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Die Suche nach »Global Governance« hat 23 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year
Tucker: Elite will get together in Sitges, Spain from June 3-6 to push agenda for world economic governance - Hotel Dolce Sitges likely location Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Friday, April 9,... ...
rudkla - 7. Mai, 08:54
The IMF Is Back? Think Again
Aldo Caliari, Foreign Policy in Focus: "Last year, as the financial crisis reached global and historic proportions, many commentators identified one institution as the debacle's great winner: the International... ...
rudkla - 17. Jun, 09:52
Geo-Engineering and Biochar: White Roofs, Black Dust and Slippery Slopes
PRESS/SOCIAL MEDIA RELEASE Geo-Engineering and Biochar: White Roofs, Black Dust and Slippery Slopes - Climate Engineers Seek Techno-fix As Global Negotiations Get Underway June 2, 2009 By ETC Group,... ...
rudkla - 3. Jun, 09:37
G8 strebt World Governance an
Gesinnung jetzt strafbar “In einem beispiellosen Rundumschlag hat die große Koalition am gestrigen Donnerstag im Bundestag unter einem einzigen Tagesordnungspunkt elf Gesetzentwürfe durchgepeitscht.... ...
rudkla - 29. Mai, 14:10
4. Bertelsmann-kritische Tagung
Die Tagung findet am Samstag und Sonntag, 24. /25. Januar 2009 in Gütersloh statt. Alle Infos auf Anti-Bertelsmann - Zur Kritik der Staatsmodernisierung durch das Wirken von Bertelsmann in der neoliberalen... ...
rudkla - 19. Mär, 13:35
EU Calls For ‘New World Governance’
This video show Sarkozy (French President holding EU Presidency) and Barroso (EU Commission President) actually coming out and calling for the setup of a "New World Governance", "New Global Order", "Global... ...
rudkla - 24. Okt, 13:58
We Speak for Gaia, Deal with It
Earth revolutionaries speaking ecological truth -- the Earth is dying and there is just time to save her and us -- and that are willing to take action to ensure those destroying being are stopped, are... ...
rudkla - 11. Jul, 11:02
40 Techniques of the Illuminati
By Gianni Hayes, Ph.D Americans are possessed with ennui and malaise, and worst of all, fears. Perhaps these conditions explain the rash of suicides, the campus murders, the weariness, the failure to... ...
rudkla - 11. Jun, 09:25
McCain’s Incoherent New World Order
by Cliff Kincaid Does McCain’s vision look like an emerging world government? It is certainly a variation of “global governance,” which is the proposal that former Clinton State Department official Strobe... ...
rudkla - 29. Mär, 09:25
Transform All Systems of Involuntary Governance to Cooperative Systems
Bluntly, the U.S. Constitution is Flawed, the political system is Corrupt, and the candidates are participating in a Fraud. Closed minds may require repetition before they change... ~TOWARD COOPERATIVE... ...
rudkla - 9. Feb, 22:01