Dienstag, 24. Januar 2006

Téléphone mobile: Synthèse Nouvelle Etude Tumeur & Témoignage audio


Significant increases in the risk of benign brain tumors, especially acoustic neuromas, following the use of mobile telephones


From: Eileen O'Connor
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:19:13 -0000
Subject: New Study Cellphones Tumors


Issued January 24, 2006

Washington, D.C. ---- A new study will be published in the February issue of the International Journal of Oncology by Dr. Lennart Hardell and colleagues showing statistically significant increases in the risk of benign brain tumors, especially acoustic neuromas, following the use of mobile telephones. This study is particularly important because acoustic neuromas are considered to be a signal tumor for other types of malignant and benign brain lesions. These tumors occur in areas with the highest radio frequency radiation exposure during calls.

Of primary concern is the finding that the greatest risk of developing these tumors was for persons who were first exposed before the age of twenty years. Thus, this is the first published study directly suggesting higher risks of tumors among teenagers who use mobile telephones.

Other key points regarding this study are as follows:

* The study includes the largest analysis of benign tumors done to date and covers tumors diagnosed as recently as 2003

* The study shows a dose-response relationship where greater numbers of hours of phone use results in ever increasing risks of developing tumors.

This is particularly important because imprecision in measuring actual radiation exposure from hours of use tend to mask risks - thus, the risk increases presented in the study are likely to be underestimates, with true risk increases being higher

* Significantly greater risk is associated with having used mobile phones for more than 15 years, a finding consistent with other studies showing that risks dramatically increase after six and ten years of use.

Index Medicus study reference: "Pooled analysis of two case-control studies of the use of cellular and coreless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003", International Journal of Oncology 28: 509-518, 2006)

---- SWI

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


New Study Cellphones Tumors

From Next-up news



UK ID cards "defeated" yet still going ahead


Bio-electromagnetic Weapons


Council of Europe Finds US Rendition Flights Illegal

Dick Marty, a Swiss parliamentarian heading a Council of Europe investigation into the rendition claims, said in an interim report that US activities had been both illegal and counter-productive.


Building Bigger Nuclear Weapons Will Make Us Even Less Secure


Informant: Kev Hall

Energiepolitik: Atomkraftgegner kritisieren "Bestechungssystem für Politiker"


Anlässlich der staatsanwaltschaftlichen Ermittlungen gegen die Erdgas-Töchter von RWE und E.On wegen der Korruption von Kommunalpolitikern kritisiert die atomkritische Ärzteorganisation IPPNW ein "umfassendes System der Einflussnahme der Energiekonzerne auf die Energiepolitik, die rationale Entscheidungen im Interesse des Allgemeinwohls behindern". Bereits seit über 30 Jahren würden Umweltschützer und Atomkraftgegner kritisieren, dass der Energieriese RWE mit seinen Regionalbeiräten Landräte und Bürgermeister korrumpiere. Transparenz sei nicht das Problem, "denn das System ist ja grundsätzlich hinlänglich bekannt", sagte ein Sprecher der Organisation. "Es geht jetzt nicht darum, diese Vergnügungsreisen, Tantiemen und Sitzungsgelder bis ins Letzte zu Durchleuchten. Es geht vielmehr darum, dieses System der Bestechung der Politik generell gesetzlich zu untersagen."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=12752

"Gewinnmaximierung der Atomkonzerne": EnBW kündigt längere Laufzeit für AKW Neckarwestheim I an


Das Atomkraftwerk Neckarwestheim I soll länger laufen als bisher geplant. Die Betreiberin Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW) kündigte am Dienstag an, sie werde beantragen, die Laufzeit des 1976 in Betrieb genommenen Atomreaktors zu verlängern. Nach den Vereinbarungen der alten Bundesregierung mit der Atomwirtschaft sollte der Meiler Ende 2008 vom Netz gehen. Entgegen dieser Vereinbarung zwischen Politik und Wirtschaft hatte der baden-württembergische Ministerpräsident Günther Oettinger gefordert, das Kraftwerk länger am Netz zu lassen. Die EnBW hatte zugleich angekündigt, "alle notwendigen rechtlichen Schritte" zu unternehmen, um den Betrieb von Neckarwestheim I "über das Jahr 2009 hinaus" zu verlängern. Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) kritisierte, die Laufzeitverlängerung diene "lediglich der Gewinnmaximierung und der Monopolerhaltung der Atomkonzerne". Künftige Generationen müssten dagegen Milliarden Euro für Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und für die Atommü ll-Endlagerung aufwenden. Die Umweltschützer verwiesen auf eine Warnung des Umweltbundesamtes, wonach eine Laufzeitverlängerung der Atomkraftwerke die Energiewende verteuern werde, weil sie Investitionen in neue Energieanlagen und -spartechniken hemme. Auch Robin Wood kritisierte die Pläne und kündigte massive Proteste an.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=12757

