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Die Suche nach »bases« hat 273 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 1 bis 10.
US 'Secret War' Expands Globally as Special Operations Forces Take larger Role
http://act.commondreams.or g/go/890?akid=74.124981.LB dvuZ&t=8 -------- Army Plans $100 Million Special Ops HQ in Afghanistan All around Afghanistan, from Kandahar Airfield to the Bagram jail,... ...
rudkla - 5. Jun, 22:42
Rüstungsgeschäft: Waffenmeister Deutschland
„Deutschland ist im Rüstungsgeschäft endgültig in die Reihe der Großhändler aufgestiegen: Seit Beginn des Jahrzehnts haben sich die deutschen Waffenexporte fast verdoppelt, der Anteil am globalen Handel... ...
rudkla - 21. Mär, 05:18
America, the Fragile Empire
Our Own Greek Tragedy http://list.lewroc kwell.com/t/1846753/127591 98/113288/0/ America, the Fragile Empire http://www.lewrockw ell.com/orig11/ferguson-n1 .html Big Government Leads to Civil Unrest http://www.lewrockw ell.com/spl2/greece-braces -for-violent-modernization .html -------- Has... ...
rudkla - 4. Mai, 06:06
Next-up News Nr 1277
- Antennes relais : Jugement d'Appel (Arrêt) sans précédent de la Cour Administrative contre l' l'État et l'entreprise des Postes et télécommunications "Principe de Précaution en référence et portes ouvertes... ...
rudkla - 27. Feb, 08:23
How could China hit back at U.S.?
China suspends military ties with US China suspends military exchanges with the US and threatens to impose sanctions on US arms companies over a Washington decision to sell weapons to Taiwan. http://www.presst v.com/detail.aspx?id=11744 2§ionid=351020404... ...
rudkla - 3. Feb, 10:14
America's Secret Afghan Prisons
In its attempt to stamp out the growing Taliban insurgency and Al Qaeda, the US military has been arresting suspects and sending them to one of a number of secret detention areas on military bases, often... ...
rudkla - 10. Feb, 23:18
Bases, Missiles, Wars: U.S. Consolidates Global Military Network
http://www.lewrockwell.com /orig10/rozoff7.1.1.html http://freepage.twoday.n et/search?q=global+militar y http://freepage.twoday.n et/search?q=military+base https://freepage.twoday.net /search?q=rozoff ...
rudkla - 28. Jan, 08:59
The 2010 Census: Beware the State’s Assault on Privacy
http://www.lewrockwell.com /barnett/barnett15.1.html None of Your Business! http://www.lewro ckwell.com/paul/paul192.ht ml The Census and Despotism http://www.lewro ckwell.com/rockwell/census .html The Census... ...
rudkla - 22. Mai, 06:22
Why Obama Must Take On Wall Street
http://www.commondreams.or g/view/2010/01/15-9 ----- --- Obama’s Bank Tax Is Chump Change http://www.lewrockw ell.com/celente/celente22. 1.html -------- The Battle for the American Soul is Over By... ...
rudkla - 25. Jan, 09:05
U.S. quietly takes terror war to Yemen
MSNBC 12/27/09 In the midst of two unfinished major wars, the United States has quietly opened a third, largely covert front against Al Qaeda in Yemen. A year ago, the Central Intelligence Agency sent... ...
rudkla - 28. Jan, 22:36