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Die Suche nach »federal prison« hat 174 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Judge puts hold on detainee cases at US base
MSNBC 06/01/09 A federal judge on Monday put a hold on his groundbreaking order allowing detainees at a U.S. air base in Afghanistan access to U.S. courts until an appeals court can rule on the case... ...
rudkla - 2. Jun, 08:55
ACLU: Court Rules In Favor Of Transparency In Guantánamo Cases
http://www.commondreams.or g/newswire/2009/06/01-3 - ------- Judge: Gitmo legal documents must be public MSNBC 06/01/09 A federal judge ordered the United States on Monday to publicly reveal unclassified... ...
rudkla - 2. Jun, 08:49
Did White House O.K. Earliest Detainee Abuse?
Ari Shapiro, National Public Radio: "It is clear that increasingly abusive interrogation techniques were used on Abu Zubaydah, the first high-value detainee, in the months between his capture and the first... ...
rudkla - 22. Okt, 10:36
Leahy invites Bybee to testify on torture memos
Washington Post 04/29/09 Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick J. Leahy today invited federal judge Jay S. Bybee to testify about his role in preparing two Justice Department memos that allowed interrogators... ...
rudkla - 30. Apr, 09:56
Democrats Urge Torture Probe by Special Counsel
Larry Margasak, The Associated Press: "Congressional Democrats turned up the pressure on the Obama administration Tuesday to start a criminal investigation by a special counsel into harsh interrogations... ...
rudkla - 29. Apr, 17:49
Appeals panel denies “state secrets” privilege
New Orleans Times-Picayune 04/28/09 Five men who claim to have been kidnapped and tortured at the direction of CIA agents are entitled to their day in court to expose alleged U.S. government abuse of... ...
rudkla - 29. Apr, 11:07
The Bush administration used torture to generate a false justification for the Iraq war
The tortured Iraq-al-Qaida connection The Bush administration used torture, not to defuse ticking time bombs, but to generate a false justification for the Iraq war. http://snipurl.com/g n7kv The... ...
rudkla - 25. Apr, 06:04
Bush Memos Parallel Claim 9/11 "Mastermind's" Children Were Tortured With Insects
By John Byrne Bush Administration memos released by the White House on Thursday provide new insight into claims that American agents used insects to torture the young children of alleged 9/11 mastermind... ...
rudkla - 14. Nov, 09:13
U.S. Wiretaps Exceeded Law
Polish reporters claim CIA jail evidence Polish journalists claim they have uncovered new evidence that Poland allegedly leased a military base to the United States for a clandestine CIA prison. http://snipurl.co m/g1b26 Obama... ...
rudkla - 16. Apr, 22:58
Bank bailouts: Necessary? Effective?
Fox News 04/14/09 Call it bailout remorse. With economic signs beginning to point upward and banks returning federal rescue funds, analysts are now debating whether the government’s $700 billion bailout... ...
rudkla - 15. Apr, 17:13