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Die Suche nach »patriot act« hat 239 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
National Security Whistleblowers Call for Repeal of Patriot Act
http://www.commondreams.or g/news/2015/04/28/national -security-whistleblowers-c all-repeal-patriot-act https://freepage.twoday.net /search?q=national+securit y http://freepage.twoday.n et/search?q=whistleblow ht tp://freepage.twoday.net/s earch?q=Patriot+Act http:/ /freepage.twoday.net/searc h?q=Lauren+McCauley ...
rudkla - 29. Apr, 05:49
Memorial Day: The Prettification of War
http://www.lewrockwell.com /orig7/walsh7.1.1.html My War Memorials http://www.lewro ckwell.com/taylor/taylor67 .html Memorial Day Alternative http://www.lew rockwell.com/shaffer/shaff er155.html -------- Cele brating... ...
rudkla - 1. Jun, 09:32
Spaceship Earth: Navigators Wanted
Alyce Santoro, Truthout: "Forty-one years ago, Buckminster Fuller published his 'Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth: A Bold Blueprint for Survival that Diagnoses the Causes of the Environmental Crisis.'... ...
rudkla - 29. Mai, 22:33
Mr. Obama: Tear Down This War!
Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: "Many of us progressives now in our 60s and 70s spent years of our young lives in 'The Sixties' trying to stop the U.S. war in Vietnam. Many in this cohort were beaten,... ...
rudkla - 14. Mai, 22:48
War Is Necrophilia
War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning By Chris Hedges "The vanquished know war. They see through the empty jingoism of those who use the abstract words of glory, honor, and patriotism to mask the cries... ...
rudkla - 6. Mai, 05:30
Congressional condemnation of Cheney/Kristol?
Salon by Glenn Greenwald 03/08/10 “One of the most inane acts undertaken by the Democratic Congress was its formal and highly bipartisan condemnation of MoveOn.org’s ‘Petraeus/Betrayus’ ad. Regardless... ...
rudkla - 23. Apr, 06:25
Obama signs one-year extension of USA PATRIOT Act
MSNBC President Barack Obama has signed a one-year extension of several provisions in the main U.S. counterterrorism law, the Patriot Act. Provisions in the measure would have expired on Sunday without... ...
rudkla - 9. Mär, 10:22
Senate votes to extend Patriot Act
Change. What change? Democrats retreat from adding new privacy protections to the law. http://www.msnbc.msn. com/id/35571223/ns/politic s-capitol_hil From Information Clearing House http://freepage.t woday.net/search?q=what+ch ange http://freepage.twoda y.net/search?q=provision+P atriot+Act ...
rudkla - 25. Feb, 23:38
Obama, Tea Parties and the Battle for Our Brains
George Lakoff, Truthout: "Over the past couple of weeks, The New York Times has been reporting on results from the cognitive and brain sciences that confirm past research in those fields partly by me and... ...
rudkla - 20. Apr, 05:58
9/11, Deep Events, and the Curtailment of U.S. Freedoms
By Prof Peter Dale Scott The war on terror and the war on drugs have this in common: both are ideological attempts to justify the needless killings of thousands - including both American troops and foreign... ...
rudkla - 3. Jun, 23:07