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Die Suche nach »i-sis.org.uk« hat 136 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 61 bis 70.
Has genetic engineering created a new epidemic?
ISIS Press Release 28/04/08 Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? Preliminary findings suggest a link between Morgellons Disease and Agrobacterium, a soil bacterium extensively manipulated... ...
rudkla - 28. Apr, 17:07
Study Based on Farmers’ Experience Exposes Risks of GM Crops
ISIS Press Release 24/04/08 The first study of its kind in North America, possibly in the world, shows how the risks of GM technology outweigh the benefits especially in the longer term. Dr. Mae-Wan... ...
rudkla - 24. Apr, 22:07
GM Failures Continue
ISIS Press Release 16/04/08 The GM industry has been ailing at least as far back as 2005, but kept alive by an aggressive campaign of disinformation. GM Watch ( http://www.gmwatch.org ) brings you the... ...
rudkla - 16. Apr, 15:02
Let the World Learn from North American Farmers' Experience with GMOs
Prof. E. Ann Clark reviews the real scientific surveys that contradict every claim made by British academics regarding the benefits of GM crops in their government-funded ‘study’ I cannot fathom how... ...
rudkla - 11. Apr, 12:17
USDA FONSI for Transgenic Poplars Absurd and Dangerous
ISIS Press Release 07/03/08 Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho expose cavalier risk assessment that ignores existing evidence and takes absence of evidence as evidence of absence A fully referenced... ...
rudkla - 7. Mär, 17:26
BT Allergy in North India Crying Out for Attention
As follow up to your articles More Illnesses Linked to Bt Crops, and Mass Deaths in Sheep Grazing on Bt Cotton (SiS 30) describing health problems associated with genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton in... ...
rudkla - 6. Mär, 17:56
Letter in Support of Poland’s GMO Free Status
http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Po landsGMOfreeStatus.php ...
rudkla - 15. Feb, 00:00
Support French Scientist Telling the Truth About GMOs
When ISIS organised its briefing at European Parliament in June 2007 (Scientists and MEPs for a GM free Europe, SiS 35), we already knew that one of our scientist speakers, Dr. Irina Ermakova, had had... ...
rudkla - 12. Feb, 17:47
BT Allergy in North India Crying Out for Attention
ISIS Press Release 28/01/08 Dr. Sudhir Kumar Kaura’s impassioned plea As follow up to your articles More Illnesses Linked to Bt Crops, and Mass Deaths in Sheep Grazing on Bt Cotton (SiS 30) describing... ...
rudkla - 28. Jan, 17:08
Saving the World with Biodynamic Farming
http://www.i-sis.org.uk/bi odynamicFarming.php htt p://freepage.twoday.net/se arch?q=i-sis.org ...
rudkla - 17. Jan, 00:40