorial integrity of Georgia be respected." The Russian rebuke came as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice headed to the region to work for a settlement and to show support for the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili.

Russian Triumph as Saakashvili's Gamble Fails

By Gwynne Dyer

The three-day war in South Ossetia is settled, and the Georgians have lost. There may be some more shooting yet, but it is now clear that Georgia will never regain control of the rebel territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Also that President Mikhail Saakashvili has handed Russia a major victory, and that Georgia's hopes of joining NATO are gone. Pretty impressive work for one long weekend.

Rice: This isn't 1968 Czechoslovakia Invasion

By Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST

The Bush administration demanded Wednesday that Russia end all military activities in neighboring Georgia and sent US aid to devastated Georgians. "This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia, where Russia can threaten a neighbor, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. "Things have changed."

From Information Clearing House


Taunting the Bear

James Traub reports for The New York Times in an analysis of the violent events unfolding between Russia and Georgia: "The hostilities between Russia and Georgia that erupted on Friday over the breakaway province of South Ossetia look, in retrospect, almost absurdly over-determined. For years, the Russians have claimed that Georgia's president, Mikheil Saakashvili, has been preparing to retake the disputed regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and have warned that they would use force to block such a bid. Mr. Saakashvili, for his part, describes today's Russia as a belligerent power ruthlessly pressing at its borders, implacably hostile to democratic neighbors like Georgia and Ukraine. He has thrown in his lot with the West, and has campaigned ardently for membership in NATO. Vladimir V. Putin, Russia's former president and current prime minister, has said Russia could never accept a NATO presence in the Caucasus."

Russia Pushes Deeper Into Georgia, Rejects Ceasefire

Tom Lasseter and Jonathan S. Landay report for McClatchy Newspapers: "Russia pressed its invasion of Georgia by land, sea and air for a third day Sunday, striking far beyond contested South Ossetia as the Kremlin brushed aside a cease-fire offer and disputed Georgia's claim to have pulled its forces out of the rebel enclave. Russian jets bombed near Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, including civilian housing, military bases, factories and the international airport, according to Georgian officials. Russian warships deployed off the Black Sea coast sank a Georgian missile boat that approached them, state-run Russian news media said."

Bush Sends Army, Navy, Rice to Georgia on "Aid Mission"

Ellen Barry, The New York Times: "The United States, Mr. Bush said, 'stands with the democratically elected government of Georgia and insists that its sovereignty and territorial integrity be respected.' He said a transport plane was already on its way to Georgia, carrying medical supplies and a contingent of Army and Navy forces to carry out an aid mission."

US Troops in Georgia; Russia Not Backing Down

Ellen Barry and C.J. Chivers, The New York Times: "President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia on Thursday said that Russia would act as an international guarantor of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the two pro-Russian enclaves at the center of the crisis that have long desired separation from Georgia. As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice headed to the region for discussions on the crisis and to show support for Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, the Russian position seemed to be a direct challenge to President Bush who said a day earlier that he 'insists that the sovereign and territorial integrity of Georgia be respected'.... On Wednesday, the United States and Georgia called the Russian advances into Gori and another strategic Georgian city a violation of the cease-fire agreement struck only hours earlier. In response, Mr. Bush sent American troops to Georgia to oversee a 'vigorous and ongoing' humanitarian mission, in a direct challenge to Russia’s display of military dominance over the region. Mr. Bush demanded that Russia abide by the cease-fire and withdraw its forces or risk its place in 'the diplomatic, political, economic and security structures of the 21st century.' It was his strongest warning yet of potential retaliation against Russia over the conflict."


Georgia War a Neocon Election Ploy?

