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Die Suche nach »fake TV News« hat 8 Resultate geliefert.
Obama and the Empire
By Bill and Kathleen Christison There are indeed forces in both the United States and Israel that want a clash of civilizations and are definitely not against further wars, and these forces are powerful.... ...
rudkla - 24. Mär, 08:36
"Hostile" Iranian Ships Hyped: US plays up murky naval confrontation with Iran in Strait of Hormuz
http://www.prisonplanet.co m/articles/january2008/070 108_iranian_ships.htm --- ----- Iranian Boats 'Provoke' US Navy Ships in Hormuz http://www.commondr eams.org/archive/2008/01/0 7/6223/ -------- US plays... ...
rudkla - 10. Jan, 15:41
New VNR Catches Prove the Fake TV News Problem Continues
http://www.commondreams.or g/news2007/1011-04.htm https://freepage.twoday.net /search?q=fake+TV+News ...
rudkla - 12. Okt, 11:43
Fake news is everywhere, including your local TV news station
Still Not Necessarily The News Fake news is everywhere, including your local TV news station. Film at 11! http://ga3.org/ct/6720 pgF1mzyx/ -------- Probe of Non-News News Sought http://www.commondr eams.org/headlines06/1115- 07.htm ...
rudkla - 16. Nov, 11:21
Was The Apollo Moon Landing Fake?
http://groups.google.de/gr oup/freepage-news/t/64de0c 46fbfa1dc3?hl=en DARK SIDE OF THE MOON http://www.thelast outpost.com/site/1362/defa ult.aspx http://tinyurl.co m/2tveey http://www.apfn.o rg/APFN/MOON.HTM Source:. .. ...
rudkla - 21. Feb, 09:41
TV Stations Airing Fake News
http://www.commondreams.or g/news2006/1113-10.htm ...
rudkla - 14. Nov, 10:30
Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV'
http://news.independent.co .uk/world/americas/article 621189.ece Informant: Hopedance ...
rudkla - 30. Mai, 09:21
The propaganda we pass off as news around the world
A British government-funded fake TV news service allows mild criticism of the US - all the better to support it. http://www.informationcl earinghouse.info/article11 937.htm ...
rudkla - 16. Feb, 11:36