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Die Suche nach »resister« hat 46 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 46.
Globalisierung der Gewaltlosigkeit: Überwindung der Hindernisse
Von Brian Martin In diesem Artikel untersucht Brian Martin einige der Herausforderungen jeder gewaltlosen Bewegung -- oder der Gewaltlosigkeit als Methode/Strategie. Er unterscheidet fünf Bereiche: Sichtbarkeit... ...
rudkla - 26. Mai, 13:59
We Will Not Kill: International Conscientious Objectors Speak Out!
http://us.oneworld.net/art icle/view/132939/1/4536 U nited for Peace and Justice ACTION ALERT * UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE http://www.unitedforpeace. org | 212-868-5545 | We Will Not Kill: International... ...
rudkla - 19. Mai, 09:50
STOP THE BLACK MESA PROJECT! The Fight Over the Water Beneath Black Mesa
Help Keep the Notorious Black Mesa Mine Closed! http://actionnetwo rk.org/campaign/black_mesa -------- Peabody Energy, the world's largest coal company, is draining the aquifer that serves as a primary... ...
rudkla - 1. Feb, 13:53
Demand an Investigation Now!
When Richard Nixon abused power, Congress held a serious, bi-partisan investigation that resulted in articles of impeachment. Strong evidence suggests that George Bush and Dick Cheney launched an illegal... ...
rudkla - 23. Feb, 10:58
Bush May Be Crossing the Rubicon From Republic To Dictatorship
Through the justifications it has put forth for warrentless wiretapping, the Bush administration is almost literally crossing the Rubicon, beginning the process of transforming the United States from a... ...
rudkla - 18. Feb, 11:39
Impeachment Progress: Rewards, Resolutions, Reverends
Democrats.com Offers $1,000 Reward to Any Reporter Who Will Ask Follow-Up Question to Bush At a White House press conference on June 7, 2005, Steve Holland of Reuters asked President Bush and Prime Minister... ...
rudkla - 9. Feb, 11:20