Entlassungsproduktivität" Unwort des Jahres 2005

Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

URL: http://sozialisten.de/presse/presseerklaerungen/view_html?zid=31563

24. Januar 2006

DaimlerChrysler illustriert Unwort

"Entlassungsproduktivität" ist zum Unwortes des Jahres 2005 gewählt worden. Dazu erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer der Linkspartei.PDS Dietmar Bartsch:

Mit "Entlassungsproduktivität" wurde zu Recht zum Unwort des Jahres einer jener zweifelhaften Begriffe gewählt, die den Zynismus der kapitalistischen Arbeitswelt beschönigend beschreiben. Passend und wie zur Illustration des Unwortes des Jahres geeignet ist die heutige Ankündigung von DaimlerChrysler, seine Verwaltung um 6000 Stellen zu reduzieren. Das heißt: Mehrbelastung und Überstunden für die verbleibenden Mitarbeiter und Arbeitslosigkeit und Armut für die entlassenen 6000. Zynisch, kalt Kapitalismus eben.

Hypocrisy of the Highest Order

We're going to clean up Washington, but to do it we need your help.

Republicans in Washington have created the most corrupt government in our history. Their now-infamous "K Street Project" is nothing short of an under-the-radar scheme to completely take over Washington by forcing lobbyists to hire Republican friends and cronies in return for special access to lawmakers. It's nothing more than a Republican shakedown machine.

For years Sen. Rick Santorum has served as the Senate liaison to the K Street Project, responsible for organizing the cushy jobs, the campaign contributions, and the special access that have flowed so freely in Washington. Incredibly, Republicans in Washington have now put Santorum - the man who helped to create the scandals - in charge of ethics "reform." It's like letting the fox guard the henhouse.

Click here to watch the DSCC's hard-hitting new ad. Learn the truth about Rick Santorum's hypocrisy and join our campaign to defeat him in November.


They just don't get it. While Democrats across the country, including House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, are talking about the real, tough reforms it will take to build a government as good and as honest as the people it serves, Senate Republicans are putting PR band-aids on the problem and hoping it goes away. It's not enough to just push our policy agenda; we also have to take the fight to clean up Washington directly to those responsible for this culture of corruption by defeating them at the ballot box.

Rick Santorum faces reelection this year and his campaign will be one of the top priorities for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. You can join the effort to defeat him right now by watching this new ad and sharing it with your friends and family. Without your help, we simply cannot expose the true hypocrisy Senate Republicans are displaying when it comes to cleaning up the culture of corruption.

Defeating those Republicans who have created the most corrupt government in our history and electing a government that America can believe in is exactly what the DSCC is all about. Please join our campaign today.

Click here to watch the DSCC's hard-hitting new ad. Learn the truth about Rick Santorum's hypocrisy and join our campaign to defeat him in November.


Democrats will put a stop to the culture of corruption -- period. We'll start by fighting for tough, real reform in Washington, but we won't stop until we defeat Rick Santorum and his K Street cronies at the ballot box. When you join our campaign today, you'll help us do just that.


J.B. Poersch

Executive Director

P.S. We need help from committed Democrats across the country if we are going to achieve our goals. Forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to join our campaign to defeat Rick Santorum in November and to put an end to the culture of corruption he helped create.

Click here to watch the DSCC's hard-hitting new ad. Learn the truth about Rick Santorum's hypocrisy and join our campaign to defeat him in November.


The dollar may fall this March

01/14/2006 16:41 http://english.pravda.ru/world/20/91/368/16741_dollar.html

America's foreign debt currently standing at $8,184 trillion will hit the debt ceiling as early as February-March 2006

The United States is heading to financial crisis at top speed. That is correct, America will default on its foreign debt sooner or later if the actual trends remain unchanged. Consequently, the whole dollar-based world
(including savings in U.S. currency) may crumble. In actuality, the public have grown tired of numerous forecasts regarding an imminent collapse of the U.S. economy. The picture looks pretty grim this time around. Several factors will have an extremely detrimental effect on the dollar, according to U.S. Secretary of the Treasury John Snow who forwarded a letter full of ominous predictions to 21 members of U.S. Congress. The letter was made public after the markets had been closed for Christmas and New Year's holidays - a rather appropriate precautionary move in terms of the international foreign exchange market, which is extremely sensitive to any sound produced by U.S. bureaucrats.

