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Die Suche nach »wire tapping« hat 254 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.
Internet Eavesdropping: A Brave New World of Wiretapping
http://aftermathnews.wordp ress.com/2008/08/29/intern et-eavesdropping-a-brave-n ew-world-of-wiretapping/ Informant: Neo Mulder http://freepage. twoday.net/search?q=eavesd ropping http://freepage.tw oday.net/search?q=wiretapp ing ...
rudkla - 1. Sep, 08:33
AT&T Throws Party to Support Dems Who Voted to Grant Telecoms Immunity for Illegal Domestic Wiretapping
This is one of over 1,200 parties during the Democratic National Convention-this one thrown by AT&T to support Democrats who voted to grant the company immunity for illegal wiretapping of Americans. http://tinyurl .com/6a54c9 From... ...
rudkla - 27. Aug, 10:44
Justice Department Asks Intelligence Court to Review New Wiretapping Law in Secret
http://www.commondreams.or g/news2008/0730-07.htm https://freepage.twoday.net /search?q=ACLU https://free page.twoday.net/search?q=D OJ http://freepage.twoday. net/search?q=wiretapping ...
rudkla - 30. Jul, 23:16
New Spying Law Quickly Challenged
Civil liberties advocates have lost no time in asking a federal court to stop the government from conducting surveillance under the new wiretapping law passed by Congress and signed by President George... ...
rudkla - 23. Jul, 22:43
The bipartisan surveillance state
Independent Institute by Anthony Gregory 07/11/08 The Democratic Congress passed and Bush signed the ‘FISA Amendments Act of 2008,’ legalizing the president’s longstanding illegal wiretapping program.... ...
rudkla - 14. Jul, 10:39
Congress Immunizes Lawbreaking Telecoms, Legalizes Warrantless Wiretapping
http://www.commondreams.or g/archive/2008/07/09/10244 / -------- Congress votes to immunize lawbreaking telecoms, legalize warrantless eavesdropping Barack Obama joined every Senate Republican (and every... ...
rudkla - 15. Jul, 22:39
FISA and the decline of America
CounterPunch by Phillip Doe 07/08/08 Jonathan Swift, the great Irish political writer and satirist, is not alone in observing that great nations rarely fall from outside threats or attack. More often... ...
rudkla - 19. Jul, 17:02
Will the Democrats ever learn?
Consortium News by Robert Parry 07/08/08 A popular Washington saying holds that ‘politics is about the future, not the past.’ Regrettably, that often translates into sweeping serious wrongdoing under... ...
rudkla - 9. Jul, 10:44
Domestic spying quietly continues
Baltimore Sun 07/07/08 With Congress on the verge of outlining new parameters for National Security Agency eavesdropping between suspicious foreigners and Americans, lawmakers are leaving largely untouched... ...
rudkla - 9. Jul, 10:23
The Political Establishment and Telecom Immunity
http://www.commondreams.or g/archive/2008/07/06/10154 / Wiretapping's True Danger http://www.commondr eams.org/archive/2008/07/0 6/10140/ https://freepag e.twoday.net/search?q=tele coms http://freepage.twoda y.net/search?q=wiretapping http://freepage.twoday.ne t/search?q=Glenn+Greenwald http://freepage.twoday.ne t/search?q=Julian+Sanchez ...
rudkla - 6. Jul, 22:58