Bush’s torturers
by Justin Raimondo
If you’re in debt and can’t pay the bills, you must cut down on expenses and save every penny — unless you’re the American government, in which case it’s spend, spend, spend! If country A attacks country B in violation of every international precedent and code of conduct, then it is called aggression — unless country A is the United States of America, in which case it’s called ‘liberation.’ If torture is plain evil, it must therefore be punished when the perpetrators become known — unless you’re an American government official, in which case you get an automatic Get Out of Jail Free card, and a federal judgeship, to boot! American exceptionalism — ain’t it grand? It’s the perfect expression of 21st-century Americanism in that it embodies the national zeitgeist of entitlement, the idea that we are a specially privileged lot, given a special mission in the world. This gives us a pass to commit acts that, when done by others, are crimes, but in our hands are magically transmuted into acts of virtue, even heroism...
by Justin Raimondo
If you’re in debt and can’t pay the bills, you must cut down on expenses and save every penny — unless you’re the American government, in which case it’s spend, spend, spend! If country A attacks country B in violation of every international precedent and code of conduct, then it is called aggression — unless country A is the United States of America, in which case it’s called ‘liberation.’ If torture is plain evil, it must therefore be punished when the perpetrators become known — unless you’re an American government official, in which case you get an automatic Get Out of Jail Free card, and a federal judgeship, to boot! American exceptionalism — ain’t it grand? It’s the perfect expression of 21st-century Americanism in that it embodies the national zeitgeist of entitlement, the idea that we are a specially privileged lot, given a special mission in the world. This gives us a pass to commit acts that, when done by others, are crimes, but in our hands are magically transmuted into acts of virtue, even heroism...
rudkla - 20. Apr, 10:01