In his letter, Snow predicts a crisis in February this year. Citing U.S. government forecasts, Snow believes that America's foreign debt currently standing at $8,184 trillion will hit the debt ceiling as early as February-March 2006. For decades the White House has been borrowing money to cover expenditures that exceeded the real economic growth rates. As a result, the U.S. public debt currently totals to $8.1 trillion, a huge figure compared to the U.S. GDP that is slightly above $11 trillion.

U.S. Congress sets a debt ceiling which U.S. government must not exceed in borrowing. Exceeding the ceiling brings about the so-called technical default i.e. U.S. fails to pay its foreign debt in full at the right time. However, the government has been continuously raising the foreign debt limits over the last 50 years.

The United States has been on the verge of default for several times in the past. The recent pre-crisis situations occurred in 2002 and 2003. In the former case (the war in Afghanistan started in 2002), the then Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neil demanded to increase the limits a mere 10 days before the estimated expiry of foreign debt ceiling (about $6 trillion at the time). President George W. Bush had to step in to resolve the situation. The new Secretary of the Treasury John Snow raised the issue again in 2003, the year of U.S.-led invasion to Iraq.

The situation looks the same these days. An additional minimum amount of $171 billion in foreign loans over the limit is required to satisfy the needs of the U.S. economy (though growth rates are far from being spectacular), otherwise the U.S. will face the first foreign debt default in its history.

"We will run out of funds for financing the government operations by mid-March at the latest even if the U.S. Department of the Treasury takes all possible legal measures to keep the foreign debt ceiling from going up," says Snow. Under his scenario, the government will have to take "emergency measures" to pay the bills. The measures mostly boil down to cutting the spending in all areas from social sector to national security.

We should not forget that the United States is normally reluctant when it comes to taking steps that could lack popularity with the public and power bloc. By and large, the United States is not good at fighting its ever-growing appetites that result in technical default. The default will lead to a sharp drop of the dollar with respect to all world currencies on the international foreign exchange market. The dollar reserves and debt securities of all countries will depreciate. Time will show how bad things can get under the circumstances. The upcoming default will undoubtedly have an impact on the world economy.

Still, it is difficult to say how much damage the default will cause to the United States. Meanwhile, experts point out that America is definitely getting ready for default.

The thing is, a number of events are due take place in March. The events look very alarming to the world of the dollar.

First, Iran is to officially switch into the euro in its foreign trade operations including oil exports. Second, China is hinting at a potential increase of the euro share in its Central Bank basket of currencies. The dollar share currently holds 70% of the basket. The dollar will be severely affected should the two countries, an oil and gas producer and a manufacturer, take action in a simultaneous manner.

Besides, the U.S. Federal Reserve is going to stop publishing the so-called "M 3 aggregate" reports i.e. data on increase rates in money supply. Given the New Year's predictions by John Snow, the Fed's intentions look pretty suspicious. In other words, the international community will have no tool for measuring a real value of the dollar. Russia has no reason to panic over the coming changes since it keeps its M 3 aggregate data in the dark too.

The Fed is going to pull the plug on the data in March this year. Several events should occur in different countries more or less at the same time and thus damage credibility of the U.S. securities. Risk-averse investors get rid of speculative securities e.g. the dollar securities under the circumstances.

All in all, the situation is quite alarming though it looks like a play being staged on purpose. The currency market and the U.S. foreign policy are hard to foretell. It would be inappropriate to jump to conclusions.

Discuss this article on Pravda.Ru English Forum

Read the original in Russian: http://pravda.ru/economics/finance/exchanges/11-01-2006/73337-dollar-0
(Translated by: Guerman Grachev)

Informant: ireland

Comments Needed to Uphold NEPA


Signed into law over 35 years ago, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a cornerstone of American environmental law. NEPA requires the federal government to "look before it leaps" by assessing the potential environmental impacts of major federal projects and involving the public before a final decision is made.

Now Congressman Richard Pombo (R-CA) and other pro-industry members of Congress are seeking to gut NEPA under the guise of "improving and updating" the Act. Anti-NEPA legislation could be introduced sometime this year. Please help us build momentum to stop this rollback by letting Congress know you want a strong National Environmental Policy Act.

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s): NEPA Task Force, House Resource Committee

Below is the sample letter:

Subject: NEPA Draft Report Comment

Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

Please accept these comments on the Initial Findings and Draft Recommendations from the National Environmental Policy Act Task Force. I am very concerned that the recommendations by the NEPA Task Force would weaken NEPA in profound and fundamental ways.

Echoing the sentiment of thousands of Americans from Washington State to Virginia who have expressed in person and in writing throughout the Task Force hearing process how important NEPA is to their communities, I believe this law is integral to maintaining balance and common sense where environmental decision-making is concerned.

