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Die Suche nach »Hedge Funds« hat 53 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 41 bis 50.
Gilded Age Crime: Poor Go Homeless, Wealthy Get Bailouts
The Hill by Brent Budowsky 08/17/07 It is good that today the Fed cut the prime by 50 points, but it is bad, and terribly wrong and unjust, that in the last week the Fed has essentially used Americans’... ...
rudkla - 20. Aug, 10:47
Workouts, Not Bailouts
Paul Krugman writes for The New York Times: "Many on Wall Street are clamoring for a bailout - for Fannie Mae or the Federal Reserve or someone to step in and buy mortgage-backed securities from troubled... ...
rudkla - 17. Aug, 22:48
Welfare as We Know It Now
Dean Baker writes for Truthout: "With the Fed lowering interest rates and Fannie and Freddie buying up their junk bonds, the hedge fund managers may be able to make it through the housing market crash... ...
rudkla - 13. Aug, 22:19
Bank freezes funds, markets plummet on sub-prime fears
USA Today 08/10/07 For investors, the only thing worse than bad news is uncertainty, and thanks to a French bank’s decision to freeze $2.2 billion in funds Thursday, uncertainty rocked the markets and... ...
rudkla - 13. Aug, 12:20
U.S. Stocks Tumble on Credit Concerns; Banks, Brokers Retreat
"The fear is feeding on itself,'' said Jeffrey Kleintop, who helps oversee more than $173 billion as chief market strategist at LPL Financial Services in Boston. "It's what you don't know that seems to... ...
rudkla - 10. Aug, 12:20
Hedge Funds May Pose a Risk to US Economy
Kevin G. Hall and Robert A. Rankin report for McClatchy Newspapers: "Wild mood swings on Wall Street are nothing new, but the recent quaking in financial markets has a worrisome new wrinkle: It's being... ...
rudkla - 9. Aug, 23:51
Stock Market Meltdown
It's a Bloodbath. That's the only way to describe it. By Mike Whitney On Friday the Dow Jones took a 280 point nosedive on fears that that losses in the subprime market will spill over into the broader... ...
rudkla - 21. Mär, 11:21
Hedging disaster
The American Prospect by Robert Kuttner 04/30/07 This past week, even jaded observers of Wall Street were startled to learn that last year’s top hedge fund manager, James Simons of Renaissance Technologies,... ...
rudkla - 1. Mai, 17:54
Who's Keeping an Eye on High-Stakes Hedge Funds?
London's Cayman Islands: The Empire of the Hedge Funds http://www.globalres earch.ca/index.php?context =viewArticle&code=FRE20070 311&articleId=5045 Infor mant: Neo Mulder -------- Who's Keeping... ...
rudkla - 13. Apr, 14:45
Echoes of 1929?
Intellectual Conservative by Thomas E. Brewton 03/06/07 A great many economic conditions, as well as the structure of the financial markets, are different from those of the 1920s. Not all of the differences,... ...
rudkla - 6. Mär, 15:50