Seaton joy as mobile phone mast plan rejected
Last updated 07:20, Friday, 24 April 2009
PEOPLE who live and work in Seaton have welcomed news that plans for a 50ft mobile phone mast have been rejected.
Mobile phone company Telefonica O2 wanted to erect the mast in the grounds of Seaton Rugby Club but Allerdale council officers have rejected the plan, under delegated powers, because it would be an intrusive, alien and unneighbourly feature.
The planning report also stated that Telefonica O2 had not given enough consideration to alternative sites.
Parents, teachers and residents had expressed concern about visual impact, property devaluation and potential health risks.
Allerdale council received 17 letters of objection and a petition with 234 signatures.
The council also received objections from Seaton Parish Council and Camerton Parish Council.
Lesley Grace, headteacher of Seaton Infant School, said: “We are thrilled and delighted that this potential health risk has been removed."
PEOPLE who live and work in Seaton have welcomed news that plans for a 50ft mobile phone mast have been rejected.
Mobile phone company Telefonica O2 wanted to erect the mast in the grounds of Seaton Rugby Club but Allerdale council officers have rejected the plan, under delegated powers, because it would be an intrusive, alien and unneighbourly feature.
The planning report also stated that Telefonica O2 had not given enough consideration to alternative sites.
Parents, teachers and residents had expressed concern about visual impact, property devaluation and potential health risks.
Allerdale council received 17 letters of objection and a petition with 234 signatures.
The council also received objections from Seaton Parish Council and Camerton Parish Council.
Lesley Grace, headteacher of Seaton Infant School, said: “We are thrilled and delighted that this potential health risk has been removed."
rudkla - 24. Apr, 08:54