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Die Suche nach »HR 5036« hat 8 Resultate geliefert.
New Federal Policy Prohibits Voter Registration on Veterans' Administration Properties
A new policy by the Veterans' Administration now prohibits voter registration activities on federal VA properties. Are we going to sit by and let the men who fought for our country and who are not able... ...
rudkla - 11. Jul, 09:19
Congress Votes Tomorrow on Funding Paper Ballots. Tell them "Vote YES!"
Friends of U.S. Democracy, Congress votes tomorrow on funding paper ballots and paper ballot voting systems for November. Tell them "Vote Yes!" http://tinyurl.com/6by9w 5 Tell Your Congressional Representative... ...
rudkla - 15. Apr, 10:33
U.S. Presidential Election Can Be Hacked
by Robert McMillan, IDG News Service Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:30 PM PDT http://www.pcworld.co m/businesscenter/article/1 44431/us_presidential_elec tion_can_be_hacked.html T his year, the U.S. will pick... ...
rudkla - 12. Apr, 08:23
Critique of the Verified Voting McCarthy/NJ Election Audits
NEW! Unfortunately, New Jersey has adopted incorrect, inefficient vote count audit methods being recommended by Verified Voting, The Brennan Center, and The American Statistical Association. Read this... ...
rudkla - 21. Feb, 14:02
Our Help is needed now to provide paper ballots in November 2008
PLEASE FORWARD: Subject: Our Help is needed now to get HR5036 out of the House Admin Cmte Everyone, We basically need the House Administration Committee to expeditiously take some action to move... ...
rudkla - 2. Feb, 09:50
Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections in 2008 bill, HR5036
Urge your U.S. Representative now to vote "YES" for the Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections Bill, HR5036. http://www.house.gov HR5036 is scheduled as a suspension bill that cannot be amended. Its... ...
rudkla - 24. Jan, 11:11
Bundesnetzagentur-Chef Kurth kündigt zweite UMTS-Auktion an
http://www.businessportal2 4.com/de/Bundesnetzagentur _Chef_Kurth_UMTS_Auktion_1 11271.html http://www.faz. net/d/invest/meldung.aspx? id=41059176 Neue UMTS-Versteigerung geplant http://www.focus.d e/finanzen/news/mobilfunk_ nid_44097.html Zweite... ...
rudkla - 11. Feb, 16:06
Kriegsvölkerrecht: Schäuble will Flugzeugabschuss doch erlauben
02.01.07 Bundesinnenminis ter Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) will mit einer Verfassungsänderung den Abschuss eines gekaperten Zivilflugzeugs doch möglich machen. Durch die Einführung eines Quasi-Verteidigungsfalls.. . ...
rudkla - 14. Feb, 22:29