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Die Suche nach »Luther King« hat 60 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 21 bis 30.
Martin Luther King: Vor 40 Jahren ermordet
Am 4. April 1968 fiel der US-amerikanische Bürgerrechtler Martin Luther King in Memphis / Tennessee einem Attentat zum Opfer. http://sonnenseite.kjm4. de/ref.php?id=d8741683375m s94 http://freepage.two day.net/search?q=Martin+Lu ther+King ...
rudkla - 6. Apr, 08:11
Dr Martin Luther King: A Demanding Legacy
By Mike Marqusee The memory of Martin Luther King has been reduced from a difficult firebrand to a simplistic hero. http://www.informat ionclearinghouse.info/arti cle19674.htm Preventing the Rise of... ...
rudkla - 7. Apr, 06:02
Why were all the great Americans killed?
http://www.brasschecktv.co m/page/294.html https:// freepage.twoday.net/search ?q=Martin+Luther+King ...
rudkla - 31. Mär, 10:47
Shipyard Workers Organize to Stop 21st Century Slavery
According to Workdayminnesota.org, "More than 100 workers, carrying signs reading "I Am A Man," walked off the job at a Mississippi shipyard last week to protest conditions of slavery. Their struggle for... ...
rudkla - 13. Mär, 11:13
Dr. King's Prophetic Call to Conscience and Action Today
By Marian Wright Edelman With the economy slipping into recession and more than 160,000 American fighting men and women in Iraq combat zones and no end to the war in sight, these are trying times for... ...
rudkla - 1. Apr, 10:43
Take a Stand, Tomorrow May Be Too Late
http://groups.google.de/gr oup/freepage-news/t/e2d15b 7474aab880?hl=en -------- CODEPINK: Nat'l Peace Groups Call for Mass Tax Revolt to Honor MLK's Legacy of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience http://www.c ommondreams.org/news2008/0 121-10.htm https://freep age.twoday.net/search?q=Co dePink http://freepage.two day.net/search?q=Martin+Lu ther+King http://freepage. twoday.net/search?q=civil+ disobedience ...
rudkla - 21. Jan, 22:58
Martin Luther King: Speaking against the war
http://www.brasschecktv.co m/page/265.html -------- 40 Years Later, (The Late) Martin Luther King Still Silenced http://www.common dreams.org/archive/2008/04 /04/8090/ -------- It's Not the Dream Dr.... ...
rudkla - 4. Apr, 23:04
It Was The Hope Of The World
By Mark A. Goldman Their handiwork has left behind a multitude of dead bodies, still uncounted. The murdered, the dispossessed, the mind-damaged, and the broken-bodied suffering souls remind us that... ...
rudkla - 20. Jan, 23:52
Jena Six Case Raises Questions of Bias in US Justice
http://www.commondreams.or g/archive/2007/09/21/3994/ -------- The Jena Six http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=YuoiZnr4jLY T he Jena 6 taken from michaelmoore.com Informa nt: Cal -------- Judge Denies... ...
rudkla - 27. Sep, 18:00
Congressman John Conyers Betrays the American People
http://www.commondreams.or g/archive/2007/07/24/2719 John Conyers Is No Martin Luther King http://www.commondrea ms.org/archive/2007/07/24/ 2736 http://freepage.tw oday.net/search?q=Conyers https://freepage.twoday.net /search?q=Medea+Benjamin h ttp://freepage.twoday.net/ search?q=Ray+McGovern ...
rudkla - 25. Jul, 14:34