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Die Suche nach »slaves« hat 35 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Finance 202: How We Became Debt Slaves
(And Learned to Love It) By Gordon Arnaut Right now, the US Congress is holding hearings about bank wrongdoing. It is very entertaining kabuki theatre, but nothing will change. The Goldman chief (thief?)... ...
rudkla - 15. Mai, 05:52
Outing the Fed
The Nation by William Greider 05/10/10 The weirdness of this political system is reflected in the fact that it takes a Socialist senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, and a libertarian Republican from... ...
rudkla - 8. Jun, 10:06
Detainees are not persons
The Libertarian Enterprise by Jim Davidson 12/28/09 The Obama administration coerced the Supreme Court to make the following ruling: anyone the president declares to be an ‘enemy combatant’ who is detained... ...
rudkla - 31. Dez, 10:27
America's Race to the Bottom
By David Michael Green The simple and sad fact is that greedy elites will always use their power to acquire unseemly quantities of wealth, unless one or both of two conditions obtain. The first is that... ...
rudkla - 14. Dez, 10:15
Reality and liberty
The Price of Liberty by Susan Callaway 10/26/09 This is a message sent to a friend who had told me he was continuing to pursue political answers because he had decided that the ideals of liberty and... ...
rudkla - 26. Okt, 08:56
Old Forests, REDD Rage and Earth Revolution
EARTH MEANDERS 2.0 Earth and her humanity need old forests to exist. And all enabling their destruction, including potential carbon markets paying for 'sustainable forest management' in primary forests,... ...
rudkla - 30. Jun, 08:44
How Freedom Was Lost
By Paul Craig Roberts Americans no longer know what freedom is. Historically, the definition of a free person is one who owns his own labor. Serfs and slaves were not free, because they do not own all... ...
rudkla - 7. Apr, 23:01
America’s human traffickers
Examiner by Garry Reed 02/24/09 Why are today’s political plotters so hot for a military draft and mandatory civil servitude? Why are so many of them so eager to turn their once-sovereign fellow citizens... ...
rudkla - 26. Feb, 13:08
A World Enslaved
E. Benjamin Skinner, Foreign Policy: "There are now more slaves on the planet than at any time in human history. True abolition will elude us until we admit the massive scope of the problem, attack it... ...
rudkla - 21. Dez, 23:19
The jobless generations
Adam Smith Institute by Philip Salter 12/03/08 The BBC has a thought provoking article on its website about the depressing lives of a jobless family. Entitled ‘No one in our house works,’ it describes... ...
rudkla - 4. Dez, 09:22