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Die Suche nach »interrogation« hat 483 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Report Details Alleged CIA Abuses
Greg Miller, The Los Angeles Times: "The CIA staged a mock execution and brandished weapons, including a gun and a power drill, during interrogation sessions with detainees, according to a long-secret... ...
rudkla - 25. Aug, 14:21
Report Reveals CIA Conducted Mock Executions
Mark Hosenball and Michael Isikoff, Newsweek: "A long-suppressed report by the Central Intelligence Agency's inspector general to be released next week reveals that CIA interrogators staged mock executions... ...
rudkla - 24. Aug, 08:37
Torture Has Probably Killed More Americans Than 9/11
By Patrick Cockburn A US major reveals the inside story of military interrogation in Iraq. http://www.informati onclearinghouse.info/artic le23302.htm The Brainwashed By William Pfaff Little mainstream... ...
rudkla - 20. Aug, 09:18
Canada Court Says its Officials Knew US Abused Detainee
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2009/08/14-10 -------- Former boy soldier, youngest Guantanamo detainee, heads toward military tribunal Khadr is drawing the Obama administration into a fierce... ...
rudkla - 13. Mai, 23:19
Criminal investigation into CIA treatment of detainees expected
U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. is poised to appoint a criminal prosecutor to investigate alleged CIA abuses committed during the interrogation of terrorism suspects, current and former U.S. government... ...
rudkla - 9. Aug, 22:59
Former Top Navy Psychologist Involved in Prisoner Abuse Case
Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout: "A well-known spokesman for ethical interrogations by psychologists in national security settings was himself accused in 2001 of unethical behavior for his part in the interrogation... ...
rudkla - 6. Aug, 14:14
Guantanamo Bay: the Inside Story
Naomi Wolf, The Times UK: "Six months ago this week President Obama, on his second day in office, promised to close the Guantanamo detention camp within a year, and to undo the secretive and coercive detention... ...
rudkla - 31. Jul, 23:27
Lawmaker Won't Deny Secret CIA Program Was 'Cheney Assassination Ring'
By David Edwards and Ron Brynaert When the committee was informed by Director Panetta, everyone was stunned across the board, Republicans and Democrats. As well as we should be in terms of having something... ...
rudkla - 14. Jul, 10:41
Top CIA Officials Appear Before Jury Over Destruction of al-Qaida Tapes
Chris McGreal, The Guardian UK: "Senior Central Intelligence Agency officials, including the London station chief, have been brought before a grand jury in Virginia investigating the potentially illegal... ...
rudkla - 4. Jul, 05:36
Yoo, Rumsfeld and the Systematic Torture of Prisoners
Jason Leopold, Truthout: "On January 17, 2003, Mary Walker, the Air Force general counsel, received an urgent memo from the Pentagon's top attorney. Attached to the classified document was a set of directives... ...
rudkla - 1. Jul, 22:46