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Die Suche nach »violation of rights« hat 121 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 71 bis 80.
1,245 Secret CIA Flights Revealed by European Parliament
The Parliament's draft report concludes "member states had knowledge of the programme of extraordinary rendition and secret prisons." http://blogs.abcnews.com /theblotter/2006/11/1245_s ecret_cia.html The... ...
rudkla - 1. Dez, 09:34
END Bush's Authorization To Use Military Force
TELL OUR CONGRESS TO RESCIND BUSH'S WAR STARTING POWERS ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/a umf.php The history of the last four years has proven that the Bush administration cooked intelligence... ...
rudkla - 29. Nov, 10:01
A Blow Against the Corporate Empire
Monday, October 2, 2006 in The Liberator, the newsletter of ReclaimDemocracy.org California community provides a compelling model for radical change by Jeff Milchen http://www.commondreams. org/views06/1002-31.htm... ...
rudkla - 27. Jan, 10:12
UN Human Rights Body declares Saddam detention illegal as a violation of Human Rights Law
http://www.brusselstribuna l.org/HussainAppeal.htm Informant: Christopher Christie DECLARATION OF JURY OF CONSCIENCE http://www.worl dtribunal.org/main/?b=91 -------- Statement of Saddam Hussein's... ...
rudkla - 6. Nov, 11:23
The research I have done over the more than 15 years' of study, confirms that EMF's are toxic
European Commission Health & Consumer Protection DG Directorate C: Public Health and Risk Assessment Unit C7: Risk Assessment Office: B232, 2/6 B-1049 Brussels Tel (+32-2-29)85552 Fax: (+32-2-29)57332 E-mail:... ...
rudkla - 4. Nov, 09:26
ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/p num335.php We recognize that the only thing that can save our country from another two years of abuse of power by the Bush administration are impeachment hearings.... ...
rudkla - 19. Okt, 09:38
Ingredients in Gov'ts "Free" Vaccinations
In case you optimists insist that the government has SOME saving grace, especially with all the recent flagrant violations of the Constitution and YOUR Bill of Rights, not even your vaccinations are a... ...
rudkla - 14. Okt, 11:52
US Congress gives green light to human rights violations in the 'war on terror'
By passing the Military Commissions Act, the US Congress has given its stamp of approval to human rights violations committed by the USA in the "war on terror", and has turned bad executive policy into... ...
rudkla - 1. Okt, 22:49
Bush offers himself amnesty for human rights crimes
AlterNet by Robert Parry 09/25/06 The United States is following the lead of 'dirty war' nations, such as Argentina and Chile, in enacting what amounts to an amnesty law protecting U.S. government operatives,... ...
rudkla - 26. Sep, 15:53
UN Rights Envoys Condemn Bush Plan on Interrogation
United Nations human rights investigators said on Thursday that legislation proposed by President Bush for tough interrogations of foreign terrorism suspects would breach the Geneva Conventions. Washington's... ...
rudkla - 22. Sep, 20:39