Santa Cruz County hops back into cell-tower fight
Kurtis Alexander - Sentinel Staff Writer
Article Launched: 03/05/2008 04:01:54 AM PST
SANTA CRUZ -- Cell phone companies will have a tougher time putting up towers in the rolling hills and residential neighborhoods of Santa Cruz County under a proposal put forth this week by county planners.
But not a tough enough time, say watchdog groups who claim the telecommunications giants are poisoning the public with their radio frequencies.
"This is a medical and environmental issue," said longtime opponent of cell towers Marilyn Garrett, who can rattle off a number of health risks, most widely contested, that may be posed by wireless facilities.
The proposed changes to the county's cell tower ordinance, which include requiring setbacks between wireless towers and schools and limiting their concentration in unincorporated areas, come in response to ongoing complaints.
Informant: Mark G.
Latest Letter to the Local Santa Cruz Government
Article Launched: 03/05/2008 04:01:54 AM PST
SANTA CRUZ -- Cell phone companies will have a tougher time putting up towers in the rolling hills and residential neighborhoods of Santa Cruz County under a proposal put forth this week by county planners.
But not a tough enough time, say watchdog groups who claim the telecommunications giants are poisoning the public with their radio frequencies.
"This is a medical and environmental issue," said longtime opponent of cell towers Marilyn Garrett, who can rattle off a number of health risks, most widely contested, that may be posed by wireless facilities.
The proposed changes to the county's cell tower ordinance, which include requiring setbacks between wireless towers and schools and limiting their concentration in unincorporated areas, come in response to ongoing complaints.
Informant: Mark G.
Latest Letter to the Local Santa Cruz Government
rudkla - 10. Mär, 06:06