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Die Suche nach »drought« hat 98 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Millions Face Hunger From Climate Change
Warming temperatures could result in food shortages for 130 million people by 2050 and threaten to cause drought and higher seas in Australia and New Zealand by 2030, according to a UN report released... ...
rudkla - 11. Apr, 00:23
U.N. finds threats from climate change quickly heating up
Global warming is a rapidly advancing threat to human life, according to the authors of a major, comprehensive United Nations report released yesterday in Brussels. http://snipurl. com/1fv3x Scientists... ...
rudkla - 10. Apr, 13:10
It's Not Just Climate Change That is killing the Earth and your children's future
Earth Meanders by Dr. Glen Barry http://earthmeanders .blogspot.com/ April 7, 2007 Climate change is the collapse of the global atmospheric system's processes and patterns and represents a massive environmental... ...
rudkla - 8. Apr, 08:51
World's Scientists: Global Warming Could Wipe Out 1/4 of All Species
http://www.commondreams.or g/news2007/0406-02.htm -- ------ In a First, Security Council to Discuss Climate Change Threat The UN Security Council will discuss potential threats to international security... ...
rudkla - 7. Apr, 11:26
An Arid West No Longer Waits for Rain
A Western drought that began in 1999 has continued after the respite of a couple of wet years that now feel like a cruel tease. But this time people in the driest states are not just scanning the skies... ...
rudkla - 6. Apr, 11:00
Poor Nations to Bear Brunt as World Warms
The world's richest countries, which have contributed by far the most to the atmospheric changes linked to global warming, are already spending billions of dollars to limit their own risks from its worst... ...
rudkla - 1. Apr, 22:40
Retreating Himalayan Icefields Threatening Drought In Bangladesh
Already farmers who used to grow rice have turned to farming prawns because the water in their fields has turned so salty nothing will grow there. http://news.indepe ndent.co.uk/environment/cl imate_change/article240171 5.ece From... ...
rudkla - 1. Apr, 09:26
Australian Farmers Told to Leave Dry South
Severe droughts and global warming are forcing Australia to consider opening up one of the world's last untouched agricultural frontiers. http://www.tru thout.org/issues_06/032607 EB.shtml ...
rudkla - 27. Mär, 11:18
Climate Report Warns of Drought, Disease
The harmful effects of global warming on daily life are already showing up, and within a couple of decades hundreds of millions of people won't have enough water, top scientists will say next month at... ...
rudkla - 13. Mär, 11:40
Draft of new international climate report warns of droughts, starvation, disease
http://www.iht.com/article s/ap/2007/03/10/america/NA -GEN-US-Climate-Report.php Informant: binstock ...
rudkla - 11. Mär, 16:18