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Die Suche nach »spychips« hat 10 Resultate geliefert.
Spychips: How RFID will compromise privacy, security, freedom
http://groups.google.de/gr oup/archive_news/t/837e60b 0d9c70030 https://freepa ge.twoday.net/search?q=spy chips http://freepage.twod ay.net/search?q=RFID ...
rudkla - 30. Jan, 06:16
Senate Banking Committee Member Denounces "No-Swipe" Credit Cards
by Katherine Albrecht & Liz McIntyre "No-swipe" or "contactless" credit cards contain RFID microchips that communicate account information silently and invisibly by radio waves. These microchips have... ...
rudkla - 8. Dez, 10:46
Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID
http://www.thepeoplesvoice .org/cgi-bin/blogs/books.p hp/2006/10/21/p11677 ...
rudkla - 21. Okt, 23:13
Privacy Under Attack: The Spychips Story
http://www.theconservative voice.com/article/13283.ht ml Informant: Andrea Ball ...
rudkla - 1. Okt, 18:18
Privacy Has Become an Anachronism
by Geoff Metcalf Liz McIntyre, co-author "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track your Every Move with RFID," said that VeriChip is "a huge threat” to public privacy. "They’ll start... ...
rudkla - 26. Aug, 14:52
Spychips in Passports May be Just the Start
http://tinyurl.com/qhsvd ...
rudkla - 22. Aug, 10:09
Implanted Chips in Our Troops? http://www.newsmax .com/archives/ic/2006/8/21 /232558.shtml Chip the Soldiers http://technocrat .net/d/2006/8/23/7107 Ver iChip wants to test human implantable RFID on military http://www.itnews .com.au/newsstory.aspx?CIa NID=36214&src=site-marq V eriChip... ...
rudkla - 25. Aug, 10:20
Rally in response to the REAL ID Act, federal legislation that mandates standardized driver's licenses for all Americans
Spychips Co-Author Adds Her Voice to "No National ID Movement" by Katherine Albrecht & Liz McIntyre The rally is being organized in response to the REAL ID Act, federal legislation that mandates... ...
rudkla - 14. Jun, 09:53
Spanish Speaking Countries Warned About RFID
by Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a controversial technology that uses tiny microchips to track everyday objects, animals, and even people from a distance.... ...
rudkla - 8. Jun, 10:08
Implant ID chips called big advance, Big Brother
UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Fri Mar 17, 2006 21:31 Govt. Tracking: RFID & NAIS POSTED AT: APFN POGO HTTP://WWW.APFN.NET/POGO. HTM Consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht, joined by activists... ...
rudkla - 18. Mär, 10:21