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Die Suche nach »fighting terrorism« hat 54 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 54.
By Carl Bernstein Vanity Fair April 17, 2006 http://www.vanityfair.co m/commentary/content/artic les/060417roco03 In this VF.com exclusive, a Watergate veteran and Vanity Fair contributor calls for bipartisan... ...
rudkla - 19. Apr, 11:35
Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism
Meet The Carlyle Group Mon Apr 17, 2006 15:57 Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism Meet The Carlyle Group #1 http://www.apfn.net/audio/ carlyle_groupA.MP3... ...
rudkla - 18. Apr, 10:27
The American Caesar
Ralph Nader In the name of fighting stateless terrorism, George W. Bush is looming as the American Caesar running roughshod over the civil liberties of the American people who have turned against him... ...
rudkla - 13. Apr, 16:12
Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry - GOP senators add heat on spying
February 8th, 2006 11:07 am By Eric Lichtblau / New York Times WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 — A House Republican whose subcommittee oversees the National Security Agency broke ranks with the White House on Tuesday... ...
rudkla - 9. Feb, 13:45