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Die Suche nach »suicide« hat 260 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 61 bis 70.
Suicide Numbers on Rise With Combat Stress
Alan Gomez, USA Today: "In Maj. Thomas Jarrett’s stress management class, troops are urged not to accept post-traumatic stress disorder as an inevitable consequence of war. Instead, Jarrett tells them... ...
rudkla - 26. Mär, 22:41
Outrage against AIG set to mount
Outrage against American International Group (AIG) is set to grow after the ailing insurance giant said that more than half the taxpayer bailout money it has received has been paid to investment firm Goldman... ...
rudkla - 18. Mär, 09:44
The Brave, Living and Dead
Michael Winship, Truthout: "Alarmed by the increasing rate of suicide, the Army has begun releasing monthly numbers, in addition to the annual reports produced in the past. 2008 was a record high - 128... ...
rudkla - 14. Mär, 17:13
You can’t be a Christian and tolerate torture
AntiWar.Com by Thomas R. Eddlem 03/09/09 How do some so-called Christians justify their very unchristian position in support of torture? ‘These people don’t respect human rights. They behead not only... ...
rudkla - 10. Mär, 10:27
The military’s post-traumatic stress dilemma
Boston Globe by Tyler E. Boudreau 03/09/09 With Army and Marine Corps suicide rates climbing dramatically, surpassing even those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan last month, the nation is increasingly... ...
rudkla - 10. Mär, 09:47
Monsanto's Bt Cotton Kills the Soil as Well as Farmers
ISIS Press Release 23/02/09 Biosafety refers to ensuring that GMO’s do not harm the environment or health. The soil, its fertility, and the organisms which maintain the fertility of soil are a vital... ...
rudkla - 24. Feb, 09:55
Congress Must Face Escalating Military Suicides
Veterans for Peace: Veteran Organization: "Congress Must Face Escalating Military Suicides. Bring the troops home now!" http://www.commondr eams.org/newswire/2009/02/ 12-15 -------- The suicide rush CounterPunch by... ...
rudkla - 16. Feb, 10:40
Relatives of two Gitmo dead sue Pentagon
MSNBC 01/29/09 Families of two Saudi detainees who committed suicide in June 2006 while being held at Guantanamo Bay have sued the Pentagon, alleging Thursday that torture and brutal conditions at the... ...
rudkla - 30. Jan, 11:08
The Human Costs of the Economic Crisis
tomdispatch.com — For months on end, marked by bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions, and layoffs, the economic meltdown has taken a heavy toll on Americans. In response, a range of extreme acts including... ...
rudkla - 29. Jan, 17:25
US Army to report record number of suicides
CNN 01/28/09 The U.S. Army will report Thursday the highest level of suicides among its soldiers since it began tracking the rate 28 years ago, CNN has learned. Statistics obtained by CNN show the Army... ...
rudkla - 6. Feb, 17:19