NEPA is the best tool Americans have to learn how federal projects may affect them. It also is the best tool the federal government has to examine the proposed projects and obtain public input. By making sure that the public is informed and that alternatives are considered, NEPA has stopped some unwise and harmful projects and made countless projects better. And even though the report acknowledges that public participation is fundamental to NEPA's success, the Task Force has made several recommendations that dramatically limit who, when, and how the public can participate in all levels of the NEPA process.

I am very concerned that the recommendations 1) add mandatory timelines for the completion of NEPA documentation and only allow for occasional extensions, 2) place significant restrictions on a citizen's ability to participate in the public process and to challenge an agency's decision-making process, which would unfairly tip the balance in favor of business interests rather than keeping the playing field even for all parties concerned, and 3) require that "reasonable alternatives," including those proposed by individual citizens or community groups, be supported by "feasibility and engineering studies." Hardly any ordinary citizen and few organizations have the technical or financial resources to prepare such studies. The industry, on the other hand, has ample resources to do so, and would clearly receive favored treatment under this requirement.

I strongly urge the Task Force to reconsider its recommendations.


cc: Your Congressperson

Medienhysterie für Krieg gegen Iran gedämpft

Nachdem die Hysterie der Medien und ihre Versuche die iranische Regierung im Rekordtempo als Feindbild und Zielscheibe einer neuen westlichen Intervention zu machen, am vergangenen Freitag ihren Scheitelpunkt erreichte (wir berichteten über das Beispiel des Spiegel ), ist zwischenzeitlich wieder etwas Besonnenheit eingekehrt (ob unsere Bemühungen, den Medienleithammeln in dieser Sache den Spiegel vorzuhalten dabei mitgeholfen haben, entzieht sich unserer Kenntnis).

Ein nicht ganz unwichtiger Punkt könnte es sein, dass der voreilige Versuch, schnellstmöglich in den nächsten Krieg hineinzustolpern, wie er vom Dreiergespann der englischen, französischen und deutschen Regierung unternommen wurde, neuerliche Reflektion erfahren hat: der Hinweis von Irans Regierungschef, dass hieraus ein Wirtschaftskrieg und ein massiv ansteigender Ölpreis resultieren würde, könnte eine gewisse ernüchternde Wirkung erzielt haben. Von Experten wird für den Fall, dass die iranischen Öllieferungen in erheblichem Umfang eingeschränkt würden, erwartet, dass dies einen Ölpreisanstieg wahrscheinlich über hundert Dollar / Barrel zur Folge hätte. Bereits heute macht der Ölpreis von ca. 65$ den westlichen Ökonomien schwer zu schaffen und ein Anstieg darüber hinaus lässt entsprechend eine Wirtschaftskrise befürchten. Vor dem Irakkrieg lag diese für die westlichen Volkswirtschaften bedeutende Marke noch bei etwa 25$ je Barrel.

Möglicherweise besteht hiermit ein für die politische Vernunft förderlicher Vorbehalt, weil man sich vielleicht doch nicht gern so tief ins eigene Fleisch schneiden möchte.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23422 und http://links.net-hh.de?lid=23422

Infopool / metainfo hamburg http://www.hh-online.com

A NIGHTMARE on First Street unless we filibuster Alito

We know tens of thousands of you have already sent personal messages or made phone calls to Congress to demand a filibuster of Alito. But please still forward the alerts to other people you know who may not have done so, as many of our participants do. We are doing our best to make the alerts as fun and entertaining as we can, like with the contest to find the best Alito Filibuster Affirmation.


We have been told the most effective way to follow up now is to call or fax your senators' LOCAL district offices, so if you haven't done that yet you can get all the numbers from the instant lookup at


Here is today's alert:


ACTION PAGE: http://www.nocrony.com

CALL YOUR SENATORS ON THE TOLL FREE NUMBERS, 888-355-3588, 888-818-6641, 800-426-8073

There is a classic cliffhanger you've probably seen in more than one horror movie and it generally goes like this. One character in the movie is in some kind of a trance under an evil spell, and their inaction or unwitting complicity is required for the evil plan to be fulfilled. And you see the hero of the movie shaking them, and yelling at them, "Snap out of it!" because only by working together can the good and the just prevail. Because it is a movie at the last minute the hero always succeeds in getting the other character to come to their senses and everyone cheers. And that's exactly what is going on right now with the nightmare nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.

Is "nightmare" too strong a word? Actually, that's the word that Bill Frist used just the other day in referring to their own nominee. For decades they have dreamt of overturning every progressive precedent since the New Deal . . . for privacy rights, for labor rights, for the rights of people to be protected from socially irresponsible corporations, and more. And now they even want to absolve the president himself from having to obey the laws of the people as passed by Congress, with Sam Alito the prime mover and judicial mastermind behind the so-called "unitary executive" theory. That is nothing more than dictatorship with a make-over. A dream to them perhaps, but truly said a very scary nightmare for the rest of us.

