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Die Suche nach »phone record« hat 194 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Ohio Elections Official Calls Machines Flawed
All five voting systems used in Ohio, a state whose electoral votes narrowly swung two elections toward President Bush, have critical flaws that could undermine the integrity of the 2008 general election,... ...
rudkla - 22. Dez, 10:07
Why Audit & Recount Laws Must be Legislated
Connecticut provides a new example of why election audit and recount procedures need to be legislated. Connecticut races that are to be recounted are exempt by law from manual audits. Yet the CT Secretary... ...
rudkla - 4. Dez, 17:39
Why the telecoms shouldn’t get immunity
The American Prospect by Robert B. Reich 12/03/07 You’d think anyone who remembered J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and Nixon’s CIA, the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 — let alone the Fourth Amendment... ...
rudkla - 4. Dez, 11:28
So They're Fond of Condemnations Are They?
If They Want A Condemnation We'll Give Them One Once in a rare while a member of Congress will speak the plain truth without equivocation. Action Page: http://www.usalone.com/con demnation.php And... ...
rudkla - 21. Okt, 08:45
Pentagon acted with little oversight in spying on Americans, documents show
The Department of Defense has conspired with the FBI to "circumvent the law" in accessing hundreds of Americans' telephone, e-mail and financial records, say two civil liberties groups that released reams... ...
rudkla - 17. Okt, 10:47
Verizon Says It Turned Over Data Without Court Orders
Ellen Nakashima reports for The Washington Post, "Verizon Communications, the nation's second-largest telecom company, told congressional investigators that it has provided customers' telephone records... ...
rudkla - 16. Okt, 17:35
The National Election Data Archive Files a Federal Complaint against Utah's Chief Election Official
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: by the National Election Data Archive Park City, Utah October 2, 2007 The National Election Data Archive Files a Federal Complaint against Utah's Chief Election Official, Saying... ...
rudkla - 3. Okt, 11:32
17th Amendment Federal Right to Elections
I just discovered that the 17th Amendment provides a Federal Right to Elections for the US Senate. See http://caselaw.lp.findlaw. com/data/constitution/amen dment17/ The 17th Amendment says: Clause... ...
rudkla - 29. Sep, 22:47
House Rules Cmte Holds up Election Reform
The House Rules Committee is still holding up "The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007" (HR811). More groups join those supporting HR811. According to Common Cause today: "For nearly... ...
rudkla - 20. Sep, 12:14
FBI’s phone record demands cast wide net
San Francisco Chronicle 09/09/07 The FBI cast a much wider net in its terrorism investigations than it has previously acknowledged by relying on telecommunications companies to analyze phone calls of... ...
rudkla - 11. Sep, 11:40