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Die Suche nach »S-CHIP« hat 7 Resultate geliefert.
Democrats Tweak SCHIP in Effort to Override Veto
Jeffrey Young, Jackie Kucinich and Jonathan E. Kaplan, reporting for The Hill, write, "After tinkering with their bill, House Democrats believe they have made the necessary concessions to attract a veto-proof... ...
rudkla - 25. Okt, 22:58
The real war on children
Orange County Register by Mark Steyn 10/20/07 http://ti nyurl.com/2bsfpx Informa nt: Thomas L. Knapp http://freepage.t woday.net/search?q=S-CHIP https://freepage.twoday.net /search?q=healthcare ...
rudkla - 24. Okt, 17:28
Bush’s last resort
The American Prospect by Amanda Terkel 10/23/07 There was no shortage of chest-thumping last week at the White House. When House conservatives voted to sustain President Bush’s veto of the State Children’s... ...
rudkla - 24. Okt, 17:20
Is it time for Democrats to start panicking?
The American Prospect by Terence Samuel 10/19/07 They can’t stop the war or override the president’s veto on S-CHIP. Harry Reid is less popular in his home state of Nevada than the president is in the... ...
rudkla - 22. Okt, 17:33
The New York Times: Putting Poor Children Second
The editors of The New York Times write: "President Bush’s justification for vetoing a bill to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, or S-chip, is that he wants to 'put poor children first'... ...
rudkla - 18. Okt, 22:38
This Veto Will Not Be Quiet by Bill Scher The White House tries to "quietly" veto health insurance for kids. http://ga3.org/ct/Lp 20pgF1qEaP/ -------- S-C HIP will be election issue Miami Herald 10/03/07 Presiden t... ...
rudkla - 6. Okt, 08:37
Einladungsschreiben Mobilfunk-Infoveranstaltung vom 24.01.07 in Rheinstetten bei Karlsruhe
Einladung zur Mobilfunk-Infoveranstaltun g am Mittwoch, den 24.01.2007 (19,30 Uhr), Gymnasium Rheinstetten bei Karlsruhe, Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Oberbürgermeister Dietz, Rheinstetten Keine Technologie... ...
rudkla - 14. Jan, 19:20