Russia and Georgia: All About Oil

Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA): Bush Policy on Russia and Georgia

Putin's War Enablers: Bush and Cheney


The real aggressor

by Justin Raimondo


The anti-Russian bias of the Western media is really something to behold: ‘Russia Invades Georgia,’ ‘Russia Attacks Georgia,’ and variations thereof have been some of the choice headlines reporting events in the Caucasus, but the reality is not only quite different, but the exact opposite. Sometimes this comes out in the third or fourth paragraph of the reportage, in which it is admitted that the Georgians tried to ‘retake’ the ‘breakaway province’ of South Ossetia. The Georgian bombing campaign and the civilian casualties — if they are mentioned at all — are downplayed and presented as subject to dispute. The Georgians have been openly engaging in a military buildup since last year, and President Mikhail Saakashvili and his party have been proclaiming from the rooftops their aim of re-conquering South Ossetia (and rebellious Abkhazia, while they’re at it). Avid readers of saw this coming...

Putin’s dangerous power politics

by Jorg Himmelreich


The South Ossetia conflict has been simmering since March, but it had taken the form of the controlled instability that had governed Russian-Georgian relations ever since the standstill agreement of June 24, 1992. The Georgian attack on the South Ossetia capital of Tskhinvali on Aug. 8 turned this ‘frozen conflict,’ as diplomats call it, into a hot proxy war. At present its potential for escalation seems virtually unlimited and has direct consequences for Europe’s security. Protecting South Ossetia’s national culture and identity isn’t the issue here. This is more about the local business dealings of the self-declared president of South Ossetia’s de facto regime — Eduard Kokoity, who isn’t recognized by any government. His dealings play into the hands of Russian geopolitical interests and also serve Georgia, Europe and the United States...

This war has been approved by your government

by Dave Lindorff


We read that President Bush condemned the Russian invasion of another nation and called for an immediate ceasefire. Yet there was not one word of astonishment or challenge from reporters or commentators or editorial writers at this stunningly cynical statement coming from a leader who himself is responsible for the blatantly illegal and much more destructive invasion of another nation. And remember, while Georgia is on Russia’s border, and was at least possibly guilty of oppressing and attacking and perhaps even killing members of the Russian minority in two of its provinces, Iraq is half a world away from America and was minding its own business, not threatening Americans in any way. Russia, thus far, has at most killed a few thousand Georgians. America has, by most accounts killed hundreds of thousands and perhaps as many as 1.2 million Iraqis, very few of them combatants...

The seeds of another Cold War?

Independent Institute


Russia should not have attacked Georgia, especially Georgia proper, and some of its animosity toward Georgia is clearly not noble. But it is fascinating how the American establishment and media have portrayed this conflict as just another case of Good vs. Evil, with the U.S. ally, Georgia, clearly in the right and Moscow clearly in the wrong. Some accounts barely even take note of the proximate provocation behind Russia’s attacks. On August 8, after shelling South Ossetia’s capital city, Tskhinvali, Georgia invaded...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Half of Georgia's Iraq troops are back in Tbilisi

Georgia timeline, Aug. 10, 2008

Two lessons from the South Ossetia conflict

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Bill Kristol and the Menshevik myth of democratic Georgia

Informant: Lew Rockwell


Ein Konflikt mit Ansage

Bei einem schnellen Ende des Konflikts zwischen Russland und Georgien könnte sich Deutschland als Vermittler profilieren.

Konflikt im Kaukasus eskaliert

Georgien und Russland werfen sich gegenseitig ethnische Säuberungen vor, während die Situation in Südossetien noch unüberschaubar ist.

Zwei Kriege - zwei Welten?

Was hat der Konflikt in Georgien mit dem in Afghanistan zu tun?

Auf dem Weg zum neuen Kalten Krieg?

Selbst wenn es zu einem Waffenstillstand zwischen Russland und Georgien kommt, ist der Konflikt nicht beendet.

Freitag, 25. Juli 2008

Wiederkehr des Kalten Krieges

Während die USA das Raketenabwehrsystem an Russland heranrückt, droht Russland mit Gegenmaßnahmen, angeblich nun auch ausgerechnet mit der Stationierung von Langstreckenbombern in Kuba.


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