However, YOU can put a stop to the destruction of the very foundations of our democracy but speaking out to your senators and demanding they stand up for us at


There you will find a one click for that will send your personal message to all your members of Congress at once, and you can make it a letter to the editor of your nearest daily newspaper all at the same time. You can also instantly look up all their phone and fax numbers right down to their district offices.

Be ye not deceived by the corporate media talking heads who have taken over our airwaves. They speak of "done deals" to try to discourage some from taking action, like zombies in a horror movie. The last thing they want is for more and more of us to suddenly WAKE UP now and realize that we not only DO have the power to put a stop to a reactionary takeover our highest court, we have a DUTY as citizens to do so by telling our senators that they must take a stand and that we will support them for doing so.

Alito's problem is that he is NOT a judge. He is an advocate. He has a lifelong commitment to being an advocate, and here is the important part . . . his supporters are pushing him precisely because THEY believe he will be their advocate. They drop kicked their own Miers because she did not have enough proven fealty to the agenda of the extremist Federalist society or the doctrine of a particular religious group. He is just like Roberts, a stealth nominee who promised to respect the will of the people, but then immediately lurched to the far right to cast his first vote on the Supreme Court to try to strike down the TWICE expressed will of the people by voter initiative in Oregon.

In 1985 Alito stated categorically his belief that a woman's right to privacy is not constitutional. At his hearing he refused to say if he still holds this view, the equivalent of taking the Fifth Amendment. But Robert Bork said the other day that HE believes without a doubt that Alito is still that same guy. His supporters are only interested in installing a lock down vote who will rule as THEY want every time, without regard to the facts, the law or prior precedent. They want our country to be ruled by the kingly decree of their presidential signing statements, one of Alito's own personal brainstorms. And just like Frist, they will admit it even if Alito himself will not. In fact, they are bragging about it.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.nocrony.com

What Alito's advocates fear the most is that the American people will suddenly come to their senses, that more and more will speak out as they are doing now, and that our representatives will listen and obey the will of the people. That is why they've been in such a hurry to try to hustle this thing though, pushing for it happen "quickly" despite the fact that Sandra Day O'Connor is still on the bench for the duration. But thousands, and tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands ARE speaking out in strong opposition.

Please add your voice to the growing chorus and the people will surely prevail. Together we will dispel the dark cloud over our Supreme Court. Because for people like Bill Frist real participatory democracy would be the worst nightmare of all. That would be a nightmare on a different street, a nightmare on FRIST Street.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Bush on Trial for Crimes against Humanity

The International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration ( http://www.bushcommission.org ) convened last weekend in New York City's Riverside Church. In the tradition of the Russell tribunal, the panel of judges at the commission of inquiry heard evidence of George W. Bush's war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantánamo Bay, and elsewhere.


MP's phone mast fears


BURNLEY'S MP Mrs Kitty Ussher has sworn to battle against plans to build more mobile phone masts in neighbourhoods across the borough.

Plans for more than 50 more phone masts to be placed around Burnley are in the pipeline, prompting residents to hold an emergency meeting on Friday to voice their opposition and argue to have them sited elsewhere.

It was revealed that the group may have a realistic chance to realise their goals if a new Bill is passed in parliament in early March.

Back-bench Tory David Currie has submitted the Tele-Communications Mast (Planning Control) Bill to the House, and if it receives enough support it could have dramatic effects.

Mrs Ussher told a busy meeting at the Central Methodist Church Hall that she is behind them 100% and referred to a government report about mobile phone masts.

She went on: "This is such an important subject. I have read a government report that states 'we cannot be entirely sure there is no risk to health'.

"As far as I'm concerned if there could be a risk, we should not be taking one. We must play as safe as we possibly can."

Mrs Ussher added that she hopes as many members of the house will back the Bill, adding: "The companies must be certain that there is no health risk whatsoever.

"If further down the line they are proved wrong, they are liable."

Mr David Halsall, of Burnley Borough Council's Development Control Committee, added that government rules meant the council has little option but to grant planning permission for a mobile phone mast to be built.

However, he added that the new Bill could help. He said: "We have to follow government guidance. Hopefully, the new Bill will allow us more freedom in taking into account health concerns."

Mr Dennis Cannon, chairman of Together Against Masts pressure group, dismissed recent press reports that suggested mobile phone technology caused no ill effects.

"It's biased research," he said. "It was paid for by mobile phone operators and only looked at a certain percentage of the population. It does not answer all the questions."

l To get in touch with Mr Dennis Cannon and add your support to Together Against Masts, email togetheragainstmasts@yahoo.co.uk .

