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Die Suche nach »immigrant workers« hat 30 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Immigration and Naturalization
http://www.lewrockwell.com /boldin/boldin13.1.html - ------- Lessons From the Past: Arizona, Immigration and Ethnic Studies Derek Chang, Truthout: "In a little less than two weeks, my son's fourth-grade... ...
rudkla - 15. Mai, 05:55
Not just Arizona
Information Clearinghouse by Bill Quigley 05/01/10 While people protest the terrible Arizona state law that uses local law enforcement to target immigrants, the federal government is expanding its efforts... ...
rudkla - 8. Mai, 06:00
Health care workers protest mandatory H1N1 flu shots
USA Today 09/29/09 Several hundred health-care workers, civil libertarians and members of anti-vaccine groups on Tuesday railed against a mandate that medical professionals get seasonal and swine-flu... ...
rudkla - 18. Okt, 16:28
Racist police state raids in America
Freedom's Phoenix by Stephen Lendman 09/26/09 A recent New York City Cardozo School of Law Immigration Justice Clinic (IJC) study titled ‘Constitution on Ice: A Report on Immigration Home Raid Operations’... ...
rudkla - 29. Sep, 11:02
Establish a new Immigration Policy based on Human Rights
This May Day David Bacon, Truthout: "In a little over a month, hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions, of people will fill the streets in city after city, town after town, across the US. This year... ...
rudkla - 27. Mär, 23:34
U.S. Military Preparing for Domestic Disturbances
A new report from the U.S. Army War College discusses the use of American troops to quell civil unrest brought about by a worsening economic crisis. http://www.newsma x.com/headlines/military_d omestic_use/2008/12/23/164 765.html... ...
rudkla - 25. Dez, 10:17
"We Are Workers, Not Criminals"
David Bacon writes for Truthout, "Millions of people have come to this country to work, not to break its laws. Some have come with visas, and others without them. But they are all contributors to the society... ...
rudkla - 2. Mai, 09:46
Advancing Workers' Rights
Pat Eiding and Ellen Slack for The Philadelphia Daily News write about the historic significance of December as the month that the UN General Assembly adopted in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human... ...
rudkla - 22. Dez, 22:16
How Fake Job Ads Defraud Americans To Secure Green Cards For Immigrants
Video See what Bush and Congress really mean by a "shortage of skilled U.S. workers." Microsoft, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, and thousands of other companies are running fake ads in Sunday newspapers across... ...
rudkla - 22. Jun, 10:07
Immigrants Used to Justify a Homeland Security Police State
By Peter Phillips Threats of terrorism and twelve million “illegal” immigrants are being used to justify new police-state measures in the United States. Coordinated mass arrests, big brother spy blimps,... ...
rudkla - 21. Apr, 14:04