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Die Suche nach »Polar bears« hat 68 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Man's footprint on ecosystem of Earth 'too heavy to be sustained'
October 24, 2006 A WWF study says that we have been living beyond the environment's means for two decades By Lewis Smith http://www.timesonline.c o.uk/article/0,,3-2418083, 00.html THE Earth’s natural... ...
rudkla - 24. Okt, 18:25
Oil-Slick PR Campaign
Polar bear and cubOil drilling is a dirty business -- and so is the PR machine behind it. While polar bears starve as critical ice pack shrinks, ExxonMobil is spending millions to fund front groups that... ...
rudkla - 7. Okt, 14:43
Big Oil doesn't care about polar bears: Revoke ExxonMobile's Permission to Kill Polar Bears
Petition Target: Mr. John Bridges, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. On September 20, the Fish and Wildlife service gave ExxonMobile the right to kill polar bears as part of their drilling/oil exploration... ...
rudkla - 18. Okt, 00:09
Bear Petitions
A message from NANCY Original Message Revoke Exxon Mobil's Permission to Kill Polar Bears http://www.thepetiti onsite.com/takeaction/9906 44527 End Bear Hunting http://www.thepeti tionsite.com/takeaction/85 0630917 Protect... ...
rudkla - 23. Mär, 18:38
Happening Before Our Eyes: An Ice-Free Arctic
Now You Can Watch, Too, at a New 'Blow-by-Blow' Site. By BILL BLAKEMORE and CLAYTON SANDELL http://abcnews.go.com/Te chnology/GlobalWarming/sto ry?id=2399066&page=1 An Ice-Free Arctic ... Happening... ...
rudkla - 17. Nov, 22:48
Polar bears, beluga whales, seals sick from toxics
Growing evidence shows that harmful chemicals are already affecting the health of many Arctic animals, such as polar bears, beluga whales, seals and seabirds, according to a new WWF report. http://www.sonnenseite.c om/index.php?pageID=80&new s:oid=n5488 ...
rudkla - 25. Jun, 09:03
Polar bear plight worsens as toxins reach the Arctic
By Lewis Smith, Environment Reporter http://www.timesonline.co. uk/article/0,,3-2226227,00 .html POLAR bears and other Arctic animals are being poisoned in their thousands by man-made chemicals, the wildlife... ...
rudkla - 17. Jun, 16:26
Arrogant threats against Mother Nature
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 By JOEL CONNELLY P-I COLUMNIST The political architect of Alaska's "Bridges to Nowhere," and other drains on the U.S. Treasury, is vowing retaliation against colleagues who... ...
rudkla - 25. Mai, 13:21
Urgent Petitions for our furry friends
A message from Lyn Original Message: Urgent Petitions!! Pls Be Sure You've Signed & Cross Post!! It'll only take a min and you'll be making a world of difference! -Thanks! Laurel Canyon Dog Park http://www.thepetitio nsite.com/takeaction/71825 0538 Qualified... ...
rudkla - 3. Mai, 10:08
By Jeffrey Kluger With reporting by Greg Fulton / Atlanta Dan Cray / Los Angeles Rita Healy / Denver Eric Roston / Washington David Bjerklie, Andrea Dorfman / New York Andrea Gerlin / London Time Magazine... ...
rudkla - 28. Mär, 00:23