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Die Suche nach »Kerry« hat 98 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 61 bis 70.
Mast campaign bombshell as planners give go-ahead
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 By: Alan Healy DESPITE ministerial intervention and a prolonged campaign by a close-knit community, a controversial mobile phone mast planned for Glenbeigh has been given... ...
rudkla - 9. Aug, 23:07
We, the majority of Americans, want this war ended
Let the resounding defeat of Senator Joe Lieberman send a cold shiver down the spine of every Democrat who supported the invasion of Iraq and who continues to support, in any way, this senseless, immoral,... ...
rudkla - 9. Aug, 09:21
John Kerry: "Troops Being Sent Into Crossfire of Escalating Civil War"
Senator John Kerry, during a speech on the floor of the United States Senate, said: "Mr. President, this is more than an important period, this may well be the moment that decides the security of the Middle... ...
rudkla - 4. Aug, 16:33
GAO Report Confirms Key 2004 Stolen Election Findings
From: Al palmbeach411 Why was there a media blackout concerning GAO report???? G A O (Government Accounting Office) Admits Computer Voting Terminals RIGGED. A report released by the GAO October of 2005... ...
rudkla - 4. Aug, 12:11
Comcast Runs ImpeachPAC Ad
Today Comcast - the nation's largest cable company - announced they would broadcast ImpeachPAC's TV ad criticizing Joe Lieberman in advance of Tuesday's primary in Connecticut. There is one simple reason... ...
rudkla - 4. Aug, 10:29
Villiers' phone mast planning refusal wins local approval
Sun, 23/07/06 by Mary Earls AN APPLICATION to erect a telecommunications mast on the roof of Villier’s Secondary School has been turned down by Limerick City Council recently. Hutchison 3G Ireland... ...
rudkla - 24. Jul, 09:55
Kerry, Feingold, Biden Speak Out on Iraq
Senate Democrats, including several prospective presidential candidates, charged Thursday that the Bush administration's optimistic assessments on Iraq are not borne out by events on the ground. http://www.trutho ut.org/docs_2006/071406H.s html ...
rudkla - 14. Jul, 22:18
Iraq, insoluble
The American Prospect by Robert Kuttner 07/10/06 Ridicul ing the feckless Democrats for their fragmentation on the Iraq War is an easy spectator sport. On the lonely left advocating withdrawal is Senator... ...
rudkla - 11. Jul, 15:51
I am sending you the below for posting. Best, Imelda, Cork IRISH EXAMINER, THURSDAY, 06.07.2006 "FARMERS CONTINUE BLOCKADE AGAINST ESB LINE by Eoin English Defiant landowners vowed last night... ...
rudkla - 6. Jul, 14:22
Kerry and Feingold Form Alliance on Iraq
Senators John Kerry and Russ Feingold joined forces last week to push a proposal that would have required troops to leave Iraq by July of next year. And they may soon have something else in common: both... ...
rudkla - 28. Jun, 23:03