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Die Suche nach »fighting terrorism« hat 54 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Bush's False Choice on Iraq
The Los Angeles Times argues that the deliberate repetition of a shameless canard just before an election does not contribute to this thoughtful debate. Indeed, Bush's formulation could lead to a false... ...
rudkla - 12. Okt, 16:27
End blame game and start fighting terror
Christian Science Monitor by Mansoor Ijaz 10/03/06 The terrorism blame game being played by America's leaders in recent weeks goes beyond political sport. It is polarizing the country in the worst possible... ...
rudkla - 4. Okt, 14:54
What is victory?
AntiWar.Com by Thomas Gale Moore 09/07/06 The president has often contended that we must continue the fight until we have achieved victory in the war on terror. However, since we are fighting insurgents,... ...
rudkla - 7. Sep, 14:14
Fighting terror five years later
Fox News by Radley Balko 09/04/06 The fatal flaw in the 'war on terror' has always been its open-endedness. The president of the United States is never going to sit down on a battleship to sign a peace... ...
rudkla - 6. Sep, 14:39
The War Bush Isn't Fighting
"When unsmiling agents at the airport take away your contact lens solution, your toothpaste, and your cologne or after-shave, remember Osama bin Laden. Remember the real war on terrorism that the Bush... ...
rudkla - 11. Aug, 22:41
Muslims fight extradition to US
Guardian [UK] 07/11/06 Lawyers for two British Muslims fighting extradition to the US on terrorism charges claimed yesterday that the men risked being sent to Guantanamo Bay or a third country by 'extraordinary... ...
rudkla - 12. Jul, 15:21
Cheney Assails Press on Report on Bank Data
Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday vigorously defended a secret program that examines banking records of Americans and others in a vast international database, and harshly criticized the news media for... ...
rudkla - 25. Jun, 09:26
ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/sta cey/pnum320.php This week Congress is taking up campaign propaganda masquerading as a debate on Iraq. The House measure put forward without opportunity for amendment,... ...
rudkla - 16. Jun, 13:49
Indonesia to Rumsfeld: Let Nations Decide How to Fight Terrorism
Indonesia warned US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld that Washington risked triggering a backlash if it tried to force its approach to fighting terrorism on the rest of the world. http://www.truthou t.org/docs_2006/060606T.sh tml ...
rudkla - 7. Jun, 11:58
The right discovers Bush's 'honesty': Conservatives are finally getting a taste of his misleading rhetoric
The right discovers Bush's 'honesty' http://www.latimes.com/n ews/opinion/la-oe-chait21m ay21,1,7775844.column?coll =la-util-op-ed Jonathan Chait: The right discovers Bush's 'honesty' Conservatives are... ...
rudkla - 23. Mai, 19:52