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Die Suche nach »islamic terror« hat 90 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Bombing Islamic sites an option
Republican presidential hopeful Tom Tancredo says the best way he can think of to deter a nuclear terrorist attack on the US is to threaten to retaliate by bombing Islamic holy sites. http://www.thenews .com.pk/top_story_detail.a sp?Id=9382 From... ...
rudkla - 4. Aug, 09:41
Will Bush invade Pakistan?
AntiWar.Com by Justin Raimondo Congress is finally going to defund a repressive and increasingly unpopular U.S.-backed government that is currently engaged in a losing conflict with Islamic radicals and... ...
rudkla - 23. Jul, 22:55
US role in Islamist terrorism
Independent Institute by Ivan Eland 07/02/07 When U.S. government officials and foreign policy pundits discuss terrorism, they usually focus on the characteristics, personnel, history, tactics, targets,... ...
rudkla - 3. Jul, 11:54
Still playing with fire: Evidence points to US complicity in terror plot
Again and again, the U.S. has used Islamic groups and militants to advance their strategic interests around the globe, and on several occasions these same individuals have attacked and killed innocent... ...
rudkla - 8. Jun, 09:32
Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran
U.S. troops detain four insurgents smuggling Iranian weapons in Baghdad The detainees are believed to be members of a "secret cell terrorist network known for facilitating the transport of weapons and... ...
rudkla - 26. Apr, 06:24
Before War, CIA Warned of Negative Outcomes
On August 13, 2002, the CIA completed a classified, six-page intelligence analysis that described the worst scenarios that could arise after a US-led removal of Saddam Hussein: anarchy and territorial... ...
rudkla - 3. Jun, 23:11
Paul has terrorism “reading list” for Giuliani
USA Today 05/24/07 ‘Longshot Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul on Thursday gave front-runner Rudy Giuliani a list of foreign-policy books to back up his contention that attacks by Islamic militants... ...
rudkla - 25. Mai, 13:50
Assessments Made in 2003 Foretold Situation in Iraq
Two intelligence assessments from January 2003 predicted that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and subsequent US occupation of Iraq could lead to internal violence and provide a boost to Islamic extremists... ...
rudkla - 21. Mai, 17:35
Assessments Made in 2003 Foretold Situation in Iraq
By Walter Pincus Two intelligence assessments from January 2003 predicted that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and subsequent U.S. occupation of Iraq could lead to internal violence and provide a boost... ...
rudkla - 21. Mai, 10:55
US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran
America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme. http://snipurl .com/1awh3 From Information... ...
rudkla - 27. Mär, 11:54