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Die Suche nach »execution« hat 142 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
Stop the Execution of Reggie Clemons in Missouri
http://www.kintera.org/TR. asp?a=doLJLVNrH4LBJXJ&s=bu JTI8MLIdLRIcPSIqF&m=9sLKIZ NEI9JLLbJ https://freepa ge.twoday.net/search?q=Amn esty+International ...
rudkla - 15. Mai, 09:26
State-Sponsored Assassinations Are Back in Open Style
http://www.lewrockwell.com /spl2/state-sponsored-assa ssinations.html 'Mysterie s of Policy': Officially Sanctioned Murder http://www.lewrockw ell.com/grigg/grigg-w144.h tml -------- Death squads in Afghanistan CounterPunch by... ...
rudkla - 13. Mai, 10:24
Civilian Deaths a 'Daily Worry' as Drones Hum above Pakistan
http://act.commondreams.or g/go/119?akid=13.124981.te L3YC&t=12 Obama Legal Adviser Koh Says US Drone Attacks Justified http://act.commo ndreams.org/go/121?akid=13 .124981.teL3YC&t=16 ----- --- U.S.... ...
rudkla - 8. Apr, 11:08
Geithner and Bernanke's Possibly Criminal Roles
The Video That Will Put Geithner Behind Bars By Mike Whitney You gotta see this! If this doesn't convince you that the Timothy Geithner knew about the securities shenanigans that were going on at Lehman,... ...
rudkla - 18. Apr, 23:26
The Assassinations of Americans
Video Congressman Ron Paul speaks on the floor about assassinations of Americans by their own government. http://www.in formationclearinghouse.inf o/article24911.htm Obam a Authorizes Murder of US Citizen Muslim... ...
rudkla - 11. Mai, 06:17
Corruption in Washington is Smothering America's Future
By Johann Hari This week, a disaster hit the United States, and the after-tremors will be shaking and breaking global politics for years. http://www.informa tionclearinghouse.info/art icle24533.htm Corporati ons... ...
rudkla - 12. Feb, 08:40
Report On Obama Administration's Civil Liberties Record
Center for Biological Diversity Report Card Gives Obama Administration a "C" on Endangered Species, Climate, Energy, Public Lands and Oceans During First Year in Office http://www.commondr eams.org/newswire/2010/01/ 19-18 ACLU... ...
rudkla - 20. Jan, 05:09
Dirty Truths About Iraq
Nick Mottern, Truthout: "It's probably safe to say that most Americans think the US military involvement in Iraq is coming to an end this year - that the Iraq War is effectively over. There are, however,... ...
rudkla - 13. Jan, 00:08
US attacks in Pakistan kill people
Chasing Shadows In Pakistan By Iftekhar A Khan The hawks of the military industrial complex and national security advisers who war-game with public lives and resources in alien lands dictate US policies.... ...
rudkla - 2. Jan, 06:08
Blistering Indictment Leveled Against Obama Over His Handling of Bush-Era War Crimes
Jason Leopold, Truthout: "Obama has substituted words for action on issues surrounding torture since his first days in office nearly one year ago. That’s the point the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)... ...
rudkla - 13. Dez, 00:29