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Die Suche nach »food policy« hat 79 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 61 bis 70.
US to lease 8 million acres in Alaska for oil and gas drilling
Critics says plan harms reserve's wildlife habitat By Tom Doggett, Reuters | August 24, 2006 http://www.boston.com/news /nation/washington/article s/2006/08/24/us_to_lease_8 _million_acres_in_alaska_f or_oil_and_gas_drilling/.. . ...
rudkla - 25. Aug, 11:37
Gene-Altered Crops Denounced
Environmental Groups Seek Moratorium on Open-Air Tests By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, August 16, 2006; A03 Environmental groups yesterday called for a moratorium on open-air... ...
rudkla - 16. Aug, 16:44
Growing seawater acidity threatens to wipe out coral, fish and other crucial species worldwide
A Chemical Imbalance By Usha Lee McFarling Times Staff Writer August 3, 2006 http://www.latimes.com/n ews/printedition/front/la- me-ocean3aug03,1,3902653,f ull.story As she stared down into a wide-mouthed... ...
rudkla - 3. Aug, 18:55
Simcoe cellphone tower to be moved: Neighbours complaint of illness
Cheryl Bauslaugh Local News - Wednesday, June 07, 2006 @ 01:00 Norfolk councillors have decided to get rid of a cellphone tower in the centre of Simcoe that residents say is a health risk. After hearing... ...
rudkla - 28. Jun, 05:53
If You Could Make ONE Phone Call Now To Stop The War NOW, Would You Do It?
LIVE VIRTUAL PHONE BANK: http://www.usalone.com/vir tualphones.htm Today OpedNews.com, the premier online digest of progressive opinion will be featuring an article on the new virtual phone bank we told... ...
rudkla - 5. Jun, 10:20
Signs of tyranny looming
If you don't have 15 minutes to look this over, someday when you have the time and not the content, you'll wish you had. "The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people." Supreme Court Justice Louis... ...
rudkla - 16. Mai, 15:04
Supposed Withdrawal of Coke & Other Sodas from Schools Nothing But Industry PR?
DESPITE BIG SODA PR, COMPANIES WON'T BE LEAVING SCHOOLS Last week, big soda producers like Coca-Cola and Pepsi sucked up volumes of positive press after announcing that they were removing soda pop from... ...
rudkla - 10. Mai, 22:38
Eliminating Bird Flu Fears: 10 Facts You Should Know
(* my notes) http://www.redflagsdaily .com/tenpenny/2005_nov02.p hp (requires subscription to read on site) Sherri J. Tenpenny received her medical training at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine... ...
rudkla - 30. Apr, 08:41
Act Now: East Africa in Crisis
Next week, the Senate will be working on a bill to support humanitarian efforts in East Africa where millions are facing what may be the worst drought in memory. Unfortunately, as it stands, the bill would... ...
rudkla - 31. Mär, 18:53
Indonesia's Rainforests and Orangutans Gravely Threatened
Oil Palm Threatens Indonesia's Rainforests and Orangutans Action Alert The alert can be found at: http://www.rainforestp ortal.org/alerts/send.asp? id=indonesia Chinese funded development a ploy to access... ...
rudkla - 24. Mai, 15:10