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Die Suche nach »International Monetary Fund« hat 50 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 31 bis 40.
IMF Says World Economy Heading for `Major Downturn'
Global growth is headed for a "major downturn'' next year, as U.S. gross domestic product grinds close to a halt, the International Monetary Fund said in a staff report prepared for a Group of Seven meeting... ...
rudkla - 8. Okt, 14:17
Black Monday? House Rejects $700 Billion Rescue Plan
House Rejects $700 Billion Rescue Plan 29/09/08 The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue package, ignoring urgent pleas from President Bush and bipartisan... ...
rudkla - 2. Okt, 08:41
The Shrinking Influence of the US Federal Reserve
By Gabor Steingart in Washington Humiliation for Mr. Dollar: Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Bank, faces a general investigation by the International Monetary Fund. Just... ...
rudkla - 2. Jul, 06:20
IMF says US economy is set to 'stagnate'
The US economy is likely to "stagnate" in the second half of this year, the International Monetary Fund warned on Friday, as stock markets in the US and Europe fell to their lowest levels since March and... ...
rudkla - 1. Jul, 08:07
With gasoline prices headed toward $5 a gallon, more than half the population become marooned in the suburbs
Oil change The Nation by Nicholas von Hoffman 06/09/08 With gasoline prices headed toward $5 a gallon, more than half the population has, in a matter of a year, become marooned in the suburbs. The economics... ...
rudkla - 11. Jun, 12:08
From the Credit Crunch to the Spectre of Global Crisis
By Chris Harman The easiest explanation for the crisis is to blame the bankers. The crisis "follows a well-trodden path laid down by centuries of financial folly", says Ken Rogoff, former chief economist... ...
rudkla - 14. Mai, 05:58
Food Riots Erupt Worldwide
Anuradha Mittal writes for AlterNet, "Over the last few decades, the United States, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have used their leverage to impose devastating policies on developing... ...
rudkla - 8. Mai, 09:12
USA 2008: The Great Depression
David Usborne, The Independent UK, reports: "We knew things were bad on Wall Street, but on Main Street it may be worse. Startling official statistics show that as a new economic recession stalks the United... ...
rudkla - 10. Apr, 09:50
U.S. slump spreading around the globe, IMF warns
Financial turbulence is carrying the U.S. slump to the rest of the world, and now the global economy is in the midst of a serious slowdown, the International Monetary Fund said yesterday http://snipurl. com/1ymkn... ...
rudkla - 31. Jan, 00:44
IMF Head in Shock Fiscal Warning
By Chris Giles and Gillian Tett in Davos The intensifying credit crunch is so severe that lower interest rates alone will not be enough "to get out of the turmoil we are in", Dominique Strauss-Kahn,... ...
rudkla - 29. Jan, 09:17