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Die Suche nach »al-Qaida« hat 144 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 61 bis 70.
CIA Destroyed Two Tapes Showing Interrogations
Mark Mazzetti reports for The New York Times, "The Central Intelligence Agency in 2005 destroyed at least two videotapes documenting the interrogation of two Qaeda operatives in the agency's custody, a... ...
rudkla - 9. Dez, 22:52
Secret CIA Jail on British Island to Be Investigated
Ian Cobain and Richard Norton-Taylor report for The Guardian UK: "Allegations that the CIA held al-Qaida suspects for interrogation at a secret prison on sovereign British territory are to be investigated... ...
rudkla - 19. Okt, 16:53
Iraq: Nine children dead in US raid
Biloxi Sun Herald 10/11/07 A U.S. attack killed 19 insurgents and 15 civilians, including nine children, northwest of the capital Thursday — one of the heaviest civilian death tolls in an American operation... ...
rudkla - 12. Okt, 15:28
Anti-Bush protesters arrested near UN
Yahoo! News 09/25/07 About a dozen war protesters were arrested Tuesday morning during a peaceful demonstration against President Bush’s speech before the U.N. General Assembly. They were among about... ...
rudkla - 26. Sep, 14:45
SPD kritisiert Schäuble wegen Warnung vor "Nuklearterrorismus"
Der Streit um die Terrorabwehr hat zum offenen Krach in der großen Koalition geführt. Die SPD kritisierte am 20. September im Bundestag gemeinsam mit der Opposition in scharfer Form die Warnungen von Bundesinnenminister... ...
rudkla - 23. Sep, 08:54
Key US Ally Killed in Iraq
The Associated Press reports, "The most prominent figure in a U.S.-backed revolt of Sunni sheiks against al-Qaida in Iraq was killed Thursday by a bomb planted near his home in Anbar province, 10 days... ...
rudkla - 14. Sep, 13:52
Top ten reasons for a new 9/11 investigation
Strike the Root by Glenn Allport 09/11/07 Six years ago, on September 11, 2001, America’s staggeringly expensive defense system failed catastrophically. Four airliners were hijacked and then used as... ...
rudkla - 12. Sep, 14:55
Guantanamo detainees tell of abuses
Chillicothe Gazette 09/11/07 Detaine es flinging body waste at guards. Guards interrupting detainees at prayer. Interrogators withholding medicine. Hostility and tension between inmates and their keepers... ...
rudkla - 12. Sep, 14:28
CIA Missed Chances to Tackle al-Qaida
The CIA's top leaders failed to use their available powers, never developed a comprehensive plan to stop al-Qaida and missed crucial opportunities to thwart two hijackers in the run-up to Sept. 11, the... ...
rudkla - 22. Aug, 17:45
Pakistan 10 killed: Musharraf chides Americans
President Pervez Musharraf said yesterday that discussion of U.S. military strikes against al-Qaida in Pakistan only hurts the fight against terrorism. Meanwhile, 10 people were killed as his troops bombarded... ...
rudkla - 9. Aug, 12:04