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Die Suche nach »suspect terrorist« hat 223 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
On Torture, the Pressure Builds
By Ray McGovern Until now, Bush has managed to escape blame for his outrageous inactivity before 9/11 because his subordinates - first and foremost, Tenet - have covered up for him. Faustian bargain?... ...
rudkla - 25. Apr, 05:44
The indefinite future of indefinite detention
Reason by Jacob Sullum Barack Obama promises to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by January. But the policy the prison has come to symbolize, indefinite military detention of terrorism... ...
rudkla - 10. Apr, 09:39
Suspected US Drone attack kills five in Pakistan
In a second attack in less than 24 hours, a US drone carried out a missile strike against a suspected Taliban hideout in North Waziristan in NWFP on Thursday killing five militants and injuring four others. http://www.thehin dubusinessline.com/blnus/1 0261620.htm Suspected.. . ...
rudkla - 3. Apr, 09:59
Using the "T" Word
The Baltimore Sun: "Many Americans have long suspected the Bush administration wasn't being completely truthful about the interrogation techniques used to extract information from terrorist suspects captured... ...
rudkla - 18. Mär, 06:27
Prosecuting the Bush Team?
Robert Pallitto, Foreign Policy In Focus: "In the months following September 11, 2001, lawyers in the White House and the Justice Department interpreted US and international law to provide legal support... ...
rudkla - 26. Mär, 22:49
Prisoners Tortured to Death - Terrorist threat “exploited to curb civil liberties”
By Stephen C. Webster The American Civil Liberties Union has released previously classified excerpts of a government report on harsh interrogation techniques used in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo... ...
rudkla - 28. Mai, 09:51
America's Policy on Bombing
Bill Moyers Journal: "On the heels of the American drone attacks on suspected terrorist compounds in Pakistan, Bill Moyers Journal takes a closer look at America's history of, and current policy on, bombing;... ...
rudkla - 30. Jan, 10:22
Guantanamo Bay is tainted by coercion
Arm Your Mind for Liberty by George Donnelly 01/27/09 What Guantanamo fans don’t understand is that the torture, the ‘extraordinary renditions,’ the failure to respect the Geneva Convention and the utter... ...
rudkla - 28. Jan, 09:40
Security Experts Skeptical on Guantanamo Detainee Report
CNN: "Security experts are questioning information released by the Pentagon last week, saying 61 former detainees from its detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, may have returned to terrorist activities.... ...
rudkla - 25. Jan, 22:50
U.S. bombs Pakistan, 18 killed
Two suspected U.S. missile attacks today killed 18 people in Pakistan just east of the Afghan border, the first such strikes since the inauguration of President Barack Obama. http://www.thestar .com/News/World/article/57 6172 Pakistan... ...
rudkla - 25. Jan, 22:15