24 January 2006


We'll keep on fighting against phone masts

Jan 24 2006

By Campbell Docherty

A couple who faced losing their home for a second time following a two-year battle with a mobile phone company last night pledged to continue their fight against phone masts.

Agnes Ingvarsdottir, aged 61, and her 63-year-old husband Eirikur Petursson, from Worcester, yesterday agreed to pay Hutchison 3G legal costs incurred during their unsuccessful court battle against the company.

They had launched a legal bid to have a mast removed from the top of a pub neighbouring their Grade II-listed home in Worcester after claiming to have experienced a range of health problems, including nausea and headaches.

The couple, who spent £300,000 fighting the case, said they were forced to sell their home in August 2005, two years after the mast became operational, for £220,000 - at least £50,000 below market value.

In September last year they were ordered to pay the mobile phone giant - better known as 3 - £407,398 in legal fees.

They disputed the amount and the cost was later dropped to £109,000.

At Birmingham County Court yesterday, a confidential final settlement - understood to be under £100,000 - was agreed.

Mr Petursson, who now lives with his wife in Malvern, told The Birmingham Post: "We would have lost our new home too if we had to pay the first amount we were ordered to. We have lost our business because of all the time and energy we have spent on this.

"Agnes is too ill to work now and I have become an employee of someone else. Even then it has been difficult because of the amount of time we have spent on the case."

Mrs Ingvarsdottir runs a website - http://www.mast-victims.org - dedicated to fighting the erection of phone masts in residential areas. It features case studies from across the globe.

She said: "I will continue fighting masts until the bitter end. I am not against mobile phones, I can see the plus points in them. But putting up masts where people live is the most indecent thing you can do.

"Really, the worst people in all this are those neighbours who agree to let the companies put them up in the first place."

After losing the case against 3, Mrs Ingvarsdottir was pessimistic about the chances of private individuals bringing successful actions against mobile phone companies.

"I don't think this will be won in the courts, I think it will be won through scientific research now.

"In the past it has been easy to disregard scientific evidence because it has not been duplicated but now studies are being done to verify previous work.

"But I think our experience has put off individual people taking court cases because they can now see these companies do not want to be messed with."

Mrs Ingvarsdottir added there was a worldwide groundswell of people questioning the health impacts of mobile phone masts.

"Little by little, we are becoming a big international group. The website has 56 stories from people from places like Germany, France, Holland, Sweden, Canada, the USA and Australia.

"I have more waiting to be put up there because I haven't had the time recently.

"Since the site started, there have been 27,000 visitors logging on to look at it."

The couple and their 42-year-old son Neils Erickson, who all moved to England from Denmark in 1999 to run a business designing and making air filtering systems, said they began to suffer from ill health when the mast became operational on the roof of the Little Sauce Factory pub.

But their attempt to prove the mast caused the symptoms was thrown out by the High Court and they were instructed to pay the company's legal costs.

No one from Hutchison 3G was available for comment last night.

* Tell us your view on this story.
Get in touch by email icfeedback@mrn.co.uk ,
or by sending a web letter to the editor
http://icbirmingham.icnetwork.co.uk/birminghampost/views *


Erwerbslosenverbände fordern Einstellung der umstrittenen Telefonabfrage von „Kundendaten”

„Arbeitslosengeld-II-Beziehende haben sich verunsichert an die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen
(BAG-SHI) gewandt. Sie wollten wissen, ob die Datenermittlung per Telefon rechtens sei. Ausgelöst wurde die Verunsicherung, aber auch das Unverständnis bei Betroffenen letzte Woche durch Serienbriefe einiger Träger für Arbeitslosengeld II (Alg II), in denen eine telefonische „Betreuung” der „Kunden” angekündigt wurde. Auch der Erwerbslosenverein Tacheles e.V. äußert Zweifel an der Rechtmäßigkeit der erneuten Telefonabfrage.…“ Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung von BAG_SHI und tacheles e.V. vom 18. Januar 2006


Positives Stalking - Wie die Arbeitsagentur die Arbeit fördert

„Stalking ist eine besonders drastische Art der Belästigung. Häufig trifft das Übel Prominente, aber nicht selten auch ganz gewöhnliche Menschen, die von verstoßenen Liebhabern oder eingebildeten Schutzengeln nicht in Ruhe gelassen werden. Die wilde Lust, einen geliebten Menschen zu verfolgen, gern auch mit Telefonterror zu überziehen, ist aber nicht nur eine Macke – sie hat auch eine starke Seite. Ja, ist stalkende Hartnäckigkeit nicht auch ein Segen, in Zeiten, in denen das liberale Motto "Leben und leben lassen" wahrlich ausgedient hat und uns das neoliberale Motto "Streben und streben lassen" glücklich machen wird!?...“ Artikel von Albrecht Kieser auf telepolis 24.01.2006


