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Die Suche nach »cap and trade« hat 91 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
This Shameful, Bi-partisan Betrayal - Democrats sell out troops
http://www.afterdowningstr eet.org/whip From ufpj-news -------- This Shameful, Bi-partisan Betrayal Keith Olbermann - Special Comment A Special Comment about the Democrats' deal with President... ...
rudkla - 26. Mai, 08:34
Immigrants Used to Justify a Homeland Security Police State
By Peter Phillips Threats of terrorism and twelve million “illegal” immigrants are being used to justify new police-state measures in the United States. Coordinated mass arrests, big brother spy blimps,... ...
rudkla - 21. Apr, 14:04
Urge Canada's Minister of International Trade to Stop the Seal Hunt
https://community.hsus.org /campaign/global_trademini ster_protectseals ------- - IDA Joins International Day of Action to End Canadian Seal Massacre Protests in San Francisco and Los Angeles expose cruelty... ...
rudkla - 23. Mär, 09:25
Dollar Falls Against Euro, Yen
The dollar fell against most major currencies Thursday after a U.S. government report showed net capital inflow tumbling in December, suggesting foreign securities are attracting investors. http://www.for bes.com/feeds/ap/2007/02/1 5/ap3432299.html Drop.. . ...
rudkla - 17. Feb, 14:03
The most enormous gathering of people I've ever seen
NEWS, VIDEO, & FIRSTHAND: ‘The most enormous gathering of people I've ever seen’ [Though the mainstream media used the expression “tens of thousands,” organizers of the march and rally in Washington,... ...
rudkla - 31. Jan, 09:15
Another horrific State of the Union speech
A Speech Bordering On Criminal Aside from hearing Bush utter the words "Madame Speaker," it was another horrific State of the Union speech. http://ga3.org/ct /F120pgF1LRol/ -------- The Union of the... ...
rudkla - 26. Jan, 15:54
US House Takes on Big Oil
The House of Representatives is poised to play Robin Hood with energy policy Thursday. It aims to cut $14 billion in federal oil and gas tax breaks and other benefits over the next 10 years and give them... ...
rudkla - 19. Jan, 16:24
Put a Stop to Blood Diamonds
http://www.kintera.org/TR. asp?ID=M722002681061213823 8415165 -------- Movie Fans: Write to your Local Newspaper about Dirty Gold The recent Hollywood release, Blood Diamond starring Leonardo DiCaprio,... ...
rudkla - 26. Dez, 17:39
The Dollar Melts as Iraq Burns
http://www.commondreams.or g/views06/1204-33.htm --- ----- The economic quagmire The American Prospect by Robert Kuttner The dollar just hit a 20-month low against the Euro. It now costs over $1.33 to... ...
rudkla - 5. Dez, 16:23
Gene-Altered Profit-Killer A Slight Taint of Biotech Rice Puts Farmers' Overseas Sales in Peril
By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, September 21, 2006; D01 http://www.washingtonpos t.com/wp-dyn/content/artic le/2006/09/20/AR2006092001 903.html The disclosure last month that American... ...
rudkla - 22. Sep, 22:07