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Die Suche nach »phone record« hat 194 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
NSA quietly expands domestic spying program
"According to current and former intelligence officials, the spy agency now monitors huge volumes of records of domestic emails and Internet searches as well as bank transfers, credit-card transactions,... ...
rudkla - 10. Mär, 23:21
The telco regulator is appealing the Information Commissioner's decision that the public has the right to know where cellphone masts are located
This message is to remind you that you can use 'Freedom of Information' or 'Information Commissioner's' resources to find out information about cell phone antennas and other antennas in your area. When... ...
rudkla - 7. Mär, 17:56
Critique of the Verified Voting McCarthy/NJ Election Audits
NEW! Unfortunately, New Jersey has adopted incorrect, inefficient vote count audit methods being recommended by Verified Voting, The Brennan Center, and The American Statistical Association. Read this... ...
rudkla - 21. Feb, 14:02
Our Help is needed now to provide paper ballots in November 2008
PLEASE FORWARD: Subject: Our Help is needed now to get HR5036 out of the House Admin Cmte Everyone, We basically need the House Administration Committee to expeditiously take some action to move... ...
rudkla - 2. Feb, 09:50
Harbin residents petition cell tower
By Elizabeth Wilson--Record-Bee staff Article Last Updated: 01/25/2008 09:02:55 PM PST LAKE COUNTY -- A decision was made to deny a Jan. 10 appeal filed with the Lake County Planning Commission that would... ...
rudkla - 26. Jan, 08:37
Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections in 2008 bill, HR5036
Urge your U.S. Representative now to vote "YES" for the Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections Bill, HR5036. http://www.house.gov HR5036 is scheduled as a suspension bill that cannot be amended. Its... ...
rudkla - 24. Jan, 11:11
NBC Rewrites its Own Rules to Prevent America from Hearing Kucinich
http://www.alternet.org/bl ogs/peek/73530/ The article about Kucinich is very important to seen how the American public does not even get the chance to see all of the candiates in the election. Dorothee ----- --- Urgent... ...
rudkla - 13. Jan, 13:54
New Jersey Passes Groundbreaking Election Reform Legislation
Great News. New Jersey is the first state whose legislature has passed a scientifically-minded vote count auditing bill. As Fritz Scheuren, President of the American Statistical Association states,... ...
rudkla - 10. Jan, 16:23
New Hampshire Recount a "Criminal Enterprise"
Vote Fraud Expert Warns Of New Hampshire Chicanery http://www.priso nplanet.com/articles/janua ry2008/010808_vote_fraud.h tm -------- Silvestro the cat & the New Hampshire election A YouTube video... ...
rudkla - 29. Jan, 08:56
Cell tower plans jammed
Richmond Hill is a town located a few kilometers north of Toronto. Recently residents discovered plans for two large antenna masts to be located in their community, close to many homes. Dedicated volunteers... ...
rudkla - 10. Mai, 06:04