Aus: LabourNet, 24. Januar 2006

Zusammenhang von Handystrahlung und Tumoren untersucht

Die meisten Handynutzer werden dieser Art von Studien mittlerweile überdrüssig sein, daher werden sie vermutlich hoffen, dass alle Kritiker mit der folgenden Studie endgültig beruhigt sein werden. Denn nachdem noch vor einigen Monaten die Warnungen der Wiener Ärztekammer vor Handystrahlen hohe Wellen in der Medienlandschaft schlugen, dürfte die folgende von britischen Wissenschaftlern durchgeführte Studie nun endlich zu einer Versachlichung der Diskussion führen. Sie interviewten innerhalb von vier Jahren 966 in Großbritannien lebende Tumorpatienten und 1.716 gesunde Kontrollpersonen. Die epidemiologische Erhebung ergab keine Hinweise dafür, dass das Telefonieren mit einem Handy das Risiko der Entstehung eines Tumors erhöhte oder dass ein verstärkter Handyeinsatz das Risiko erhöhte.

Dennoch gibt es kritische Stimmen, die die Zuverlässigkeit der Ergebnisse anzweifeln. Demnach sei der Zeitraum, in dem die Studie durchgeführt wurde, zu kurz, um die Langzeitschäden bei jahrelanger Handynutzung feststellen zu können. Zudem werden Interviews mit Gehirntumorpatienten als problematisch angesehen, da sie fallweise auch unter kognitiven Problemen leiden könnten.

Daher kann nicht ausgeschlossen, dass uns auch in Zukunft mal besorgniserregende und mal wieder beruhigende Studienergebnisse erreichen werden. Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass möglicherweise erst in zehn Jahren sichere Aussagen über die Langzeitrisiken des Einsatzes von Mobiltelefonen gemacht werden können.

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Handystrahlung und Tumore

Krebshäufung in der Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen

Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk

Tumore und Leukämie im Umfeld von Rundfunk- und TV-Sendeanlagen

Kann Handystrahlung Tumore oder sonstige gesundheitliche Schäden hervorrufen?

The Amazon is Drying: Catastrophically


Washington Post January 18, 2006

Is It Warm in Here? We Could Be Ignoring the Biggest Story in Our History

By David Ignatius

One of the puzzles if you're in the news business is figuring out what's "news." The fate of your local football team certainly fits the definition. So does a plane crash or a brutal murder. But how about changes in the migratory patterns of butterflies?

Scientists believe that new habitats for butterflies are early effects of global climate change -- but that isn't news, by most people's measure. Neither is declining rainfall in the Amazon, or thinner ice in the Arctic. We can't see these changes in our personal lives, and in that sense, they are abstractions. So they don't grab us the way a plane crash would -- even though they may be harbingers of a catastrophe that could, quite literally, alter the fundamentals of life on the planet. And because they're not "news," the environmental changes don't prompt action, at least not in the United States.

What got me thinking about the recondite life rhythms of the planet, and not the 24-hour news cycle, was a recent conversation with a scientist named Thomas E. Lovejoy, who heads the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment. When I first met Lovejoy nearly
20 years ago, he was trying to get journalists like me to pay attention to the changes in the climate and biological diversity of the Amazon. He is still trying, but he's beginning to wonder if it's too late.

Lovejoy fears that changes in the Amazon's ecosystem may be irreversible. Scientists reported last month that there is an Amazonian drought apparently caused by new patterns in Atlantic currents that, in turn, are similar to projected climate change. With less rainfall, the tropical forests are beginning to dry out. They burn more easily, and, in the continuous feedback loops of their ecosystem, these drier forests return less moisture to the atmosphere, which means even less rain. When the forest trees are deprived of rain, their mortality can increase by a factor of six, and similar devastation affects other species, too.

"When do you wreck it as a system?" Lovejoy wonders. "It's like going up to the edge of a cliff, not really knowing where it is. Common sense says you shouldn't discover where the edge is by passing over it, but that's what we're doing with deforestation and climate change."

Lovejoy first went to the Amazon 40 years ago as a young scientist of
23. It was a boundless wilderness, the size of the continental United States, but at that time it had just 2 million people and one main road. He has returned more than a hundred times, assembling over the years a mental time-lapse photograph of how this forest primeval has been affected by man. The population has increased tenfold, and the wilderness is now laced with roads, new settlements and economic progress. The forest itself, impossibly rich and lush when Lovejoy first saw it, is changing.

