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Die Suche nach »troop deployment« hat 101 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.
81 Out Of Iraq Signers in Congress, HELP Us Get More
It's Time To Draw A Line In The Sand In Iraq NOW IS THE TIME TO RALLY AROUND THE INITIATIVE TO GET OUT OF IRAQ The most remarkable thing about the Petraeus coached testimony on the status of the failed... ...
rudkla - 23. Sep, 17:34
Iraq forever?
The American Prospect by Spencer Ackerman 09/18/07 Having lost the battle over the surge, Democrats in the Senate are back to an incrementalist approach to the war. After Bush endorsed General David... ...
rudkla - 19. Sep, 19:19
Brown faces domestic pressure over 'proxy war'
Gordon Brown faces anger over the deployment of UK troops to Iraq's border with Iran and warnings that the strategy could drag Britain into confrontation with Tehran. http://news.indep endent.co.uk/world/politic s/article2956421.ece Fro m... ...
rudkla - 14. Sep, 06:20
The dispensable man
The American Prospect by Ezra Klein 09/12/07 It’s right there in the name: ‘The Petraeus Report.’ Not ‘The Petraeus Report on Iraq’ or the ‘Military Assessment of the Surge,’ but ‘The Petraeus Report.’... ...
rudkla - 14. Sep, 17:11
The Militarization of North America: Canada's Sovereignty in Jeopardy
By Michel Chossudovsky Canadian jurisdiction over its Northern territories was redefined, following an April 2002 military agreement between Ottawa and Washington. This agreement allows for the deployment... ...
rudkla - 19. Aug, 23:34
Seven US Soldiers Speak Out: The Iraq War As We See It
http://www.commondreams.or g/archive/2007/08/19/3270 -------- Seven Returning Troops: "The War As We Saw It" In The New York Times, seven soldiers write: "Viewed from Iraq at the tail end of a 15-month... ...
rudkla - 19. Aug, 22:58
Shelters Take Many Vets of Iraq, Afghan Wars
Anna Badkhen reports for The Boston Globe: "As more troops return from deployments, social workers and advocates expect the number of the homeless to increase, flooding the nation's veterans' shelters,... ...
rudkla - 8. Aug, 16:23
America's Military Kids Are Latest Collateral Damage
Writing for The Women's Media Center, Stacy Bannerman says, "The children of the troops serving in Iraq are experiencing significant collateral damage at home, according to two staggering new reports on... ...
rudkla - 7. Aug, 09:07
Forcing the Issue: Senate Democrats finally listen to the netroots and refuse to flinch in the face of a Republican filibuster threat
Writing for Truthout, William Rivers Pitt says, "It was just after 2:00 p.m. Monday afternoon when blogger Bob Geiger broke the story. 'Forcing his Republican colleagues to put up or shut up on the notion... ...
rudkla - 18. Jul, 11:56
Congress and Bush Braced for New Iraq Showdown
Stephen Collinson of Agence France-Presse reports that Congress will attempt to gain control of the Iraq war from Bush. The House of Representatives, holding an all-day debate, is expected to vote on a... ...
rudkla - 12. Jul, 17:56