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Die Suche nach »abuse of prisoner« hat 116 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 71 bis 80.
The Denial of Innocence and the Terror of Ignorance
For Immediate Release: May 3, 2007 Poll Report on the War on Terrorism The Denial of Innocence and the Terror of Ignorance Berkeley, CA—Last week, more than five years into the “War on Terrorism”,... ...
rudkla - 4. Mai, 12:18
California Democratic Party Passes Resolution Demanding Impeachment of Bush and Cheney
Kucinich Electrifies California Delegates http://www.yo utube.com/watch?v=16kVxnNH aDw Informant: Annie Henry -------- Californi a Democratic Party Passes Resolution Demanding Impeachment of Bush and... ...
rudkla - 3. Mai, 10:36
Father of Guantanamo suspect alleges torture by interrogators
The father of a Pakistani terrorism suspect at the Guantanamo Bay military prison alleges his son was beaten by U.S. interrogators while held in Pakistan, according to an affidavit released Monday. The... ...
rudkla - 18. Apr, 17:08
U.S. interrogating at Africa's secret prisons
CIA and FBI agents hunting for al-Qaida militants in the Horn of Africa have been interrogating terrorism suspects from 19 countries held at secret prisons in Ethiopia, which is notorious for torture and... ...
rudkla - 5. Apr, 22:36
URGENT LETTER TO AYATOLLAH HASHEMI SHAHROUDI A message from Sophia This is last ditch effort to save this brilliant artist from being hug please follow instructions. I was able to email on iranian site. Please... ...
rudkla - 25. Apr, 11:20
US linked to “outsourced Guantanamo”
Connecticut Post 04/03/07 CIA and FBI agents hunting for al-Qaida militants in the Horn of Africa have been interrogating terrorism suspects from 19 countries held at secret prisons in Ethiopia, which... ...
rudkla - 4. Apr, 23:25
Protesters in Baghdad say, 'No America!'
http://snipurl.com/1danz Gates warns US plans to maintain presence in region 'for decades' http://snipurl.com/1dao1 U.S. Occupation Forces Soldier Convicted Of Negligent Homicide Girourd ordered... ...
rudkla - 18. Mär, 09:29
Jailed 2 Years, Iraqi Tells of Abuse by Americans
By MICHAEL MOSS and SOUAD MEKHENNET The American detention camps in Iraq now hold 15,500 prisoners, more than at any time since the war began. The camps are filled with people like Mr. Ani who are being... ...
rudkla - 18. Feb, 08:26
Shut down Guantanamo, and make sure never again
Christian Science Monitor by Helena Cobban 01/11/07 Thursday marks the fifth anniversary of the day the US military flew the first of some 700 battlefield detainees from Afghanistan to Guantanamo. Some... ...
rudkla - 12. Jan, 16:12
Guantanamo's Cost to Our Humanity
"January 11, 2007, will mark the fifth anniversary of the first detainees to be imprisoned in the US military prison at the US Naval Base, Guantanamo, Cuba." Ann Wright asks, "What are the costs to our... ...
rudkla - 4. Jan, 16:05