For Lovejoy, who co-edited a pioneering 1992 book, "Global Warming and Biological Diversity," there is a deep sense of frustration. A crisis he and other scientists first sensed more than two decades ago is drifting toward us in what seems like slow motion, but fast enough that it may be impossible to mitigate the damage.

The best reporting of the non-news of climate change has come from Elizabeth Kolbert in the New Yorker. Her three-part series last spring lucidly explained the harbingers of potential disaster: a shrinking of Arctic sea ice by 250 million acres since 1979; a thawing of the permafrost for what appears to be the first time in 120,000 years; a steady warming of Earth's surface temperature; changes in rainfall patterns that could presage severe droughts of the sort that destroyed ancient civilizations. This month she published a new piece, "Butterfly Lessons," that looked at how these delicate creatures are moving into new habitats as the planet warms. Her real point was that all life, from microorganisms to human beings, will have to adapt, and in ways that could be dangerous and destabilizing.

So many of the things that pass for news don't matter in any ultimate sense. But if people such as Lovejoy and Kolbert are right, we are all but ignoring the biggest story in the history of humankind. Kolbert concluded her series last year with this shattering thought: "It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing." She's right. The failure of the United States to get serious about climate change is unforgivable, a human folly beyond imagining.

Informant: Ethan X

BRIEF AN BUNDESUMWELTMINISTER - Ärztlicher Fachkreis: Familien erkranken


NAILA – Konsequenzen aus den medizinischen Untersuchungen über Gesundheitsschäden nach der Inbetriebnahme von Mobilfunk-Sendemasten fordert der „Ärztliche Qualitätszirkel Elektromagnetische Felder in der Medizin - Diagnostik, Therapie, Umwelt“, der von der Bayerischen Landesärztekammer anerkannt ist. Der Nailaer Facharzt Dr. Horst Eger sowie die Bamberger Medizinerin Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam sind Mitverfasser eines Briefes an Bundesumweltminister Sigmar Gabriel. Das Schreiben ging unter anderem auch an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Bundesgesundheitsministerin Ulla Schmidt und den bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Edmund Stoiber. Dr. Eger ist darüber empört, dass auf den Brief, der auf den 7. Dezember 2005 datiert ist, noch keine Antwort eingegangen ist.

Der Brief des medizinischen Qualitätszirkels mit dem Titel „Ärztliche Dokumentation von Gesundheitsschäden durch elektromagnetische Hochfrequenzfelder“ hat folgenden Wortlaut: „Sehr geehrter Herr Minister, von unserem Qualitätszirkel sind zunehmend besorgniserregende schwerwiegende Gesundheitsschäden an Einwohnern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch Vorort-Untersuchungen inklusive Messungen dokumentiert worden. Wir lassen Ihnen daher die Unterlagen persönlich zukommen


Wir führen hier den medizinisch-wissenschaftlichen Beweis, dass die zurzeit technisch verwendeten hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Felder innerhalb gültiger Grenzwerte kausal zu Gesundheitsschäden an der bundesdeutschen Bevölkerung führen. Grundlage ist der in der Medizin gültige Beweis über die Analogie gehäuft auftretender vergleichbarer Krankheitsbilder.

Die zuvor nachweislich gesunden Patienten erkranken unabhängig voneinander; sie erkranken in eindeutigem zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit Senderinstallationen und die Krankheitsbilder bessern sich, wenn keine Hochfrequenzbelastung besteht (Deexposition). Es erkranken nicht nur Einzelne, sondern ganze Familien und Nachbarschaften.

Gefahr in Verzug

Trotz Information an das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz und Ihr Ministerium unter der vorherigen Regierung ist bisher nicht vor Ort dahingehend gehandelt worden, dass die krankmachende Noxe (Umstand, Anmerkung der Redaktion) durch Senderabschaltung untersucht wurde. Entsprechende Vorortuntersuchungen bei Erkrankten sind im Deutschen Mobilfunk-Forschungsprogramm nicht einmal ansatzweise vorhanden, obwohl die Untersuchung von Bevölkerungsteilen in Sendernähe bereits 2002 als prioritär zu untersuchendes Problem eingestuft wurde (Bundestagsdrucksache 14/8792).

Eine weitere Verzögerung ist nach dem Vorliegen unserer Unterlagen weder ethisch noch juristisch zu rechtfertigen, da hier eine Situation ‚Gefahr in Verzug‘ vorliegt, die umgehendes Handeln erfordert. Die jetzt allgemein anerkannte Notwendigkeit verschärfter Kontrollen der Fleischwirtschaft mag als Denkanstoß hilfreich sein.

In Ausdruck großer Sorge . . .“

Die Mediziner hatten dieses Schreiben zusammen mit Dokumentationen zu erkrankten Patientengruppe in Dresden, Völklingen und Ötisheim übersandt. W. R.



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