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Die Suche nach »Iraqi refugees« hat 66 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Child Refugees from Iraq Require Targeted Assistance in Host Countries
As violence in Iraq continues to add to the largest refugee crisis in the Middle East in half a century, World Vision has launched a combined advocacy and relief effort to assist children and families... ...
rudkla - 14. Apr, 11:28
Time to Acknowledge and Address the Displacement Crisis
The humanitarian and displacement crisis in Iraq is growing in intensity and gravity. The UN estimates that more than two million Iraqis are now refugees in neighboring countries and more than 1.9 million... ...
rudkla - 4. Apr, 14:17
Struggles with Influx of Iraqi Refugees
Few European countries are offering much refuge, with one exception: Sweden. http://www.npr.org/templ ates/story/story.php?story Id=7695224&ft=1&f=3 From Information Clearing House http://freepage.t woday.net/search?q=Iraqi+r efugees ...
rudkla - 7. Mär, 15:00
1 in 8 Iraqis flee their homes
The UN high commissioner for refugees said on Sunday that one in eight Iraqis had been forced from their homes because of the bloodshed raging across the country, and warned that the numbers could only... ...
rudkla - 6. Mär, 12:20
Exodus of Iraq’s ancient minorities
Independent [UK] by Patrick Cockburn 02/26/07 Iraq’s minorities, some of the oldest communities in the world, are being driven from the country by a wave of violence against them because they are identified... ...
rudkla - 26. Feb, 15:00
Iraqi War Refugees: Millions of Iraqis Flee The Violence
The United Nations is warning that the violence in Iraq is leading to a disastrous refugee crisis in the Middle East. Out of a population of 26 million, nearly two million Iraqis are internally displaced... ...
rudkla - 24. Feb, 09:30
What the Bush Administration Owes Iraq's Refugees
Finally acknowledging the momentous crisis of Iraqi refugees in the Middle East, the US government has announced it will accept 7,000 Iraqi refugees in the coming year. There are an estimated 750,000 Iraqis... ...
rudkla - 19. Feb, 18:10
Iraqis abandon homes in new refugee exodus
Independent [UK] 02/01/07 Iraq is experiencing the biggest exodus in the Middle East since Palestinians were forced to flee in 1948 upon the creation of Israel. ‘We were forced to leave our house six... ...
rudkla - 1. Feb, 15:46
Leave Iraq or Face Nightmare Scenario
Rupert Cornwell writes, "The US must draw up plans to deal with an all-out Iraqi civil war that would kill hundreds of thousands, create millions of refugees, and could spill over into a regional catastrophe,... ...
rudkla - 30. Jan, 16:02
Follow Pelosi or Follower Pelosi?
By David Swanson Larry Everest made an interesting comment on a panel we did in Memphis last weekend. He said that if Nancy Pelosi, who claims her top priority is ending the war and who claims to support... ...
rudkla - 18. Jan, 17:59