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Die Suche nach »war criminal« hat 388 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 61 bis 70.
Death Squads and US Democracy
By Bill Van Auken The revelation that the CIA initiated a covert program, apparently involving assassinations, and kept it secret from the US Congress on the orders of Vice President Dick Cheney marks... ...
rudkla - 16. Jul, 23:16
Climate Solutions Have No Place for Continued Industrial Primary Forest Destruction
ACTION ALERT PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY! Tell Papua New Guinea and British Royalty: Climate Solutions Have No Place for Continued Industrial Primary Forest Destruction By Ecological Internet's Rainforest... ...
rudkla - 6. Jul, 08:33
Another So-Called Food Safety Bill That Must Be Stopped At All Costs
The Food Act, H.R. 2749, Must Be Stopped Here we have yet another phony food safety bill, which does NOTHING but grant the FDA massive new police powers without actual policy oversight. And it would... ...
rudkla - 30. Jun, 16:43
Old Forests, REDD Rage and Earth Revolution
EARTH MEANDERS 2.0 Earth and her humanity need old forests to exist. And all enabling their destruction, including potential carbon markets paying for 'sustainable forest management' in primary forests,... ...
rudkla - 30. Jun, 08:44
Celebrate torture day by punishing torturers
Future of Freedom Foundation by James Bovard Since 1997, every June 26 has been formally recognized as the International Day of Support for Victims of Torture. Political leaders around the globe take... ...
rudkla - 24. Jun, 11:19
Kissinger Calls For "Regime" Change In Iran If Protests Fail
Video Talking on BBC Newsnight Henry Kissinger says that while the US will not intervene in the current crisis, if the protests fail and a "popularly based" government is not installed (ie the one he... ...
rudkla - 24. Jun, 09:15
Gonzales's Advice to Bush on How to Avoid War Crimes
Jason Leopold, Truthout: "On January 25, 2002, then-White House counsel Alberto Gonzales advised George W. Bush in a memo to deny al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners protections under the Geneva Conventions... ...
rudkla - 17. Jun, 22:33
EFF challenges government’s “back door wiretap”
Electronic Frontier Foundation 06/11/09 The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and other civil liberties groups filed an amicus brief in Warshak v. United States urging the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of... ...
rudkla - 15. Jun, 09:42
New US Commander in Afghanistan Assembles Team of Assassins
By Bill Van Auken In its escalation of the US war in Afghanistan, and its increasing extension across the border into Pakistan, the Obama administration has chosen as its senior commander an officer... ...
rudkla - 13. Jun, 09:42
The War Party returns
AntiWar.Com by Justin Raimondo 06/01/09 The fundamentals of U.S. foreign policy — a policy based on the grandiose delusion that the U.S. can and must retain hegemonic power in the world in order to ensure... ...
rudkla - 1. Jun, 10:03