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Die Suche nach »taxpayer« hat 482 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 71 bis 80.
As US Debt Tops $12 Trillion, Obama Calls for Austerity
By Bill Van Auken That the US debt is unsustainable is beyond question. According to the Treasury Department, Washington was compelled to pay $383 billion over the course of the last fiscal year just... ...
rudkla - 22. Nov, 22:35
Geithner, under fire, defends AIG bailout
$4.8 trillion - Interest on U.S. debt Unless lawmakers make big changes, the interest Americans will have to pay to keep the country running over the next decade will reach unheard of levels. http://money.cnn. com/2009/11/19/news/econom y/debt_interest/ 1... ...
rudkla - 19. Nov, 22:40
National Debt Now Tops $12 Trillion
Did Geithner & Co cave in to the banks? The report accuses treasury secretary Tim Geithner - at the time head of the New York branch of the US Federal Reserve - and his colleagues in the federal government... ...
rudkla - 19. Nov, 09:12
The big banks are back
Out of Control DAVID MOBERG inthesetimes.com - The big banks are back, larger than ever, with profits and stock prices soaring and huge bonuses expected-thanks to taxpayers and the federal government.... ...
rudkla - 20. Nov, 09:24
The value of an Obama promise
Obama’s swelling ego Boston Globe by Jeff Jacoby 11/14/09 Presiden t Obama was too busy to attend the celebrations in Germany this week marking the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago. … He said nothing... ...
rudkla - 16. Nov, 11:43
Bank Failure Fells Another "Healthy Bank" Bailout Recipient
Jake Bernstein, ProPublica: "San Francisco-based United Commercial Bank has become the first recipient of TARP bailout money to be shut down by the FDIC. Last year, regulators approved a $299 million taxpayer... ...
rudkla - 10. Nov, 06:13
US Owned by Its Army
By William Pfaff It is possible that the creation of an all-professional American army was the most dangerous decision ever taken by Congress. The nation now confronts a political crisis in which the... ...
rudkla - 9. Nov, 09:17
The Pentagon's Building Boom in Afghanistan Indicates a Long War Ahead
2014 or Bust Nick Turse, TomDispatch.com: "In recent weeks, President Obama has been contemplating the future of US military operations in Afghanistan. He has also been touting the effects of his policies... ...
rudkla - 11. Nov, 09:47
Fannie Mae seeks $15 billion more in government aid
USA Today 11/05/09 Fannie Mae is asking for an additional $15 billion in government aid after posting another big loss in the third quarter as the taxpayer bill from the housing market bust keeps rising.... ...
rudkla - 6. Nov, 10:50
Obama one year later: A legacy of lies and broken promises
OpenMarket.org by Hans Bader 11/03/09 It’s been a year since the president was elected, and he’s already piled up an impressive list of lies and broken promises. The broken promises include his pledge... ...
rudkla - 17. Nov, 11:48