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Die Suche nach »housing bubble« hat 82 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Low-Income Renters to Pay for Housing Bailout
Dean Baker writes for Truthout: "Just to remind everyone of where things stand, Congress was wrestling with the situation of several million low- and moderate-income families, who are facing foreclosures... ...
rudkla - 19. Mai, 22:15
Big Government Responsible for Housing Bubble
http://www.lewrockwell.com /paul/paul458.html http ://freepage.twoday.net/sea rch?q=Big+Government http: //freepage.twoday.net/sear ch?q=housing https://freepa ge.twoday.net/search?q=Ron +Paul http://freepage.twod ay.net/search?q=com/paul ...
rudkla - 13. Mai, 08:29
Did the fed cause the housing bubble?
Ludwig von Mises Institute by Robert P. Murphy 04/14/08 One of the few positive developments from the housing bubble is that many mainstream economists have recognized the pernicious role played by the... ...
rudkla - 15. Apr, 10:59
U.S. housing collapse spreads overseas
The collapse of the housing bubble in the United States is mutating into a global phenomenon, with real estate prices down from the Irish countryside and the Spanish coast to Baltic seaports and even in... ...
rudkla - 15. Apr, 10:26
Sanctity of Contracts: Mortgages and Credit Cards
Writing for Truthout, Dean Baker examines the housing crisis: "Momentum is building in Washington for a large-scale housing bailout. It is virtually certain something will happen. The big questions are... ...
rudkla - 14. Apr, 22:49
The War and the Recession
Dean Baker, writing for Truthout, says: "Naturally, people are looking for an explanation for the cause of the recession, and many have turned to the Iraq War. This view is wrong. The war is a drain on... ...
rudkla - 10. Mär, 22:49
The subprime crisis in historical perspective
Competitive Enterprise Institute by Matthew Glans and Eli Lehrer 01/07/08 In recent weeks, it has become difficult to avoid news media warnings of economic calamity stemming from the subprime housing... ...
rudkla - 9. Jan, 12:00
Ron Paul Was Right About the Housing Bubble
http://www.baltimoresun.co m/news/opinion/oped/bal-op .fannie04jan04,0,1654729.s tory Informant: Lew Rockwell https://freepag e.twoday.net/search?q=Ron+ Paul http://freepage.twoda y.net/search?q=housing ...
rudkla - 5. Jan, 09:09
The real estate market is in free-fall and the real trouble hasn't even begun yet
Saint Joe and the Impending Global Financial Crisis By Mike Whitney The wreckage in the housing market just keeps piling up. Sales of existing homes in October dipped 23.5% from last year. Prices on... ...
rudkla - 7. Dez, 09:28
Housing Slump's Third Year to Be `Deepest' Since WWII
Total new home sales peaked in July 2005 and have declined for 19 of the last 28 months through October, according to Commerce Department data. http://snipurl.com/ 1uhk9 Who got rich off the mortgage... ...
rudkla - 2. Dez, 09:26