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Die Suche nach »Bisphenol« hat 7 Resultate geliefert.
Chemicals in Food
"Bill Moyers Journal and Expose: America's Investigative Reports examine why, even though studies show that the chemical Bisphenol A can cause cancer and other health problems in lab animals, the manufacturers,... ...
rudkla - 22. Mai, 10:20
Whitewashing Toxic Chemicals (Same for EMF/EMR)
This book will shock anyone who still believes that 'science' and 'integrity' are soulmates. Worth a letter to the editor of Newsweek and the author of this article .... especially since she is a woman... ...
rudkla - 7. Mai, 10:19
Bisphenol A: Risikoreiche Anwendungen verbieten!
Presse Information vom 18. April 2008 Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren Bisphenol A: „Risikoreiche Anwendungen verbieten!“ Chemikalie in Kanada als „gefährliche Substanz“ eingestuft / Supermärkte reagieren Die... ...
rudkla - 14. Sep, 14:15
Children and Adults Exposed to Killer Chemicals
by NWV News The lab tests conducted for EWG found bisphenol A, or BPA, in 55 of 97 cans of food purchased from major supermarket chains in the states of California, Connecticut and Georgia. The EWG lab... ...
rudkla - 7. Dez, 11:10
Unveröffentlichte und Industrie-finanzierte Studie lässt EU-Behörde Grenzwerte für Chemikalie Bisphenol A lockern
http://tinyurl.com/3bfk7z "Gutachten von Unternehmen gesponsort" Lockerung der Grenzwerte für Bisphenol A in Lebensmitteln Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren kritisiert die Lockerung der Grenzwerte... ...
rudkla - 2. Jul, 23:08
Plague of Plastic Chokes the Seas
On Midway Atoll, 40% of albatross chicks die, their bellies full of trash. Swirling masses of drifting debris pollute remote beaches and snare wildlife. By Kenneth R. Weiss Times Staff Writer August... ...
rudkla - 2. Aug, 19:20
Half breast cancers tied to environment
Personally, based upon the premise that radiation breaks genes, I'm delighted that the article mentions mammograms as a risk factor. Teresa * * * The report, "State of the Evidence," can be found... ...
rudkla - 27. Jan, 14:42